Active Member
Short answer: if you can keep your conditions right (light-proof res, high dissolved oxygen with either low water temps or H2O2 preventative treatments) then the initial cleaning and regular water changes (like once or twice a week, at least initially, to flush dead organic material) should do the trick. If you slack off, however, you can probably count on a reinfestation. If the infestation is advanced then some plants probably can't be saved.Thanks that helped. how often should I clean the rez out? every two days? After the next chnge I expect there to be a lot less gunk in the water. After cuting off the slime.
Long answer: the thing is, these algae, bacterial, and fungal pathogens will always be present and waiting to take over if conditions are right. Algae will grow if there's light, and bacteria and pythium fungi like higher water temp and anaerobic (low DO ) conditions along with organic material to feed on.
You could probably control an infestation just by light-proofing your res and lowering your water temp so that it's consistently in the 65-68* F range. Or you could do it with a strong H2O2 solution. The only problem is that all the algae, bacteria, and/or fungi you killed - along with the dead roots - is now dead organic material floating around in your reservoir. This is the stuff you want to get rid of with your initial cleaning.
But no matter how well you clean the pathogens will always be present in the roots, ready to take over if you slack off. The single most important thing, in my opinion, to prevent recurrence is to increase the DO in your water. Lower water temps will do this. H2O2 will, too.
H2O2 is basically water (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom. It's this extra atom that makes H2O2 so beneficial. It does two things:
1) It sterilizes the water, killing the nasties. The extra oxygen atom is highly reactive - it wants to attach itself to something to become stable - and can attack nearby organisms (remember, nasties don't like oxygen). Many disease causing organisms and spores, as well as algae, are killed by oxygen. The H2O2 will also take care of any dead organic material. Don't use H2O2 with organic nutes, it also kills the beneficials. I personally wouldn't recommend organic nutes in high res temps, but I'm sure it's possible.
2) It oxygenates the water. The extra oxygen atom will attach itself to another oxygen atom forming a stable oxygen molecule. This increases the level of DO in the water.
So if you can keep your water temps down OR maintain a preventative H2O2 regimen then you shouldn't have to do additional cleanings beyond the initial cleaning. If you can't, then count on a constant battle...