Sorry, think I've asked you this maybe notThe finished slab is Purple Sage 13 grams and the stuff on the mat is The White, just ran 497 grams of nug.View attachment 3349568 View attachment 3349569
hey twitch.. you ever run a super high terpene strain.. and get a almost honeycomb.. but its really greasy like brown sugar consistency with a greasy feel to it.. but stinks to high heaven and tastes amazing.. ?
its from 10 day dried material.. right after the chop.. dried 10 days.. then packed.. frozen.. and blown . ill take a pic when I get a chance.. just wanted to know.. what you think of the brown sugar consistency stuff.. I think its mainly terpenes keeping it from being a straight crumble honeycomb.
I didnt post pics of the brown sugar becuase of the stigma people say it looks like baby poop and all i did was put it in everclear poured through a filter and evaporated till it was goo and put that in the oven and it looks like this.View attachment 3363841 View attachment 3363842 View attachment 3363843