text in english:
and I'm speeding, speeding, speeding, speeding (düse im sauseschritt = jet at a rapid pace?, nozzle in wingding step? no eng word for that!
and bring love with me,
döf is called the group! you know the title!
here is your number ONE!
For 2000 years the earth has lived without love,
the lord of hate rules!
Ugly, I am so ugly,
so horribly ugly! I am hate!
Hate, hate so ugly,
I can't help it, I am hate!
Attention, Attention,
unknown flying object approaching the planet,
Identify unknown flying object!
Codo the third, from the center of the stars,
I'm the third from the left!
Unknown flying object identifies as Codo!
and I'm speeding, speeding, speeding, speeding
and bring love with me,
from my ride through the sky!
Because love, love, love, love,
is a lot of fun, much more fun
than anything!
We do not need any love on this planet!
Kill Codo, destroy love!
Targeting Gamma Delta 731 Superspace!
Codo from the distance, of the shining stars,
I love speeding through space so much
And I'm speeding, speeding, speeding, speeding
and bring love with me,
from my ride through the sky!
Because love, love, love, love,
is a lot of fun, much more fun
than anything!
And I'm speeding, speeding, speeding, speeding
and bringing love with me,
from my ride to heaven!
Because love, love, love, love,
is a lot of fun, much more fun
than anything!