the cookie jar

my short list... wifi , sour dubbz , stardawg, tk , golden goat , bb indica , tahoe , fire og .

not gonna complain though. take any 3. take none.

wish mountain to the curb ill take a cut just in case. getting ready to harvest a big bush too.

dog... on the fence... she's more + than - just for space i might have to...
maybe score some more beans of that one of these days. i found 3 more. get a pack have 13.

black lime reserve. on the fence. better be some impressive shit. i see + / - reviews. im thinking its not the cut (midnnight farms) its the breeder (afficianado). probably a cali swerve type.
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& pink cheese vs subby's dairy queen.

need only one cheesy.
id bet pink cheese kicks ass on the thc test.

therefore sub's cut of dairy queen. better impress. on the fence.

you amaze me. the cck is like a tiny bomber. nuke bombs. then the plush & that CQ. both look killer. im so happy to have that plush cut. just love that strain. best taste imo. one of. cherry pie. gs nookies. jtr. so many good tasting. though ur CQ is a bomber !!!! pretty pic bro !!!!
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i tossed wish mountain. no clones being kept. she's a very sexy girl. put 2 down in 3gal. great to play with her.
Curious to see what you think of it. If its subs personal cut you'd have to believe its gonna be good (tasty), no?
ow yes for sure. i'll definitely grow her big. give the best chance at nice flowers. right now. she's like a fast growing asymetrc branching octopus plant. great structure. quick to clone. space queen u can see. cheese you can see. so im very excited for sure. fuck that not easy to grab a clone like that... so ill def look 2x bongsmilie give her a few runs.