The Battle Of The Bouncing Tits...

Well I was the clear winner by 2 years, battle is over. Not because I technically beat him and lost to widow maker even though his never bounced. It was jpeg not gif. So I guess technically I won. Then potroast took it away from all of us and said its inappropriate lol. Ya. Comparing to what exactly? Oh well. It was a nice 3 years of offending nobody then just randomly having to remove it. Life goes on.
Dear Kodank Moment (a.k.a boucing titties)

Your desired fruits will be ready upon arrival, should you require company during your flight. I will have a special fruit sent along with you just to get you warmed up!
I'm afraid you will have to supply the Marijuana as this is one fruit that is not in abundance here, I appologise profusely and hope that this does not deter you from your travel plans.

P.S. A pistol is deffinately required (have you seen what is going on in Rio at the moment?!? Fucking madness, look it up maybe before leaving hahaha)


A lot of girls do give up the hiney, it's because in the older day's it was the most commonly known way to not have babies, so many girls in today's society still grow up thinking that anal is cool and it will eliminate any risk of getting pregnant, cool huh?!

Not all of 'em are so keen though, hehehe

And all this time I thought Rio 2016 was gonna be a drag. Starting to see the appeal.