The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

I have some new crosses to play with lol. jake blues( deep blues) x exo cheese also some jake blues cross livers/ blues yippi

who made those babies? sounds pretty amazing to me.

maybe get a new filter first though eh?

stinky stinky :D
clone only potency with a possible increase in yield. I shall take a cut off the jake blues cut soon as hes grown lovely now
How's it Freddo, long time friend. Those sound like some exciting crosse's you got there to ' play with ' lol. Cant wait to see the outcome on those and the name's....Look's like some ' Extra Mature Chedder on Da Menu ' mmmmmm

nope. Same old same old is getting old. She's like my shadow, I cannot get rid of her. Kick her out of the house and she comes right back.

Haven't talked to ya in a week, how's HA
Methinks I need to start hanging over here too!
I just like lurking but I am trying to be more social!
Getting a bit late across the pond though eh! The little one sleeping the night yet?

**Sorry your down HC, women! can't live with em', can't live with em....... lol
some of em are just nucking futs!
Well, ya could but that would be counterproductive. You could be like, "I'm going through this anal phase" and make her wanna leave lol
roflmao, ok there was some lecherous shit on tv that made me think of that. hahahhah, just kidding that's what started Lorena Bobbit no?
You got her dickmatized HC!
Welcome to Aunt Julies's agony page. Relationships get like habits after awhile, the convenience of a partner makes ya lazy. Maybe a letter with how u feel and what ud like to do about it would make the right move. Even if u dont give it to her it might feel better just writing it all down to get it out of ya head.
Lol make sure you burn that letter after HC otherwise you might wake up if she give you that privillage lol to see all your lovely ladies shredded up on the floor :(
I am of the mind that he is trying to make a break because he has expressed his dissatisfaction with the return on equity in the relationship before and it doesn't seem to be taken seriously. It is possible to just not be able to connect with your partner anymore in that what you want is not something that she can readily provide because it's just not there. Or worse she is actually mental where in her mind everything is wonderful and HC takes care of her and she is a good partner and the sky is not cloudy for days. tee hee.... I think he did tell her how he felt, I think it's more about getting it now! Or perhaps I am mental and didn't understand either :D My ex-wife is nutz, like for real. That bipolar can be a real muther fucker! what was it you said HC oye vaye or something!