The Best Songs of the 1980s

What, you thought I couldn't find a good Dead song to go here?
That song was very important to my ears when it came out. It was my first conscious exposure to the Dead, and became the seed which fueled my later interest in "consciousness" explorations of their catalogue under different (ahem) circumstances. O_o :mrgreen:
That is definitely one for the "best of the 80s".

the answer to Satriani is always Steve Vai

Damn, you're too well-versed in the secrets from the Cult of the Electric Penis. I will have to now release the Kraken!
This, while not technically a "song" from Vai (although it was released by him later on his "soundtracks" disc), was critical in turning a lot of teenage boys into axe-slingers.

That song was very important to my ears when it came out. It was my first conscious exposure to the Dead, and became the seed which fueled my later interest in "consciousness" explorations of their catalogue under different (ahem) circumstances. o_O :mrgreen:
That is definitely one for the "best of the 80s".

Damn, you're too well-versed in the secrets from the Cult of the Electric Penis. I will have to now release the Kraken!
This, while not technically a "song" from Vai (although it was released by him later on his "soundtracks" disc), was critical in turning a lot of teenage boys into axe-slingers.

i can not top the kracken but i can release this one from the crack era;
That song was very important to my ears when it came out. It was my first conscious exposure to the Dead, and became the seed which fueled my later interest in "consciousness" explorations of their catalogue under different (ahem) circumstances. o_O :mrgreen:
That is definitely one for the "best of the 80s".

It was 1979 when I first heard the Dead. Sister had this album, and I just about wore it out. Now I have so much of their music I don't even have an accurate catalog of it all. 15-20 CD's, but mostly shows recorded off The Grateful Dead Channel on SXM onto DVD's. I have a few hundred shows. But You Tube is so easy, I hardly ever get down those cases of DVD's.

Did someone say crack?
Bloods and Crips...the LA gang wars constantly popping up on the news.
Luckily, Ice-T was there to save everyone. :lol:

I never heard of the Au Pairs...only a couple albums, eh? That's some subliminal music, indeed. Good fuel for alternative inspiration.