CFL's contain mercury. Be VERY sure nothing inside the bulb hit your plants or your soil and make SURE it's all cleaned out from your entire grow area. Mercury poisioning is NO JOKE if you feel nothing hit the dirt or the plants and it all hit your growroom floor or something and was all cleaned up shouldn't be any worrys. But this happens ever again and if your not 100% sure it didn't touch the plants or soil take a moment and think... you consume this plant and all the things it was in... are you willing to risk the consumption of mercury? Thats why I handle all flourescent and mercury vapor bulbs with utmost care. Of course I come from a different perspective I grow medicine and as such I hold high standards to cleanliness and what is put into the plants. (unless it's mine for personal then sad to say I can be a bit lax

I got so gung ho on the power of mercury I forgot to add... sorry you broke a bulb that sucks, pretty dang inconvenient.