The Dawgs 600 Watt SGS-160 Grow

Well, Dawg, if you need some Linux help let me know.
Thank You Brother Mellodrama.Do You Find Many Website Thats Not Compatiable With Linux?

I've had the same MacBook laptop for 3 years as my main puter. I still like it better than any Windows machine I've owned. (Maybe Windows 8 is better than older versions, but problems with that OS over a 20 year period left a real bad taste in my mouth. :wall: )

Brother Dave Im Hearing Good Things About Apple Computers.Im Looking At This One
where did my text tgo too??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
where did my text tgo too??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I got word from the mods that this site doesn't LIKE-LIKE you anymore....................just LIKE now, bummer:hump:

Alright back to my pretty little liars marathon:shock:.................nice bitches^^ BTW.
Thank You Brother Mellodrama.Do You Find Many Website Thats Not Compatiable With Linux?

Brother Dave Im Hearing Good Things About Apple Computers.Im Looking At This One

Hey, brother Dawg. At first I thought that model was too underpowered, but after reading the specs, I see that it's more than my MacBook Pro (which is 3 years old). If I were you, I'd buy it configured with 8 GB memory rather than the standard 4 GB. (I had to upgrade to 8 GB a long time ago. Running vmware was way too slow at 4 GB.) And keep in mind that this unit doesn't have a DVD drive, so you'll need to use a portable DVD burner with it. If you already have one for a PC, that should work, but Apple sells its own version for $79. And to control the OS using hand gestures (navigating through the user interface) you need an Apple mouse or trackpad. Their mouse is another $69. I think you can use your Windows keyboard, but the Mac uses some special keys, so I don't know how to mimic them using a Windows keyboard... but it might be possible.

Here's Apple's description of the unit:

What you need to add (IMHO):
  • $100 - upgrade to 8 GB memory
  • $69 - Apple Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad
Things you might need:
  • portable DVD burner ($79 from Apple, but I think any model will work)
  • Mac keyboard ($49 from Apple)
If you buy all this stuff through the Apple Store (online), it'll cost $896. You can keep using your existing printer & display with the Mac.

* At a bare minimum, I'd add the memory upgrade and get a cheap portable DVD burner. I saw a few cheap burners for $22-$30 on that website you showed.
Thank You Brother Mellodrama.Do You Find Many Website Thats Not Compatible With Linux?

No. That's a problem I haven't come across in several years.

Firefox, Thunderbird, and Chrome all work the same in Linux as Windows, except for small things. Like Firefox's Settings are under the "Preferences" tab instead of "Tools".

The day may come when people running Linux have to worry about malware, but as of this date most Linux users don't run any anti-malware programs at all. Linux is more secure, but it's also largely about percentages. The bad guys aren't gonna waste time writing malware for the 2% of people running Linux when there's all those Windows users...

NEXT DAY EDIT: I should add that you can install Linux onto a 4 or 5 year old PC with decent specs and it'll run faster than it ever did with Windows. Downloading a copy of Mint or Fedora or Ubuntu is free, so you can revive a malware-plagued Windows box for the cost of a CD. A lot cheaper than the Apple you're looking at...
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I've had the same MacBook laptop for 3 years as my main puter. I still like it better than any Windows machine I've owned. (Maybe Windows 8 is better than older versions, but problems with that OS over a 20 year period left a real bad taste in my mouth. :wall: )
I have used both much more than most. Office for the Mac/Apple leaves much to be desired if you are exchanging files with Windows users on a regular basis, but barring that, I prefer Macs all around with the exception of the price. In this day and age, you have to protect yourself like you are in a whorehouse in Bangkok either way, but had NEVER had a virus on my Macs.
No. That's a problem I haven't come across in several years.

Firefox, Thunderbird, and Chrome all work the same in Linux as Windows, except for small things. Like Firefox's Settings are under the "Preferences" tab instead of "Tools".

The day may come when people running Linux have to worry about malware, but as of this date most Linux users don't run any anti-malware programs at all. Linux is more secure, but it's also largely about percentages. The bad guys aren't gonna waste time writing malware for the 2% of people running Linux when there's all those Windows users...

NEXT DAY EDIT: I should add that you can install Linux onto a 4 or 5 year old PC with decent specs and it'll run faster than it ever did with Windows. Downloading a copy of Mint or Fedora or Ubuntu is free, so you can revive a malware-plagued Windows box for the cost of a CD. A lot cheaper than the Apple you're looking at...

Yeah, I agree with all this. I love my Mac, but if you want to save a lot of money, you can download & install a copy of Ubuntu or one of the other versions of Linux on your PC and you might be surprised how easy it is to use. It just helps if you have someone to show you around the basic functions when you start out. That takes maybe 15 minutes. And there are probably video tutorials for each version that you can use. I installed Ubuntu on an old laptop of mine that I gave away to a completely computer illiterate guy (and I'm no Linux expert myself) and he used it for a long time.
Right On My Brothers And Thanks For All Yall's Input On My Puter Situation.I Have Decided To Go With The Linux OS.Now If You Looked At My Post In My Now Defunked Organic WaterFarm Grow You Would Already Have This Piece Of Wisdom :P
Week 7 Day 1 Of Flower

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.Ewww I Just Cant Find The Beat.They Say Dawgie Dawg Why You Acts That Way Cause I Want To Funk You My Dear.P-Funk Un-Cut Funk The Bomb:hump:Somebody Say To Me Is Their Funk After Death I Said 7-Up.Make My Funk The P-Funk I Dont Want My Funk Stepped On Ho Hey Im So Groovey I Dig Myself Sir Lolli Pop Man Comming To Ya In 3-D:eyesmoke:

Well Im Going T Start This Garden Party Off By Showing My Sexy Azz Midget PowerSkunk 1st :hug:
4x4 week 7 day 1 flower 004 (533x800).jpg 4x4 week 7 day 1 flower 003 (533x800).jpg 4x4 week 7 day 1 flower 002 (533x800).jpg 4x4 week 7 day 1 flower 001 (533x800).jpg 4x4 week 7 day 1 flower 005 (800x533).jpg
G'day there dawg longtime no speak bro I see your killin it as usual mate awesome to see!!!!! I see your running an all white sgs 160 like me too man they seem to do the job perfect I got 5.5 ounces off a detroit badass and 3 off a Pineapple Express first time using them . I'm going full hydro this time so hopefully I yield some more :) any news on anymore new lights from Area 51 coming out soon there bro?

Peace and hair grease dawgy dawg