The Contributors Thread

So.... HOA's suck... I had to take back all the ac units and sheds and all sorts of shit, and spend extra cash on 3 mini splits.

At least it will be baller
Hey guys, I have a question and you are definitely the one group to ask. When I work I always clean all my bags and utensils with isopropyl alcohol to keep it all super clean but also to loose as little resin as possible. I evaporate slow cooking bain-marie style until most of the alcohol is gone, then "wash" it with Everclear before evaporating all alcohol . The oil is to be ingested or for direct topical application (skin cancer), is Isopropyl good/healthy/clean enough or should I look for another type of alcohol. Thanks and all the best.
Love the way your place is looking Twitch
Iso is horrible to ingest, I like using everclear because if i happen to not get it all out its not hazardous to ingest.

but if it is being used as a topical then iso is the way to go.

And thanks Frenchy, I am wiggin out a little because i am changing up alot of stuff last minuet, and my yard is all fucked up from me leveling it to put these sheds.....
But it is going to be really nice with the mini splits, and i just got my CO2 burner installed met a really good hvac guy in the process.
I think it would be plenty safe enough. Skin care, perfumes, etc, they all have a certain amount.. and as long as its not within the main top 5 ingredients, you are in the clear to apply it..

NOW, we are talking about eating it.. You have trace amount so iso left over right? I bet 97+% of the product wont contain iso. so, eat up!

unless someone shows other wise, (qwizo, fade)

(i frequently wash my hands with ISO 99, is that bad)? - qwizo

twitch, team twizias


25gal pots in flood tables, das how we do
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I have to finish blocking off the windows, and painting all the walls with kilz and putting up poly.. long process but this grow is going to be perfect.
Iso is also hard on intestine lining it seems and I was looking for something organic without spending a fortune on Everclear just to clean my gear.
Thanks guys.
why clean the bags with ISO??

why not just clean them with everclear right off the bat?? just a spash is all you need. a 40$ 1L bottle lasts me months. I clean everything with everclear.. it cleans 5x faster than 99% ISO and evaps cleaner too IMO. and ISO fucking STINKS!! I hate it.

I knew guys that were smoking my honey oil in e pens at work... the oil was too thick (shatter) for their pens so they were dliuting the oil 50/50 with 70% ISO, then adding blueberry flavor shots and loading up their e cigs vape pen things, and hitting it aaaaallllll day longggggg. I couldnt fucking believe it. I think youll be fine, theyre still living... I tried to tell them, they wouldnt listen.
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(i frequently wash my hands with ISO 99, is that bad)? - qwizo

your skin is like a sponge. let your hands sit in a bucket of iso for 12 hours and see how that feels.

shit like that aint healthy at all bro. were all so concerned about using the finest purest butane, nutes, soils, waters, and purge processes, then smoke it in the "healthiest" way possible... then go eat a double cheese pizza, smoke a cigarette and wash our hands with ISO/gasoline/brake clean. ive seen it all. makes me wonder some times.
Keep in mind the main use is as a topical antiseptic. That's what the 70% was designed for. Its in hand sanitizer also actually evaporates much cleaner and easier than ethanol. Is it bad for you to ingest, sure. But these things are about amounts and periods of time, its relatively non toxic. It does evaporate clean and is much cheaper than ethanol. It sounded as if Frenchy was also using etoh at the end to help purge any Iso, this is somewhat unnecessary but works to remove any traces and give you that confidence. There's also the dreaded rso folk who swear by it as a solvent and use it medically
Washing your hands with it is fine
I dip my bags in alcohol and a splash is not all I need at all otherwise I would not think twice about using Everclear all the way. I was afraid that my last wash with Everclear (etoh?) was more or less pointless thanks Qwizo.
your skin is like a sponge. let your hands sit in a bucket of iso for 12 hours and see how that feels.

hell no. but saying this makes sense that extreme exposure is no good. i understand that. in many forms..

im doing this with relatively small amounts splashed on a paper towel . shit evaporates fast too, so not much soaking.

when you gonna be ready twitch?? expected etg? (estimated time of growing)
end of the month i should have babies in the veg room, i am doing alot of work to the outside to conceal the mini splits and exhaust vents, since everything is on a fucking mountain here i am doing alot of grading so i can put up the lattices with trumpet flower vines growing up the side. blocking off the windows is also proving more trying then expected.
hell no. but saying this makes sense that extreme exposure is no good. i understand that. in many forms..

im doing this with relatively small amounts splashed on a paper towel . shit evaporates fast too, so not much soaking.

when you gonna be ready twitch?? expected etg? (estimated time of growing)

yeah I do that once in a while too on the paper towel. qwizo brought up a good point that I forgot lol... its RUBBING alcohol!! kinda made to go into open wounds is it not?? so it cant be THAT harmful.. unless you ask california, in which case it causes cancer.
those pics were uploaded the gay way and take way too long to load... prob why there is always single digit views on your pics twitch!!!! go to and upload them the proper way!!! no one likes clicking each pic individually, waiting for it to load, looking, exiting out, clicking the next pic... waiting for it to load,my god that drives me fucking nuts for some reason.

also, you bought three 2100$ AC units??