Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
me too, been asking for over a year now
Those are ugly decisions that haunt others the rest of their lives.Kind of a sad day today. I just seen a friend/patient while making a stop at the hospital...He found his 18yr old son hanging.... I couldn't imagine losing one of my babies. I've lost lots of friends and even one of my parents at a young age. I don't know what I'd do....He is on life support now. No matter how old or honory our kids get they'll always be our babies.... I guess it was over a girl....smh
Those are ugly decisions that haunt others the rest of their lives.
I've never had much respect for people who commit suicide. my life has had some pretty shitty low points in it, and i just shower the shit off and keep trudging along....just seems like the thing to do....
That's nice.I've never had much respect for people who commit suicide. my life has had some pretty shitty low points in it, and i just shower the shit off and keep trudging along....just seems like the thing to do....
I've never had much respect for people who commit suicide. my life has had some pretty shitty low points in it, and i just shower the shit off and keep trudging along....just seems like the thing to do....
My Grandpa on moms side was my hero. He ended up shooting himself and that literally erased all the good memories and fun. Even now that I'm older it's just ugly to think about.
I think it's one of the most selfish things a loved one can do. The people that have commited suicide that I've kinda known((besides my grandpa))Were either mentally unstable to begin with, or seriously bad alcoholics. The thing I can't stand is the fuckers who cut themselves and act like there guna kill themselves on a weekly basis for attention. I have no respect for those kind of people. Sadly it's usually the ones that are quiet that end up doing it.
Suicide is a sad reality.
My grandpa was a terrible alcoholic ....and very drunk when he shot himself.
One of our close friends of almost 30 years just took her own life last week.
Gave her beloved dog to a friend, - Pills (we think) and she was found fully dressed in the shower with a note and her will on the dresser.
Her poor adult son was left to tie up all the loose ends & he's beside himself with questions and grief (as are we).
Everyone gets sad once in a while but real depression is VERY different.9 times out of 10 that's the best way to do it.
in the end you do have to talk to someone and or something to get whats going on inside of you out into the open. Pent up frustrations and anger is not the answer in cases like these, they will sit there and fester untill one day, you at the same circle you started with in the beginning. I've had my bout with depression sometimes severe in cases, but i learned over time is to talk, weither you talk to yourself, your maker or just another person, it's a good idea.....get a sound board of some kind....
i just had a nephew try to, luckly he's in the hospital right now cause his mom caught it in just in time.....
maybe, maybe not, i have no idea whats on the other side, and neither does anyone elseThat's nice.
I'm pretty sure dead people don't give a shit whether you respect them or not.
maybe, maybe not, i have no idea whats on the other side, and neither does anyone else
I am sorryOne of our close friends of almost 30 years just took her own life last week.
Gave her beloved dog to a friend, - Pills (we think) and she was found fully dressed in the shower with a note and her will on the dresser.
Her poor adult son was left to tie up all the loose ends & he's beside himself with questions and grief (as are we).
One of our close friends of almost 30 years just took her own life last week.
Gave her beloved dog to a friend, - Pills (we think) and she was found fully dressed in the shower with a note and her will on the dresser.
Her poor adult son was left to tie up all the loose ends & he's beside himself with questions and grief (as are we).
The self cutters are also in need of mental health treatment. They are not doing it without chemical imbalance. It can be a sign of bipolar manic attack.
Don’t hate them. Suggest help please. They are not really themselves.
I don't hate anyone tbh .... I'm not talking about "Cutters" even though they can be very annoying as well. I'm talking about people who cut their wrists just enough to bleed and act like it was an attempt at suicide. Solely for attention.
On a lighter note.....
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Kinda weird
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Racist chocolate machine
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Yes,same machine.