The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

President Donald Trump’s Historic Russia Denial Will Follow Him Forever | The Last Word | MSNBC

"I never worked for Russia" could become the "I am not a crook" moment of Trump's presidency. It comes amid new reports that Trump concealed notes about his private conversations with Putin and Mueller is investigating an event involving Devin Nunes and Michael Flynn. Lawrence discusses with Michael Isikoff, Ned Price and Andrew Weiss.
If I'm a Canadian there's a pretty good chance I'm living in Canada, which by the way I am. If you believe Trump, you can trust me, besides my IP address is a dead giveaway.
Now answer my question Do you support the democrats anti corruption and election reform bill HR1? If yer a Bernie bro you should be all over it.

You can be Canadian and Live in USA.. I'm not internet police or hacker to check your ip adress.. I see that those subhuman sjw scum's didnt warn you that I'm Russian BOT.. I dont support trump but I don't hate him.. I'm just glad that war whore didn't win.. I dont know about law that you talking about,but I support every anti corruption bill.. But my question Why the f do you care about trump?? And Hate him? He is not your president, USA is not your country..

Peace and Love From Cro Bro!!

For spelling errors I apologise to you..My spell checker doesn't work on cell phone..
I still think that some sort of power grab will occur where Trump basically dares the Republicans to stop him from shredding the Constitution. Given the well of ethical decay they have willingly jumped into, it's a coin toss as to whether they stop him. I guess it all depends on whether they think it will benefit them in the end. They don't give a shit about America, this is all about self interest for them.
all i'm waiting for is the army of the people marching past my house. as soon as i see it, i'm grabbing my gear, my ammo, and hopping on the end of the line. when 2/3s of the country are standing outside the white house, armed and's going to be too late for any negotiations....
and here's a thought...why does he have any protection right now? why is the secret service getting paid? shut that shit the fuck down too, let fuckface trump protect himself....and fire the fuckers running for fast food....let donnie waddle down to whataburger himself.....the fucking shutdown should be working both ways...the fat little fuck doesn't get to keep all his conveniences while people are going broke for his stupid fucking wall
all i'm waiting for is the army of the people marching past my house. as soon as i see it, i'm grabbing my gear, my ammo, and hopping on the end of the line. when 2/3s of the country are standing outside the white house, armed and's going to be too late for any negotiations....
and here's a thought...why does he have any protection right now? why is the secret service getting paid? shut that shit the fuck down too, let fuckface trump protect himself....and fire the fuckers running for fast food....let donnie waddle down to whataburger himself.....the fucking shutdown should be working both ways...the fat little fuck doesn't get to keep all his conveniences while people are going broke for his stupid fucking wall
Interns probably got them. Fun fact, if the gubmint wasn't shut down in 95, Monica Lewinski never would have been alone with Bill
You can be Canadian and Live in USA.. I'm not internet police or hacker to check your ip adress.. I see that those subhuman sjw scum's didnt warn you that I'm Russian BOT.. I dont support trump but I don't hate him.. I'm just glad that war whore didn't win.. I dont know about law that you talking about,but I support every anti corruption bill.. But my question Why the f do you care about trump?? And Hate him? He is not your president, USA is not your country..

Peace and Love From Cro Bro!!

For spelling errors I apologise to you..My spell checker doesn't work on cell phone..
Because he is a traitor and a direct national security threat to my country as well as the USA. There are still tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum because Trump considers Canada (your NATO and NORAD partner) a hostile nation. Also, I like the USA and Americans in general and hate to see them fucked over by a traitor. Anybody who likes America hates Trump, only those who don't care about their country have your attitude, unless yer a Russian, then yer just doing yer job (and a poor one if yer lurking here).

Besides, politics is boring in Canada (as it should be) with not too much for me to be concerned about because we have normal patriotic people doing those jobs, not traitors supported by race driven fools.

Don't you care that Trump is a traitor?
Are you an American Patriot or something else?
Do you hate brown people more than you love America? (At this point only race driven tribalists and idiots support Trump or don't care)

The public evidence of his guilt is overwhelming and Uncle Sam has is even more conclusive proof with no room for doubt at all. By the end of February the GOP senate should be in one Helluva pickle over Trump and if the republicans don't come around soon (they speak frankly in private) they will be finished as a national party. There are years of scandal yet to unfold, I'd look for a split among the right between the conservative wealthy class and the Trumper losers who make up his base, the conservatives will have a new party and the republicans will be lead into the political wilderness to die. The bottom line is the right will be out of power in America for at least a decade, maybe longer and the republican party will go the way of the Whig party.

BTW Hillary has not been on the political stage for 2 years, but she was right about Trump being Putin's puppet, because there is overwhelming evidence that he is.
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He's scared shitless about his reelection in 2020, so is Lindsey Graham, both are more scared of their primaries than of their election because they figure they are safe in Dixie, I disagree. It might be soon time for GOP senators from more sensible areas of the country up for reelection in 2020 to go independent, because Mitch is gonna sacrifice their senate seats for his own. There are a lot of vulnerable republican senators up for reelection in 2020 and voting not guilty in a slam dunk (very public, as on TV) impeachment trial will expose all of them to the wrath of their voters. If they vote not guilty they will own whatever Donald does afterwards and that could be a lot, even if they vote guilty, it might not help them in 2020. The democrats are not in too big a rush to get rid of Donald just yet, the closer to the election the better for them, but events and evidence will force their hand.

The impeachment trial will really be a treason trial and will get wall to wall TV coverage with unprecedented numbers of viewers, all the networks and cable channels will cover every second of it with expert legal commentators. Donald would have to run naked up and down the Washington mall, or nuke somebody to try and distract the public from it.
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Because he is a traitor and a direct national security threat to my country as well as the USA. There are still tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum because Trump considers Canada (your NATO and NORAD partner) a hostile nation. Also, I like the USA and Americans in general and hate to see them fucked over by a traitor. Anybody who likes America hates Trump, only those who don't care about their country have your attitude, unless yer a Russian, then yer just doing yer job (and a poor one if yer lurking here).

Besides, politics is boring in Canada (as it should be) with not too much for me to be concerned about because we have normal patriotic people doing those jobs, not traitors supported by race driven fools.

Don't you care that Trump is a traitor?
Are you an American Patriot or something else?
Do you hate brown people more than you love America? (At this point only race driven tribalists and idiots support Trump or don't care)

The public evidence of his guilt is overwhelming and Uncle Sam has is even more conclusive proof with no room for doubt at all. By the end of February the GOP senate should be in one Helluva pickle over Trump and if the republicans don't come around soon (they speak frankly in private) they will be finished as a national party. There are years of scandal yet to unfold, I'd look for a split among the right between the conservative wealthy class and the Trumper losers who make up his base, the conservatives will have a new party and the republicans will be lead into the political wilderness to die. The bottom line is the right will be out of power in America for at least a decade, maybe longer and the republican party will go the way of the Whig party.

BTW Hillary has not been on the political stage for 2 years, but she was right about Trump being Putin's puppet, because there is overwhelming evidence that he is.
That's telling him, Gordie.

Canada and America aren't going to be broken up by some sub-civilized-world troll asshats and a crooked NYC slumlord's dumbass kid.
Because he is a traitor and a direct national security threat to my country as well as the USA. There are still tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum because Trump considers Canada (your NATO and NORAD partner) a hostile nation. Also, I like the USA and Americans in general and hate to see them fucked over by a traitor. Anybody who likes America hates Trump, only those who don't care about their country have your attitude, unless yer a Russian, then yer just doing yer job (and a poor one if yer lurking here).

Besides, politics is boring in Canada (as it should be) with not too much for me to be concerned about because we have normal patriotic people doing those jobs, not traitors supported by race driven fools.

Don't you care that Trump is a traitor?
Are you an American Patriot or something else?
Do you hate brown people more than you love America? (At this point only race driven tribalists and idiots support Trump or don't care)

The public evidence of his guilt is overwhelming and Uncle Sam has is even more conclusive proof with no room for doubt at all. By the end of February the GOP senate should be in one Helluva pickle over Trump and if the republicans don't come around soon (they speak frankly in private) they will be finished as a national party. There are years of scandal yet to unfold, I'd look for a split among the right between the conservative wealthy class and the Trumper losers who make up his base, the conservatives will have a new party and the republicans will be lead into the political wilderness to die. The bottom line is the right will be out of power in America for at least a decade, maybe longer and the republican party will go the way of the Whig party.

BTW Hillary has not been on the political stage for 2 years, but she was right about Trump being Putin's puppet, because there is overwhelming evidence that he is.
Are you in Ontario? If yes you may want to pay a bit more attention to this shit show......trump lite aka ford is an idiot who stole the playbook.
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Are you in Ontario? If yes you may want to pay a bit more attention to this shit show......trump lite aka ford is an idiot who stole the playbook.
I'm in Nova Scotia and figure Ford is Ontario's version of Trump, if Winn and the liberals didn't fuck up so badly he'd still just be Rob Ford's older brother. The NDP left such a bad taste in folks mouths when they had power they were off the table as a viable alternative to the liberals. He did make the cannabis dispensaries private though, so some good might come of it...

Generally though politics is boring in Canada when compared to the USA. Even though Doug Ford is an asshole, he's not nearly as bad an asshole as Donald, ya'd have to go a long way to match Donald for shear stupid, dangerous and evil! Game of Thrones has nothing on the current political situation in the USA for shear drama and entertainment value.
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I'm in Nova Scotia and figure Ford is Ontario's version of Trump, if Winn and the liberals didn't fuck up so badly he'd still just be Rob Ford's older brother. The NDP left such a bad taste in folks mouths when they had power they were off the table as a viable alternative to the liberals. He did make the cannabis dispensaries private though, so some good might come of it...

Generally though politics is boring in Canada when compared to the USA. Even though Doug Ford is an asshole, he's not nearly as bad an asshole as Donald, ya'd have to go a long way to match Donald for shear stupid, dangerous and evil!
thump is in a league of his own....
I truly believe he will go down in history as a Quisling or Benedict Arnold.
He will do anything to hold onto power, the tighter he grasps the more easily it will slip through his fingers. Already he's got 30+ very nervous and vulnerable senators up for re election in 2020 and he's putting them all at risk so he won't get primaried by a bunch of extreme loonies in his state. I figure a lot of them are gonna break, not just with Mitch, but with the republican party as well, the "brand" won't be worth shit with the majority of voters soon.
He will do anything to hold onto power, the tighter he grasps the more easily it will slip through his fingers. Already he's got 30+ very nervous and vulnerable senators up for re election in 2020 and he's putting them all at risk so he won't get primaried by a bunch of extreme loonies in his state. I figure a lot of them are gonna break, not just with Mitch, but with the republican party as well, the "brand" won't be worth shit with the majority of voters soon.
I just keep thinking about all those fucking rallies and the fact that he is dumb enough to believe his own echo chamber. I fully expect him to call upon the faithful to descend upon Washington with guns to save him. Frankly, if he were smarter and more capable he would have laid the groundwork to circumvent the government entirely - but he's not.
I just keep thinking about all those fucking rallies and the fact that he is dumb enough to believe his own echo chamber. I fully expect him to call upon the faithful to descend upon Washington with guns to save him. Frankly, if he were smarter and more capable he would have laid the groundwork to circumvent the government entirely - but he's not.
If they show up in Washington with guns they will be outnumbered 10 to one and if they start shooting at those protesting Trump, the cops will shoot them. If Trump incited the violence, the next day after the shootings would see many times more protesters showing up howling for Trump's blood, something like that would just piss people off to the point where they wouldn't give a fuck. A Trumper at one of those events would be scared shitless and after a shooting their life would be in serious peril. There are plenty of people who hate Trump who have guns too and if they can't get at him, someone with a MAGA hat on might do.
If they show up in Washington with guns they will be outnumbered 10 to one and if they start shooting at those protesting Trump, the cops will shoot them. If Trump incited the violence, the next day after the shootings would see many times more protesters showing up howling for Trump's blood, something like that would just piss people off to the point where they wouldn't give a fuck. A Trumper at one of those events would be scared shitless and after a shooting their life would be in serious peril. There are plenty of people who hate Trump who have guns too and if they can't get at him, someone with a MAGA hat on might do.
I agree. But is Trump smart enough to realize that?
I just keep thinking about all those fucking rallies and the fact that he is dumb enough to believe his own echo chamber. I fully expect him to call upon the faithful to descend upon Washington with guns to save him. Frankly, if he were smarter and more capable he would have laid the groundwork to circumvent the government entirely - but he's not.
that would get them all in the same place....too tempting a target for all the Generals who have to hate his fucking guts.....wouldn't you drop a whole squadron worth of the nastiest sub-nuclear bombs you had on Washington if trump and his whole "army" was there?....
i think the General who actually did it would be out next president.....i'd vote for the fucker, just out of sheer gratitude
I just keep thinking about all those fucking rallies and the fact that he is dumb enough to believe his own echo chamber. I fully expect him to call upon the faithful to descend upon Washington with guns to save him. Frankly, if he were smarter and more capable he would have laid the groundwork to circumvent the government entirely - but he's not.
I was beginning to worry about that in 2017 and 2018, especially when things got hot between Proud Boys and people who opposed fascists in my town, Portland. I'm not becoming complacent but with the convictions of fascists from the Charlottesville riots and the charges on fascists who beat protesters in New York and progress towards legal bans of fascist marches in Portland, I'm beginning to relax a bit.

After all who ever heard of a power mad wannabe world dominating dictator who spends a third of his year out of office playing golf?