very nice man have you used these before?
no. but i buld small block chevys for fun. put one in a volvo. got 2 MAs in the soft sciences. & built my own house. mostly. didnt do the plumbing or the electric. but its good to have pro buddies !!!! think ill have no issue w/ the kit. ill send nugz of the same to a friend here. he'll take them to a lab in the mitten for me. im gonna use the best nugz. make two samples of each. one for me. one to send off. either way, i want to use it for me. its good to test ur mothers. not the ones you know. like sfv. no. the ones i find. want to narrow my stable. 15 mothers. i mis-counted the other day. ive got 21 now.very nice man have you used these before?
gonna do mine w/ a worm poop/kelp tea. toss in a little mycos. let it ferment a few weeks. maybe toss in a little coco to give it a good texture. thinking few cups (3) per 9 gals i mix up at a time. the guy in the vid is kooky but i love the sound in the background of the big island. good knowledge dude drops. glad i watched it.