The Car Talk Thread

lol a fully restored muscle car probably costs MORE than that bently....

Well my 70 Chevelle 454ss cost me 22k plus a 8k car in trade and it needed 4k in restoration. So yes, they ain't cheap but not unattainable. But yes the muscle car hobby is sadly out of most peoples reach nowadays. I know a old friend in FL that has a green/gold one for sale for 26k that's near full restoration. I had a 71 GTX with a Hemi in early 90s I got for 8k put 3k in, sold for 23k in 95, but now it would be worth 50k+ or so I imagine. My dad kicks himself in the ass daily because he had so many real muscle cars throughout his life that he just beat on and sold and got a new one every year or two. He'd be a millionaire had he kept even half the cars he once owned.

As for a Bentley I'd rather see elite trash like that smashed or burned then on the road.
gt3 rs?? nope! just the new cayman! ;)
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man that thing looks great! I'm so surprised at the cost of a new car these days. I saw a car go by me on my way to new york, looked like your every day plain jane blend in car but it still had the price paint on it, over 20k! My dad says a new car, even the plain boring ones can be up to like 30-40k now! What the hell? Why would you spend so much money on a 2013 car when you can buy a bad ass used sport car of any type for that kind of money!? I get that every car has it's purpose be it gas mileage, a van if you have kids, what have you. But if you want a 'new' (something diff from what you currently have) who in their right mind would spend so much on some boring ass 30k 2013, when you can get a mid 2000's porche or something for the same price!? Sheesh
man that thing looks great! I'm so surprised at the cost of a new car these days. I saw a car go by me on my way to new york, looked like your every day plain jane blend in car but it still had the price paint on it, over 20k! My dad says a new car, even the plain boring ones can be up to like 30-40k now! What the hell? Why would you spend so much money on a 2013 car when you can buy a bad ass used sport car of any type for that kind of money!? I get that every car has it's purpose be it gas mileage, a van if you have kids, what have you. But if you want a 'new' (something diff from what you currently have) who in their right mind would spend so much on some boring ass 30k 2013, when you can get a mid 2000's porche or something for the same price!? Sheesh

lol im sayin! i probably wouldnt buy anything new. but most of the cheaper car companies still have cars for under 20k but you dont get much of a selection.
whats your garage look like? ;)

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Hopefully like that some day! I don't even have a garage atm lol :P And all we have is an old f-150 and my tibby :) Just saying it's redonculous with those prices when you can go get a funner car for the same or even less. Hell if you're worried about gas from a viper srt10 or something buy a car from lotus!
ive got 2 garages already on my property full, about to buy the property across the road from me and put a 40x48 metal building on it like the one in that pic.
ive got 2 garages already on my property full, about to buy the property across the road from me and put a 40x48 metal building on it like the one in that pic.

we have a car port but can't put cars under it lol, something about there being some kind of bad ground under it and if we keep putting cars in it the ground might collapse. I've recommended extending it to the driveway and having a small two car garage but that won't happen either. It sucks in the morning when I need to go out and clean the snow off the car and let it defrost the windows lol. The biggest reason we want a garage is to be able to remove these old cars in my woods and restore them, or buy an old beater and restore it. I think it's every mans dream to buy an old beat up car and restore it from the ground up :)
we have a car port but can't put cars under it lol, something about there being some kind of bad ground under it and if we keep putting cars in it the ground might collapse. I've recommended extending it to the driveway and having a small two car garage but that won't happen either. It sucks in the morning when I need to go out and clean the snow off the car and let it defrost the windows lol. The biggest reason we want a garage is to be able to remove these old cars in my woods and restore them, or buy an old beater and restore it. I think it's every mans dream to buy an old beat up car and restore it from the ground up :)

haha hell ya! my garages are mainly packed with boxes of shit. got my porsche in the one but had to clean it out to get it in there. getting a supra this year so i gotta have a place to put it cause it aint sleepin outside :p

so to get my supra i gotta buy some land, and have a big ass metal building built on it lol. there goes 50k easy between the car, land, and building.
man that thing looks great! I'm so surprised at the cost of a new car these days. I saw a car go by me on my way to new york, looked like your every day plain jane blend in car but it still had the price paint on it, over 20k! My dad says a new car, even the plain boring ones can be up to like 30-40k now! What the hell? Why would you spend so much money on a 2013 car when you can buy a bad ass used sport car of any type for that kind of money!? I get that every car has it's purpose be it gas mileage, a van if you have kids, what have you. But if you want a 'new' (something diff from what you currently have) who in their right mind would spend so much on some boring ass 30k 2013, when you can get a mid 2000's porche or something for the same price!? Sheesh

In my case, two answers:
1) i really like some of the modern touches like cats, electronic engine management and antilock.
2) Let's pretend i just bought me some pre-90s hotness. Where would I go to get it maintained and repaired within reasonable costs and locally? cn
In my case, two answers:
1) i really like some of the modern touches like cats, electronic engine management and antilock.
2) Let's pretend i just bought me some pre-90s hotness. Where would I go to get it maintained and repaired within reasonable costs and locally? cn

I don't really mean pre 90s, more mid 90s-mid 2000s (which have those bonuses in 1...usually...) and all of the shops around me have this all around kind of deal where they pretty much work on everything and they still don't get all that much business because everyone works on their own cars out here ;)

Most people who have the faster cars around here just buy the parts they need online and then install them themselves so that removes the issue of number 2, but let's say someone doesn't have the skill or is simply too lazy to do that or doesn't have the time, then that's a valid point.