The BubbleHead Gang


Active Member

Get back on the saddle and ride! That one wasn't meant to be. Probably a male anyway! LOL!
Nah, their femmed Pure Power Plant seeds. You're right though, she was a weakling from the start, wasn't able to survive the hot California day and my unexpectedly working late, and she dried up. The other girls pulled through just fine. They're less than a week old, though, so not a big loss.


New Member
Plants work like that. Still a disappointment but the excitement of seeds is about to start again! I can usually tell who is going to give me a quick strong start. PPP is sativa leaning, right? Are the seeds tiny?


New Member
PPM of nutes should be about 350-500. I'd lean on the low side on your first grow but anywhere in that range should be fine. They are still young like an 8 year old boy.


Active Member
Plants work like that. Still a disappointment but the excitement of seeds is about to start again! I can usually tell who is going to give me a quick strong start. PPP is sativa leaning, right? Are the seeds tiny?
I think about 60/40 sativa if I recall. Seeds were a bit tinier than "normal". I attached som pics, 1st two are of dying one, next two are representative of the rest. Rookie mistake, I had turned off the A/C last night and forgot to turn it back on, and also lowered the cfls this morning. Cooked her.



New Member

Bet it might come back in a day or two if you haven't already started. I still see green but you are closer than I am. Those round leaves were going to die anyway.


Active Member

Bet it might come back in a day or two if you haven't already started. I still see green but you are closer than I am. Those round leaves were going to die anyway.
She was never happy under the lights. Even if she does recover she'll lose at least a weeks worth of growth anyways and I don't want her to start her life stressed. Best to sacrifice her to the Goddess of Knowledge and Learning From Your Mistakes. :-(


Well-Known Member
WOW my friends.... my sativa.. (the bagseed) has gotten soooo big... its totally dwarfing the indicas.. I got a large t-5 comming from a friend to help so i can take the loose cfls and surround the plants... of course though im waiting on him... does anyone know how long into flower should a sativa start budding? my new to my knowledge indicas are gonna be small since I thought they would keep growing (thinking they were sativas) .. anyways I just turned my sativa kinda sideways so that it can change positions.. im running out of im heading to the depot tommorrow so i can get more lights.. i def need more.. im thinking like 4 or 5 more lights.. cause i seriously need to surround that bitch...


New Member
GS, When I've looked around for that info a lot of people say 3-4 week or about 1/4 the total flower period to start flower. I usualy get two week shows from my 8 week indica so it sound about right to me. I pitty you for trying to grow a sativa next to an indica! I'd drive myself nuts but I can walk from here!


You're probably right. I just have this urge to save plants but if they are going it might be best for them to be gone since you have a replacement ready.


so you guys think the cfl's work as well as anything or at least comparable to hid's? I have the cfl now but planed on getting hps for flowering. Would you say they are as good or just better on the energy bill and reduction of heat?


New Member
Welcome Premo! I'd only use HID's if I had proper ventilation With a 250W HPS I had to keep the door open to my closet grow. Energy bill wise you get more lumens per watt with HID's. It just the heat you have to worry about. It can also affect how high you can grow because a HID needs to be farther away from the plants than the CFL's.