Active Member
alot of people said going into the slums (favela's) was a mistake. but honestly, i made friends with a couple guys that lived there and they were always with me, but honestly i still never had any problems. maybe its because im dark complected with dark hair, i dont know, maybe they thought i was local. i always just wore jeans and a tee out there. But, yeah i've been to rio just sight seeing, and had an awesome time. i also spent a couple weekends on isla bella...View attachment 1310670 probably one of the most beautiful places i've ever been. I was in Brazil for work in Jundiai, but my 2nd trip i had more time off and go to see alot of places. The smoke i found was actually decent, it was all pressed but ok...and the hash was definitely comparable to some of the better that ive had here in the states.
That's true about the hash, it's not bad here, but the weed is just bad man, well in my experience ofcourse. I have had the odd good batch come through (in pressed form, little bricks) and have also bought some nugs aswell. But no where near as accessible as the normal brick stuff.
I have been through a small favela, and have friends that have been through bigger ones, and nothing really happened. I guess it's more like, the probability of you getting assaulted goes up massively hahaha. I don't want to sound like an asshole, but those guy's that you made friends with would have sold you out in a second! That's the problem. No trust.
It's good that nothing happened with you though, where is that Isla Bella by the way?? It looks familiar.
oh and do they still have "sexy time" on tv late at night? that shit cracked me up.
Hahahaha yeha man on the channel "Multishow" it's awesome, and all homegrown too, seriously brazil has it all, huge natural resources deposit's, fucking hot women, beautiful beaches, and cheap beer! Just the weed that is lacking. I'm hoping to better that though