the best led lighting to grow

yes, it is what it is.
accoridng to bugbee the green light is reflected and bounced and therefore reaching regions red cant.
its a factor for "penetration".
sure, its not taken the most efficient way and bounced back and forth it wont get more, but its been taken.
as far i can see the op is also stating that yellow is tn taken well and thats simply not right as its been taken very well.
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Well I stand corrected. However I do think that SMT is the more common reference to components mounted on the surface of a PCB board.

As far as the lighting equipment they're trying to promote as non-Chinese, there's Chinese parts.
both terms can be used, np, while SMD is more widely used, basically youre speaking of THD or SMD components, am sure about that ;).
for assembly SMT makes a little more sense and its common, but as the componets are more dominant in our thinking, it all becomes SMD.
sorry for the nitpicking, ill stop.

your view on where the components are made is absolute true.
i havent looked it up but i think Osram recently joined their LED section with some Asian, wasnt it everlight?
just some more food for your theorie.
not blaming Osram, theyre of great quality and their reds and whites are really good.
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[QUOTE = "Budzbuddha, publicación: 16695888, miembro: 898869"]
INCORRECTO …. Las plantas tienen 2 pigmentos que utilizarán verde / verde-amarillo aunque en un grado mucho menor . Tanto el fitocromo como el criptocromo lo utilizan para la floración, la fotosíntesis y otros procesos de las plantas …… .. La luz blanca se compone de rojo, azul Y VERDE.

Buen intento aunque
¿Sabes por qué las tiendas de cultivo venden bombillas de luz verde? usarlos en los cultivos en las horas oscuras en la etapa de floración, y ¿sabes por qué las plantas no están estresadas? porque no tiene ningún efecto. No tiene ningún efecto sobre la etapa de floración. Eres parte del grupo de negacionistas que creen en los engaños de los chinos, jajajaja, lo mejor es aprender, luego puedes hablar.
Dude! Tu sabes que es el pinche Google Translate?
You kids need to stop about china mfg LED. I have been using maxisun, nothing wrong with the harvest. I don't stick to one type of lights during late flowering. I givem 3 or 4 types of lights from the sides as well to get below the canopy. The specrometer picture is very educating. The lumins drop from 30000 to 2000 just from one leaf.
It seems to me that using LED bulbs, this would be the best solution. From my experience, I can say that when I was growing in a room with daylight, I was losing a lot of plants due to an uncontrolled light source that was out of my control. For me it was just sad and I began to look for possible solutions to this issue. My mate advised me to make the room darker and put in LED lights. I started looking for blinds. I turned to Sonata Design - Calgary blinds store and chose black, thick blinds that do not let in daylight. After that, the room went completely dark and then I installed dimmable LED lights. I noticed immediately the difference in the amount of light and even my plants noticed the difference.