the best led lighting to grow

[QUOTE = "Budzbuddha, publicación: 16695888, miembro: 898869"]
INCORRECTO …. Las plantas tienen 2 pigmentos que utilizarán verde / verde-amarillo aunque en un grado mucho menor . Tanto el fitocromo como el criptocromo lo utilizan para la floración, la fotosíntesis y otros procesos de las plantas …… .. La luz blanca se compone de rojo, azul Y VERDE.

Buen intento aunque
¿Sabes por qué las tiendas de cultivo venden bombillas de luz verde? usarlos en los cultivos en las horas oscuras en la etapa de floración, y ¿sabes por qué las plantas no están estresadas? porque no tiene ningún efecto. No tiene ningún efecto sobre la etapa de floración. Eres parte del grupo de negacionistas que creen en los engaños de los chinos, jajajaja, lo mejor es aprender, luego puedes hablar.
2) The professional LED is also giving us a starting flow of active PPF of 2.6 umol / j, but if we acquire lamp models that can lower the power, we can achieve active PPF flows of up to 3.5 umol / j. It is a real outrage, something impossible for a Chinese lamp.
In addition, the professional lamp has a useful life of between 70,000 and 100,000 hours of useful life, that is a useful life 200% higher than Chinese lamps.
View attachment 5045861
3) Finally, although professional lamps have many more qualities that surpass Chinese lamps.
The quality that makes it superior to any Chinese lamp is its origin, the professional lamp that I use is of European manufacture, drivers manufactured in the EU, Osram led from Germany, PCB manufactured and SMD mounted in Spain, heatsinks manufactured in Spain.
The components are of the highest quality and the carbon footprint is minimal since there is no contamination by the highly polluting transport of the goods.
Not even the heatsinks are anodized so as not to use polluting products, totally reusable lamps.
I hope you liked my theory, I leave you a sample of the results of my lamps, cannabis 100% consistent with the environment. Greetings.View attachment 5045868View attachment 5045872View attachment 5045873

If I ever grow weed that looks like this, fire my ass
[QUOTE = "Budzbuddha, publicación: 16695888, miembro: 898869"]
INCORRECTO …. Las plantas tienen 2 pigmentos que utilizarán verde / verde-amarillo aunque en un grado mucho menor . Tanto el fitocromo como el criptocromo lo utilizan para la floración, la fotosíntesis y otros procesos de las plantas …… .. La luz blanca se compone de rojo, azul Y VERDE.

Buen intento aunque
¿Sabes por qué las tiendas de cultivo venden bombillas de luz verde? usarlos en los cultivos en las horas oscuras en la etapa de floración, y ¿sabes por qué las plantas no están estresadas? porque no tiene ningún efecto. No tiene ningún efecto sobre la etapa de floración. Eres parte del grupo de negacionistas que creen en los engaños de los chinos, jajajaja, lo mejor es aprender, luego puedes hablar.

The flower pic looks burnt to a crisp, not sure how that bolsters your lighting opinions.

Green light is indeed used for photosynthesis. The reason green lights don't disrupt the dark cycle is that red light triggers the plant to wake up.
Guys, don't waste your time with this new member, I know him from others spanish forums. His nickname is Fran_con_nata. He is a seller and was banned in long time ago for selling without paying advertising and shitting on other companies to sell 1212s and PRBs. Actually iirc, the plants in those pictures were grown under PRBs.
A total liar and am pretty sure that this new magical light is his new product.
Guys, don't waste your time with this new member, I know him from others spanish forums. His nickname is Fran_con_nata. He is a seller and was banned in long time ago for selling without paying advertising and shitting on other companies to sell 1212s and PRBs. Actually iirc, the plants in those pictures were grown under PRBs.
A total liar and am pretty sure that this new magical light is his new product.

He is pretty funny to watch babble on though
isn't there someone on here that posts gorillas lurking on pics like this?

2) The professional LED is also giving us a starting flow of active PPF of 2.6 umol / j, but if we acquire lamp models that can lower the power, we can achieve active PPF flows of up to 3.5 umol / j. It is a real outrage, something impossible for a Chinese lamp.
In addition, the professional lamp has a useful life of between 70,000 and 100,000 hours of useful life, that is a useful life 200% higher than Chinese lamps.
View attachment 5045861
3) Finally, although professional lamps have many more qualities that surpass Chinese lamps.
The quality that makes it superior to any Chinese lamp is its origin, the professional lamp that I use is of European manufacture, drivers manufactured in the EU, Osram led from Germany, PCB manufactured and SMD mounted in Spain, heatsinks manufactured in Spain.
The components are of the highest quality and the carbon footprint is minimal since there is no contamination by the highly polluting transport of the goods.
Not even the heatsinks are anodized so as not to use polluting products, totally reusable lamps.
I hope you liked my theory, I leave you a sample of the results of my lamps, cannabis 100% consistent with the environment. Greetings.View attachment 5045868View attachment 5045872View attachment 5045873

kudos if that's for hempcrete.
2) The professional LED is also giving us a starting flow of active PPF of 2.6 umol / j, but if we acquire lamp models that can lower the power, we can achieve active PPF flows of up to 3.5 umol / j. It is a real outrage, something impossible for a Chinese lamp.
In addition, the professional lamp has a useful life of between 70,000 and 100,000 hours of useful life, that is a useful life 200% higher than Chinese lamps.
View attachment 5045861
3) Finally, although professional lamps have many more qualities that surpass Chinese lamps.
The quality that makes it superior to any Chinese lamp is its origin, the professional lamp that I use is of European manufacture, drivers manufactured in the EU, Osram led from Germany, PCB manufactured and SMD mounted in Spain, heatsinks manufactured in Spain.
The components are of the highest quality and the carbon footprint is minimal since there is no contamination by the highly polluting transport of the goods.
Not even the heatsinks are anodized so as not to use polluting products, totally reusable lamps.
I hope you liked my theory, I leave you a sample of the results of my lamps, cannabis 100% consistent with the environment. Greetings.View attachment 5045868View attachment 5045872View attachment 5045873
My crappy Chinese 301H would piss all over that mess.
[QUOTE = "Budzbuddha, publicación: 16695888, miembro: 898869"]
INCORRECTO …. Las plantas tienen 2 pigmentos que utilizarán verde / verde-amarillo aunque en un grado mucho menor . Tanto el fitocromo como el criptocromo lo utilizan para la floración, la fotosíntesis y otros procesos de las plantas …… .. La luz blanca se compone de rojo, azul Y VERDE.

Buen intento aunque
¿Sabes por qué las tiendas de cultivo venden bombillas de luz verde? usarlos en los cultivos en las horas oscuras en la etapa de floración, y ¿sabes por qué las plantas no están estresadas? porque no tiene ningún efecto. No tiene ningún efecto sobre la etapa de floración. Eres parte del grupo de negacionistas que creen en los engaños de los chinos, jajajaja, lo mejor es aprender, luego puedes hablar.

[QUOTE = "Budzbuddha, publicación: 16695888, miembro: 898869"]
INCORRECTO …. Las plantas tienen 2 pigmentos que utilizarán verde / verde-amarillo aunque en un grado mucho menor . Tanto el fitocromo como el criptocromo lo utilizan para la floración, la fotosíntesis y otros procesos de las plantas …… .. La luz blanca se compone de rojo, azul Y VERDE.

Buen intento aunque
¿Sabes por qué las tiendas de cultivo venden bombillas de luz verde? usarlos en los cultivos en las horas oscuras en la etapa de floración, y ¿sabes por qué las plantas no están estresadas? porque no tiene ningún efecto. No tiene ningún efecto sobre la etapa de floración. Eres parte del grupo de negacionistas que creen en los engaños de los chinos, jajajaja, lo mejor es aprender, luego puedes hablar.
That is a bit wrong, amigo mio. First of all: argueing that these green bulbs are sold and that proves something is a fallacy. Growshop doesnt care about plantphysiology, they care about sales and will happily sell bottled unicorn piss if youre happy to buy it.
Second: it seems like you believe green and yellows have no effect on the plant. This is a missconception based around some chlorophyll studies on dead algae: not very representative of a live growing cannabis plant. Its rather ironic you say the rest here have bought into rubbish china claims; its these algae studies (coupled with that wayback when the red and blue diodes where the most efficient) that made people buy into this claim of only red and blue light. Youre the one quoting bro science here im afraid. The relevant science on this was done by macree; he studied the photosynthesis of actual live plants, using their CO2 production as a measure of photosynthesis. The findings where compiled into an actionspectrum: a measure of how photosyntheticly active each color of the spectrum is. Macree actionspectrum:

As you see both green and yellow make the plant photosynthesize, yellow being almost as active as red/orange.

In the sense of green not affecting PSI / PSII switching, which control the circadian rhythm of the plant; you are correct, this is done between reds and far reds. But green will still build plant, and also have a photomorphogenic response.
[QUOTE = "Sinfor, publicación: 16696284, miembro: 982101"]
Estoy completamente de acuerdo.

20 de mayo de 2018
View attachment 5046148
I'm totally agree.

May 20 2018
View attachment 5046148
Cannabiscafe is a page wrapped in much controversy, for years many users have spoken in other forums that after posting their photos of their plants, they stole their crops or sent them to the police, there are hundreds of people on pages like "Forocoches" who They corroborate it, mysteriously after they blocked their account on the cannabiscafe page, it also seems like a poor quality lighting market, as long as you do some follow-up with any lighting other than the ones they sell, such as CXB or Citizen 1212 or Epistar, they end up blocking you. It is the worst of the cannabis world. Rather, you seem like an illegal seller of led lighting dead with envy, but a company that invests in R&D and launches a lamp on the market, in addition to paying taxes, brings news, so if you have nothing better to say, sir, envious, go cry to your kakakafé with your crying friends, hahahaha
That is a bit wrong, amigo mio. First of all: argueing that these green bulbs are sold and that proves something is a fallacy. Growshop doesnt care about plantphysiology, they care about sales and will happily sell bottled unicorn piss if youre happy to buy it.
Second: it seems like you believe green and yellows have no effect on the plant. This is a missconception based around some chlorophyll studies on dead algae: not very representative of a live growing cannabis plant. Its rather ironic you say the rest here have bought into rubbish china claims; its these algae studies (coupled with that wayback when the red and blue diodes where the most efficient) that made people buy into this claim of only red and blue light. Youre the one quoting bro science here im afraid. The relevant science on this was done by macree; he studied the photosynthesis of actual live plants, using their CO2 production as a measure of photosynthesis. The findings where compiled into an actionspectrum: a measure of how photosyntheticly active each color of the spectrum is. Macree actionspectrum:
View attachment 5046301

Como puede ver, tanto el verde como el amarillo hacen que la planta realice la fotosíntesis, siendo el amarillo casi tan activo como el rojo / naranja.

En el sentido de que el verde no afecta la conmutación PSI / PSII, que controla el ritmo circadiano de la planta; tienes razón, esto se hace entre rojos y rojos lejanos. Pero el verde seguirá construyendo plantas y también tendrá una respuesta fotomorfogénica.
está incluyendo toda la vida vegetal para justificar su argumento, la planta de cannabis tiene una absorción cero en el rango de luz verde y casi cero en amarillo, los cuentos son más dulces si le venden una iluminación de mala calidad a un precio muy bajo. Jajajaja. IMG_20181125_102348.jpg