The Bubblehead Showcase


Elite Rolling Society
Ok guyz, I decided this would be the perfect thread to show my first ever harvested plant. it's not much, I know. But it has a very sentimental value to me. I mean, It actually looks like weed@!!!! and I grew it!! OMG. Needless to say, I am very happy. Also, I'm finally over the hump! there will be continues harvests now about every 3 weeks or so!! So here we go!!

Here is my bounty!! lol.

Here's the weight, before the shrinkage..

Here's my makeshift dry box

sorry for being overly excited.. =)

Congratulations, I know you are a very proud grower.


New Member

That's not a bad idea. Different, but not bad! LOL! Keeps the heat up a little and they have small fans built into the head units. I pop my seeds over my router. Almost getting into "let the circle be unbroken" time! LOL! Start life on top of a piece of electronics and finish it there!


Active Member
Thanx Roseman. I have a quick Q for you guys about my drying box. Would it be at all good or beneficial to mount a 68cfm case fan sucking air out of the box? Would that help, or hurt? also, has anybody tried damp rid? I'd appreciate any answers..


New Member
I don't go to elaborate measure to dry my bud before the cure. At that point if it makes progress every day, I'm good. If you hurry it you'll have problems in the jar. I blow a fan in the general direction of the buds. Slight air movement is what you want. Having said that I have seen drying boxes that have an exhaust fan so it looks like you can do whatever works and things will be ok. Perhaps the exhaust fan in what is providing the small air flow.


Active Member
That's Kinda what I'm thinkin. That the small fan will suck air through the bud area. I didn't want to have it blowing directly on them, so I figured sucking air out would be more gentle. IDK. I probably won't do anything. Thanx again. MC.


Elite Rolling Society
Thanx Roseman. I have a quick Q for you guys about my drying box. Would it be at all good or beneficial to mount a 68cfm case fan sucking air out of the box? Would that help, or hurt? also, has anybody tried damp rid? I'd appreciate any answers..

I am opposed to any quick drying, and I very much favor natural drying, in the dark, no lights, slight brreze over them, not ont hem.


Active Member
Thanx Roseman. I have a quick Q for you guys about my drying box. Would it be at all good or beneficial to mount a 68cfm case fan sucking air out of the box? Would that help, or hurt? also, has anybody tried damp rid? I'd appreciate any answers..
I have a drying box with a 80 cfm computer fan sucking air out (you also have to drill holes for inlet air). I use it for about 1/4 of my crop, the worst buds, to meet my "just can't wait for it to cure" urges. I agree with MC and Roseman about the slow-cure, though.

Damp rids do pull the water out of the air, I've got a couple hanging in my room right now. I've never tried them during curing, but it might help prevent mold. I say give it a try...


Well-Known Member
A couple grows ago I tested all the different curing methods, just to see what the effect if any the methods had on flavor, smoothness, smell, appearance etc.

I should wrote it down cuz its kinda fuzzy on the deetz.

But watercure is nice in that you don't need to flush your plants, because this removes water soluble crap in the plant material. This diminishes smell and appearance immensely. But smokes fine. I've Watercured for 4 days and for 7 days but don't remember the difference.

Quick drying with heat is faster but not as nice as slow curing but most people in all honesty are going to quick dry because its faster.

But some people are connoisseurs and have a shelf of nicely cured buds from past grows(kinda like a wine cellar) and I am sure they prefer slow curing.


Active Member
The Good news is I just got some very nice blueberry smellin nugs from a friend. =) So i've bought them sum time. lol. I'm just letting it dry naturally, when I get my bigger harvest in a few weeks I'll experiment. I love experimentations..


Well-Known Member
well these just recovered from a mag deficiency and they are still looking good, 30 days flowering



Elite Rolling Society
damn roseman, those are super bushy
There are two runts only 10 or 12 inches tall in there in one tank with 6 total plants in the tank, the tank to the far right.
I've never done more than 3 females in a tank and I always get 3 out of 6, never 6 out of 6,and I don't know what to do. There is no room for another bucket and the far tank to the left only has two females but they are so big, they fill up that end of the closet.

I wish I had a local grow buddy to share with.


Active Member
Those are some nice-looking buds there, C5, finger-lickin' good!

The dreaded too-many females conundrum...we should all be so lucky, Roseman!


Well-Known Member
There are two runts only 10 or 12 inches tall in there in one tank with 6 total plants in the tank, the tank to the far right.
I've never done more than 3 females in a tank and I always get 3 out of 6, never 6 out of 6,and I don't know what to do. There is no room for another bucket and the far tank to the left only has two females but they are so big, they fill up that end of the closet.

I wish I had a local grow buddy to share with.

maybe 12/12 from seed could help you roseman. ever grow i've seen done with it has tall plants with one main cola. instead of the typical main bud with a bunch of secondaries. your saying your problem is space? or do you have a problem where 3 out of 6 die everytime?


Elite Rolling Society
maybe 12/12 from seed could help you roseman. ever grow i've seen done with it has tall plants with one main cola. instead of the typical main bud with a bunch of secondaries. your saying your problem is space? or do you have a problem where 3 out of 6 die everytime?
I have 96 inches of height space int he clsoet do I have 36 inches remaining adn it is not REALLY a problem, not an undesirable problem.

EVERY Grow I hae done, 7 previous, resulted in half and half males and females, I really started 15 seed, but one was a dud. left me with 14, and one died the 4th day after germinating, left me 13. Now I have 9 females, far from half and half.
I am NOT complaining.