The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Oh I'm Canadian and Trump has committed treason against multiple military alliances my country has with the USA. He's also a literal traitor against the United States too and if there was a hot war going on he'd be on the wrong end of a rope.

Robert Mueller will easily prove that Trump is a Russian agent because Donald is stupid, lazy and sloppy, so was Don jr and all the rest of them. If your gonna commit treason against the USA you'd better know what the fuck yer doing and this bunch doesn't have two clues to rub together.
That's the funny thing about it from Putin's perspective. Putin doesn't give a fuck if Trump gets caught - whether or not Trump gets exposed it is still a big Putin win.
I don't think he's going to like the sanctions that come along with the retribution.
No doubt, but the Russian people are such docile sheep that they won't remove him as long as he made them feel less backward. Yes, they will suffer economically but Putin will still be one of the world's richest men - which he became by stealing from the motherland without consequences.

Russians have demonstrated for hundreds of years how they will tolerate thieving, murdering leaders indefinitely as long as it makes them feel strong and proud about... whatever, despite their innate backwardness. They never really change.
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I asked you a simple question ,And you didn't answer it...
If I'm a Canadian there's a pretty good chance I'm living in Canada, which by the way I am. If you believe Trump, you can trust me, besides my IP address is a dead giveaway.
Now answer my question Do you support the democrats anti corruption and election reform bill HR1? If yer a Bernie bro you should be all over it.
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No doubt, but the Russian people are such docile sheep that they won't remove him as long as he made them feel less backward. Yes, they will suffer economically but Putin will still be one of the world's richest men - which he became by stealing from the motherland without consequences.

Russians have demonstrated for hundreds of years how they will tolerate thieving, murdering leaders indefinitely as long as it makes them feel strong and proud about... whatever, despite their innate backwardness. They never really change.
IDK, man

I wouldn't blame the person who lives in a police state for being afraid of and being cowed by the police. I wouldn't blame the person who lives in a state that has no free press for not knowing much of the world around them. I don't blame the Russian people for their shitty leaders, I blame the shitty leader. Unfortunately,the only way to get at that shitty leader is through the Russian economy, which will harm people who I think are mostly blameless. Still, The US has every right to defend itself from Putin's government and so the innocent will suffer too. That is also the history or Russia.
No doubt, but the Russian people are such docile sheep that they won't remove him as long as he made them feel less backward. Yes, they will suffer economically but Putin will still be one of the world's richest men - which he became by stealing from the motherland without consequences.

Russians have demonstrated for hundreds of years how they will tolerate thieving, murdering leaders indefinitely as long as it makes them feel strong and proud about... whatever, despite their innate backwardness. They never really change.
He won't be rich in the west for long, most of his money is stashed where Uncle Sam can get it and I figure the US should attack Putin and the Oligarchs like they attacked America and your allies. Just take the money, clean out their bank accounts all at once one dark and stormy night, a half a trillion dollar compensation fund for American recovery. If this cocksucker is gonna be a billionaire it will be in rubles inside of a heavily sanctioned Russia, not in greenbacks.

The Russian people will suffer and I have little sympathy, Cold War Two as far as I'm concerned and I figure when you get a real president they will agree along with all your allies who have been attacked as well. Cage the animal until you can kill him.

Make it very clear that the Russian people's extreme suffering is the result of Putin's actions, they will get the message, they have the internet too, at least until we figure out how to cut it off from the rest of the world or degrade the service to the point of uselessness. This is like any other war, half measures are a recipe for defeat, ya gotta be bold and creative and expect to get hit back. Your being attacked already so you only have two choices, fight or surrender, there is no appeasement option this time around. Putin is gonna wipe his ass with Trump one day, you had better hope he hasn't figured out a way of nuking us and getting away with it without being fucked himself. He does have the POTUS in his pocket after all and Trump wouldn't bat an eye as long as he avoids prison. Donald would fly to Moscow and hand Putin the launch codes and football in exchange for asylum.

It's an absolute certainty that Trump will go to prison for the rest of his life as soon as he is no longer president, shit he might even be perp walked out of the WH in cuffs by the FBI at the rate he's going.
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you can go after SOME of the money...but you're never going to get it all....i doubt he remembers where it all is...and until he's out of office, he has the entire wealth of Russia to draw on.
i'd rather start an aggressive campaign against his intelligence gathering and propaganda disseminating unit....we know where his hackers are....lets blow that fucking building up on payday....just to get the slackers.

you can go after SOME of the money...but you're never going to get it all....i doubt he remembers where it all is...and until he's out of office, he has the entire wealth of Russia to draw on.
i'd rather start an aggressive campaign against his intelligence gathering and propaganda disseminating unit....we know where his hackers are....lets blow that fucking building up on payday....just to get the slackers.

I figure America will have a whole lot of help in taking Putin and the oligarch's money, especially if they "spread it around" with the governments of the tax havens and where it's stashed (greed can do wonders). Remember, this would be an alliance of many nations lead by the USA with a tremendous amount of reach and the ability to twist both arms off at the shoulders if anybody doesn't want to "co operate". This is in addition to a surprise hacking attack to clean out thousands of bank accounts overnight. The new POTUS can declare a national emergency (a real one, that a very good national security case could be made for) and order the confiscation of all Russian owned assets in the USA.

There would be lot's of other clandestine and hacking operations as well, all designed to send an unmistakable and extremely painful long term message, " if you fuck with us we will crush you and impoverish you for a generation". Fuck with any election of any alliance member at your peril, we'll need a new NATO like organization to make it stick hard.
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One can only hope...
Mueller Probes an Event With Nunes, Flynn, and Foreign Officials at Trump’s D.C. Hotel
Devin Nunes has been a pitbull for the president, growling at the prosecutors investigating Trumpworld. Now an event that Nunes himself attended is under Mueller’s microscope.

The Special Counsel’s Office and federal prosecutors in Manhattan are scrutinizing a meeting involving former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, one-time National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and dozens of foreign officials, according to three sources familiar with the investigations.

The breakfast event, which was first reported by The Daily Sabah, a pro-government Turkish paper, took place at 8:30 a.m. at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 18, 2017—days before President Donald Trump’s inauguration. About 60 people were invited, including diplomats from governments around the world, according to those same sources.
One can only hope...
Mueller Probes an Event With Nunes, Flynn, and Foreign Officials at Trump’s D.C. Hotel
Devin Nunes has been a pitbull for the president, growling at the prosecutors investigating Trumpworld. Now an event that Nunes himself attended is under Mueller’s microscope.

The Special Counsel’s Office and federal prosecutors in Manhattan are scrutinizing a meeting involving former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, one-time National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and dozens of foreign officials, according to three sources familiar with the investigations.

The breakfast event, which was first reported by The Daily Sabah, a pro-government Turkish paper, took place at 8:30 a.m. at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 18, 2017—days before President Donald Trump’s inauguration. About 60 people were invited, including diplomats from governments around the world, according to those same sources.
Lock him up....
Lock him up....
If congress doesn't deal with Donald I figure yer gonna see thousands of people surround the WH chanting "Lock him up" 24/7. Donald had better hope all those federal employees who protect his ass from the wrath of the people are paid by then.

He knows that jail awaits him when he is no longer POTUS and he needs to be quickly impeached, once the process starts. Christ help ya if he is defeated in an election in 2020 and has from November to January to ponder his fate and take action to destroy the country to save himself the embarrassment, humiliation and prison. He will try to take you with him when he goes down, they had better not give him too much time to try. The only possible way out is to fly to Moscow on AF1 and ask Vlad for asylum from the "deep state", I wonder what the price would be...
If congress doesn't deal with Donald I figure yer gonna see thousands of people surround the WH chanting "Lock him up" 24/7. Donald had better hope all those federal employees who protect his ass from the wrath of the people are paid by then.

He knows that jail awaits him when he is no longer POTUS and he needs to be quickly impeached, once the process starts. Christ help ya if he is defeated in an election in 2020 and has from November to January to ponder his fate and take action to destroy the country to save himself the embarrassment, humiliation and prison. He will try to take you with him when he goes down, they had better not give him too much time to try. The only possible way out is to fly to Moscow on AF1 and ask Vlad for asylum from the "deep state", I wonder what the price would be...
I still think that some sort of power grab will occur where Trump basically dares the Republicans to stop him from shredding the Constitution. Given the well of ethical decay they have willingly jumped into, it's a coin toss as to whether they stop him. I guess it all depends on whether they think it will benefit them in the end. They don't give a shit about America, this is all about self interest for them.
Trump will resign sometime in 2019........if he's not assasinated.
I would like to think this is true but I suspect that Trump knows that he'll be going to prison or that his entire "empire" will be shown to be based on illegal activities and stripped from him. That's a powerful incentive to stay in power. Perhaps one out is him arranging full pardon with Pence, but given the number of state charges against him, I kind of doubt if that will be enough.
Trump will resign sometime in 2019........if he's not assassinated.
Trump won't resign because he's going to prison as soon as he's out of office and he knows it. Right now he's hiding behind the presidency to avoid a decade of prison for election and banking fraud alone (Individual #1). In a way assassination would be the easy way out for him, going nuts in a solitary supermax cell after a humiliating trial(s) would be my preferred ending. He will need to answer some questions for the CIA under difficult circumstances.