The continuing saga of the Diesel Ryder...and the birth of the Roadrunner...CFL Grow


RIU Bulldog
10 years huh? Ok, just seemd like you were lost or something. I think tho If youve grown outdoors in 100 degree weather you wouldve known about the heat stress thing. Call me crazy...
Not trying to be a dick.
I was going to mention the inline fan thing, they blow at like what, 90cfm? Thats like a mini blower for $20. If anything im gonna buy one when i get the money, just to have in my mcguyver drawer. It would be perfect for a dryer, or a small grow in a cardboard box...
Well enough criticism, if you grew the buds in your avatar then you obviously dont need my help. Good luck


Well-Known Member
20 years huh? Ok, just seemd like you were lost or something. I think tho If youve grown outdoors in 100 degree you wouldve known about the heat stress thing. Call me crazy...
Not trying to be a dick.
I was going to mention the inline fan thing, they blow at like what, 90cfm? Thats like a mini blower for $20. If anything im gonna buy one when i get the money, just to have in my mcguyver drawer. It would be perfect for a dryer, or a small grow in a cardboard box...
Well enough criticism, if you grew the buds in your avatar then you obviously dont need my help. Good luck
almost....10 years....and i wouldnt know...ive never grown outdoors....indoors for all my i said...never did a box type grow before where heat was an i was a little lost as in ways to vent it out the best way.before i had a stand alone ac unit for my grow room.never vented my was such an open space and with 2 giant ac vents on each side of the stayed whatever temp i set it to.and no bro....criticism is fine....but i do know a thing or two...i have pretty good common sense for a stoner...ha.and yeah...thats my diesel ryder in my pic chopping it in the next day or so...then the others get moved into my new grow cab...and yes cab...not box this time...woo hoo fuck cardboard...spent the last 6 hours working on it....should be done tomorrow...too stoned and tired to keep going


RIU Bulldog
Cool, sealed rooms are supposed to be easier to control, idk im in a closet and when my blower is off the temp goes up fast. Your biggest issue is gonna be heat in a small space like that, but it sounds like your going in the right direction with the cpu fans.

Eventually, the cpu fans are gonna have to be light proofed somehow to make sure you get a true 12/12 darkness period (unless you plan to keep growing autos). With ducting, the bends block the light. IDK, just something to think of down the line.

Id really like to see your finished grow box


Well-Known Member
Cool, sealed rooms are supposed to be easier to control, idk im in a closet and when my blower is off the temp goes up fast. Your biggest issue is gonna be heat in a small space like that, but it sounds like your going in the right direction with the cpu fans.

Eventually, the cpu fans are gonna have to be light proofed somehow to make sure you get a true 12/12 darkness period (unless you plan to keep growing autos). With ducting, the bends block the light. IDK, just something to think of down the line.

Id really like to see your finished grow box
im going to have it vented with the intake and exhaust....4 inch dryer going to either use high powered cpu fans or a small blower on each end.with the way im running the vents on the inside there shouldnt be any light leaks or block much of the growing area.either way im still doubling my growing tho...i ran out of my aluminum tape im using for the front thats sealing the light leaks on the front panels of the drawers...hard to explain all of what im doing with this when my cam is charged ill take a few pics of the progress.


Well-Known Member
got new pics tonight before its battery died....again...piece of shit.still waiting for the diesel's soil to dry out so i can pluck the top.roadrunner still budding a lil nute burn and had a ph issue that i should have fixed in the next day or two.the 3 new ones are doing good still...forget how far along they are...somewhere between 12-13 days more of the box to make another store run...gonna get some hinges to make a small flap in the back so i can get in easier to adjust the lights when needed.still need to make it light proof,hang the lights,and get the vents and fans mounted...yippy


Active Member
yea upgrade to a ghetto grow and not just a cardboard box very nice, that and looking forward to seeing what the diesel was like as far as a smoke report :)


Well-Known Member
figured since i was doing a grow box upgrade i would go ahead and make it worth ordering about another 400 watts worth of lights for my new also ordering some fox farms happy from soil,earth juice grow and bloom combo..keeping it organic.i also wanted to pickup some good ph up/down solution or powder.ive always went old school...peroxide...lemon juice but i wanted to do it right this time....whats some good...fairly priced stuff for leveling ph.heard that earth juice wont screw with ph too much...but my water here is at 7.2 out the i will mainly need to drop my ph

and im putting the diesel up somewhere to give it 24 hours of darkness starting tonight before i pluck the top off...then ill start the drying and curing going to wait at least 3-4 days into cure before i sample...then ill post a smoke report....but for now...back to ebay


Well-Known Member
well...ok..i kinda lied tonight...i said i wasnt gonna smoke any of the diesel till it was all dry and cured...well since i was out...i plucked about a fingertip size amount off the top..not off the cola..but a bud right under the main cola...put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds..i figured it was gonna smell really green...when i opened the microwave...i got a blast of skunk in my a good bowl pack out of it...taste was good..but not that cured taste yet...but was really smooth for being that wet.and at the end started getting that good NYCD taste to it....this was a newer bud so it was mostly clear to cloudy trichs...major head high...kinda halfway to a brainfart right now...gonna chill for a bit and see if it creeps up any more on me....woo hoo..cant wait for this shit to cure


Well-Known Member
haha right on man. when do you plan on chopping the cola?
tonight around 11pm...its been in complete darkness for about 19 hours now///theres a good chance i might just take the whole plant down now...i dont think the side branches are going to produce much more...and im not gonna have room in my new box for it


Well-Known Member
yea i hear ya. i don't think they will get much bigger. i thought the same thing with my lr#1 but by the time the top was ready the trics on the lowers were the same. just not as fat as i wished em to be.


Well-Known Member
yea i hear ya. i don't think they will get much bigger. i thought the same thing with my lr#1 but by the time the top was ready the trics on the lowers were the same. just not as fat as i wished em to be.
well i didnt think the side branches was going to do anything...when i tied them down there was no hairs or bud forming at all...then about a week after i tied them down they blew up...its still a little behind the rest of the plant.its like the same plant has 2 different growth cycles...but it caught up fast...ive put off chopping the whole thing to see if it catches up...when i chop the top cola tonight ill recheck the trichs...ive its still all cloudy i might leave the bottom of the plant to finish up


Well-Known Member
went to lowes the right tape this some ac flex i can finish the front of the new box.also got a handfull of new y adapters so i can toss the cheap ones....they shocked me when i touched them and got hotter then the lights that will help all back to the building


Well-Known Member
got the biggest part of the new box done...still have 2 more lights to run into it,the vents,and to make a hinged door on the back.and no thats not where the lights will be...just where they was after i mounted them....ill do some pics tomorrow when i finish it....its done for tonight...but i do have a few pics....oh yeah...i chopped the diesel the closet im drying it in stinkin like hell
keep in mind the reason im doing a box like this is for stealth reasons...i get quarterly inspections where im at...if its out of my i made this box for more space...and much more stealth...a cardboard box with tons of light coming out of it kinda stands out...this is a tall chest...from the front it will look like a normal chest..dresser..which ever you want to call it...and ive already light coming through at all from the front.and with the lights on you cant really tell any light is coming out the back....when my lease is up getting a house..then its fucking on.if i KNOW no one is coming in...ill convert a whole room or walk in closet..and get a hps..blah blah blah...all the things that people that have never even grown tell me to get instead of what i have


Well-Known Member sleep...still at it...i went ahead and harvested the whole diesel ryder...wasnt worth keeping the rest going...need more room for the new want to see something sad....i cut the diesel on the stem at soil level....i took a pic of roots after i cut it down....this was the ENTIRE root pulled right out the soil...checked the rest of the soil in the pot..there wasnt any roots at all in the now i know what happened with this never developed a root structure...why ..i dunno..i guess from when it got fucked up in the peat pellet at the beginning.but here is a pic of the roots and the harvest...pretty dense buds so its got some weight to it...but most of that will be gone after the dry and the cure..still need to get a new scale to get a final dry weight.still have some trimming to do on them also.


Well-Known Member
wow that root deal is pretty wild. im sure you woulda had alot more production if the roots woulda done their job lol looks tasty man congrats. is the box your making a dresser? i wanna make one like that with a 150w cooltubed or maybe even a 250wcool tubed in a fake dresser

peace bro