The Dawg
Well-Known Member
Lamo Brother Its All Good.However My Son Think's I Smoke Way Too much RefferOf course he smokes it all, have you seen the way Dawg types^^^??!!???..jk....maybe he should sell some though, so he can finally get a new ^^^ cell-phone...
nice bitch Dawg!!.......forgive me brother

Why Do You Think I Keep Expanding Brother.Ive Been Out Since Before Christmas.However I Do Go A Visiting From Time To TimeLiar Dawg!!! we all know you smoke it all... just like I do, you can never smoke too much of this shit!

What Getto What Ya Talking About Willis?Are You Saying My Buds Are Smallwow dawg thats one ghetto phone thereBuds look dank though. Is that one of those super small phones from 2002