The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

oh mate sorry haha. I shan't regal memory's of being a personal assistant to 25 old and infermed ppl then lol. Are you a picky eater aswell billy? nothing too spicy or complicated?
I can eat anything m8 apart from the usual suspects like squid, cuttlefish, generally stupid fish u shouldn't My mum works in an old folks home. Dont know how the fuck she can do it. Cheers Mantz, yer no bad
Well this jack the ripper cut i have smells slightly sicky and very lemoney with an underlining haze another complex hard to explain smel lol and the stone is nice and strong good for pain with a euphoric cerebral disconection.
Well this jack the ripper cut i have smells slightly sicky and very lemoney with an underlining haze another complex hard to explain smel lol and the stone is nice and strong good for pain with a euphoric cerebral disconection.
Now thats sounds good.
How are you my friend. Hows BB doing??
Hey Hem mate, BB websites nearly done, dunno what the hold up is tbh. Man i should of learnt to do this stuff at collage wen i had the chance instead of getting stoned and playing cards lol
Hey Hem mate, BB websites nearly done, dunno what the hold up is tbh. Man i should of learnt to do this stuff at collage wen i had the chance instead of getting stoned and playing cards lol
yeah but you wouldn't be able to roll or play cards, and both of those are the skills that get ya through life...LOL...LOL..

Glad to hear bout BB! I'm gonna have some great pics of smelly cherry this go round..
euphoric cerebral disconnection

i could do with some of that right about now. BB is nearly there payment system is in place just a bit of tarting up left
Yeah billy Bam Bam may be a youngster now (15 wks) but I can tell he will be ruling the house pretty soon. He can already kick pebbles ass when they are playing but still has respect for Patches in the front. He's a terror though lol

Here ya go hem, I'll big this beauty up for you. She looks sweet!

Patches, aka, Bagpuss, "what Patches say's goes, nuff said!" lol
>>>>looks hard as nails.

Evening Westy, checked your email of late lad? lol.

How the crew?