meltdown both into oil! how dare i do do..
jk ok i will, hey hater. this picture was actually taken with no light behind it. thats actually the sunlight being reflected from the top. yaaa, i went outside in the freezing cold to get an accurate shot, suck that!
i can tell you this. straight out of the tube, the oil on left was darker, even in thin film, you could tell..
other than that. here fooo
sprayed onto 80F surface.
had heavy fan blowing over until bubbles stopped moving.
thennn, i heated them up, whipped, cooled, heated, whipped, cooled. i do this process until oil becomes malleable, and i can form a ball.
did this x amount of times to smaller batch. and just did a few more heat folds to bigger batch.. once again, noticed the smaller run was a shade lighter the entire process. even after same heats, and whips.
once i got to a ball.
melted down in vac chamber 100F, muffined, let sit. drop. would refold. never reaching vac above 29.7 hg. i do this over and over if the bubbles stop escaping, or till the oil stops looking like shatter, and more like orange peel texture..
i did this at exact same times for both batches. so one finished before the other.. ( the bigger one, weird)
sooo, ya, thats my best memory to this effort :]
here are some more kind words:
i started off with small tubes when i got into this.. i usually had some colorful oil extracted in my beginnings..
never did i ever run into soooo many dark batch runs until i started going bigger.. i have been trying to figure this shit out for about a year now,. why the fuck are my batches coming out so dark!!!
i would get pretty frustrated, then i would have a friend give me his small fresh harvest, and i would blast a small fresh tube, and come out with gold, THANK GAIA FOR THOSE LITTLE ONES, they kept me sane..
i am positive it has been some sort of fuck up with my big tubes.. whether it be the longer soak time, the switch out of my butane cans, or the way i spray my cans.. or even, perhaps, wayyy to fucken cold...
smoke test later will compare taste, smell, and oil color..
p.s.. im not saying the tube is entire factor in color, profile, etc..... just a huge one!