Awesome journals Dawg! I am just catching up on all your work and it's very impressive

I got my RO and meters from BulkReefSupply too! Those guys are simply awesome! Great support and great products; they talked me through installing my RO because I'm a complete plumbing noob. You won't believe how great the water out of an RO tastes compared to tap/brita or anything else. If you're ever looking for another pH meter, the HM fromBulkReef is really really awesome. I pretty much only have to calibrate it once a month and even then it's only off by a tiny amount. Also it's one of the only meters that measures pH to a hundredth of a point instead of just tenths. One thing I discovered about pH meters is that whichever one you are using, the electrode storage solution is essential. That's what'll keep it deadly accurate use after use.
On another note, you have really turned me on to Area 51. Based on your journals, and the input of others, I am strongly considering investing in a few panels. I can't decide if I should go with the new all white XGS-190 or the SGS-160. I am wondering about how the all white XGS spectrum will do in flower as compared to the white/red SGS. I know you have two panels coming to you, so I'm very curious as to what your opinion is?
Keep rockin' these journals brother!