The Death Of The Great American White Way?


Well-Known Member
I tend to believe that whites are responsible for starting the slave trade and there were many wars fought to capture all the 'negroes' possible I tend to believe that even if there was a moment when a slave profited from would just be taken away by some white man anyway. I mean...if you had a mean master, he could just start killing all of your slave family w/o any concerns over justice returning 4 him I tend to believe that men of all nations have at one time or another restricted the rights of women in their societies And, I tend to believe that white racists are still relatively prevalent in the USA.....the civil rights amendment was passed in 1964 and it still is not a realized dream. Many people still feel discriminated and/or segregated by the 'white majority' The sad fact is: Obama is 1/2 black and pro GLBT rights and still....and still...AND STILL...there are people who can't accept black people or the GLBT community at all
Slavery existed thousands of years before even the "native" Americans crossed the Bering land bridge into the Americas. Slavery existed at the dawn of mankind, before Caucasians even existed. Yet you blame only whites. Whites have been enslaved throughout history, also. Every race has practiced slavery and been enslaved at one time or another. Yet you blame only whites. Many Blacks, maybe most, do not accept the GLBT, some gays do not accept bisexuals. You falsely claim that the majority of whites are racist. You seem to have no knowledge of history or even the present. Yet you come here to spew your hate speech. Your racism is showing.


Well-Known Member
only in the western portions of africa. in the east the slave trade was run by musselmen who still run a delightful slave trade in east africa today.
Musselmen=Muslim Arabs, are not considered "whites", but Arabs, and still native Africans, not Europeans.


Ursus marijanus
I tend to believe that whites are responsible for starting the slave trade and there were many wars fought to capture all the 'negroes' possible

I tend to believe that even if there was a moment when a slave profited from would just be taken away by some white man anyway. I mean...if you had a mean master, he could just start killing all of your slave family w/o any concerns over justice returning 4 him

I tend to believe that men of all nations have at one time or another restricted the rights of women in their societies

And, I tend to believe that white racists are still relatively prevalent in the USA.....the civil rights amendment was passed in 1964 and it still is not a realized dream. Many people still feel discriminated and/or segregated by the 'white majority'

The sad fact is: Obama is 1/2 black and pro GLBT rights and still....and still...AND STILL...there are people who can't accept black people or the GLBT community at all
It's important to understand that "feel" and "be" are not the same thing. The Civil Rights Act addresses being the target of discrimination but not feeling it's happening. A felt injustice may or may not be backed by the real situation. As for segregation, can you give a modern example of that happening without the active participation of the segregees? cn


Well-Known Member
There is absolutely NO fucking way you can prove that b-cuz black history was not recorded back then....period.....I challenge U to submit clear and logical proof that this was the case. If you can prove it to me, I will mail U an 1/8th of top-shelf Texas cannabis! 4 real.....prove it 2 me/us or GTFO of my face
So, blacks had no history, no spoken word, no royalty, no group identity, no culture? You sound pretty racist to me. You clearly have no grasp of the matter at all. Google "African slave trade" or "Sierra Leone". And you can keep your 1/8th, you cheap fuck.


Well-Known Member
It's a matter of history, Prisoner. It is well documented. Stronger groups would prey on weaker ones and rival groups would sell each other off. Usually it was due to ethnic conflict. White slavers took advantage of age old rivalries and sometimes escalated the tension between groups.
It was mostly Arab slavers, whites traveled months across treacherous seas to get to Africa, and months to get back. It made no sense to risk the lives of your crew, hunting down potential slaves in a land and climate foreign to you, against armed and hostile natives. This could take months. Supplies would have to be brought with you, you wouldn't have time to gather them and hunt slaves at the same time. As you accumulated slaves, more and more of your crew would be required to guard the slaves, leaving fewer and fewer to hunt down the hostile natives. If too many of the crew are lost due to fighting the natives, or disease, you wouldn't be able to sail home. And there was a ready supply of already captured and enslaved victims, at very reasonable prices. You wouldn't go to China and raise your own silk worms and make your own silk, to take back to your homeland would you? No. you'd just buy or trade for it from the locals. Rival tribes would sell conquered enemies into slavery and take their land, etc. Sometimes, local chieftains would sell "excess" population, or possible rebels or rivals, or just a nagging wife. The Kennedy family made their fortune in the slave trade, a little bit of American history that has been hidden.


Well-Known Member
Do you even know what that symbol represents? Oh and Native folk kept slaves as well. They treated them a hell of a lot better and eventually they were assimilated into the tribe but still slaves, nonetheless.
Only the children. The adults could never be trusted. And not all tribes kept slaves. Some took no prisoners, in the worst sense of the word.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It was mostly Arab slavers, whites traveled months across treacherous seas to get to Africa, and months to get back. It made no sense to risk the lives of your crew, hunting down potential slaves in a land and climate foreign to you, against armed and hostile natives. This could take months. Supplies would have to be brought with you, you wouldn't have time to gather them and hunt slaves at the same time. As you accumulated slaves, more and more of your crew would be required to guard the slaves, leaving fewer and fewer to hunt down the hostile natives. If too many of the crew are lost due to fighting the natives, or disease, you wouldn't be able to sail home. And there was a ready supply of already captured and enslaved victims, at very reasonable prices. You wouldn't go to China and raise your own silk worms and make your own silk, to take back to your homeland would you? No. you'd just buy or trade for it from the locals. Rival tribes would sell conquered enemies into slavery and take their land, etc. Sometimes, local chieftains would sell "excess" population, or possible rebels or rivals, or just a nagging wife. The Kennedy family made their fortune in the slave trade, a little bit of American history that has been hidden.
while it is true that the majority of slavery in africa was perpetrated by arab slavers (even the swahili language is a leftover from the slave trade mixing african and arabic grammar) most slaves brought to the americas and europe were frome western africa, where the arab slavers had minimal presence.

most american slaves were sold to the dutch and belgians by local african leaders (cheifs kings etc...) and kept in the "Barracoons" you can still see today, while they awaited shipment to the new world.

east africa was dominated by the arab slavers, but arabs are NOT native africans. they are from the east, nomadic indian/vedic tribes who settled in the arabian peninsula and expanded from there. the Berbers are the native north african desert nomads. and the Punics are the native north african mediterranean urban civilization

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Don't you have it the other way around? I thought most of our slaves were bought from the Dutch who couldn't hack it with sugar cane?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Don't you have it the other way around? I thought most of our slaves were bought from the Dutch who couldn't hack it with sugar cane?
most american slaves were from the dutch and portugese (not belgium, since belgium was part of the netherlands at the time..) "the belgians" should have been "the potugese". my bad.

but thats just slaves in europe and the new world, by volume the arab slave traders had a way bigger operation. they had the entire north and east protions of africa covered like kudzu. they still run a bustling (if quiet) slave trade today in north africa.


Well-Known Member
most american slaves were from the dutch and portugese (not belgium, since belgium was part of the netherlands at the time..) "the belgians" should have been "the potugese". my bad.

but thats just slaves in europe and the new world, by volume the arab slave traders had a way bigger operation. they had the entire north and east protions of africa covered like kudzu. they still run a bustling (if quiet) slave trade today in north africa.
Not as big as the eastern europeans today


Well-Known Member
Well when you compare the "great white american way" to every other way in the world, Ill take the great white American way every time. If you dont agree, move to Ghana and tell us how the other way works out for you.


Well-Known Member
People of color from all over the world are immigrating to live under this despotic "great white american way" you hold in contempt. This "great white american way" has given every citizen, regardless of color, an equal vote. Why do you choose to try to divide us into separate classes and pit one against the other?


Well-Known Member
I am white. Have been all my life. USMC veteran. Our time passed and not by design but by natures ways. White progress, especially birth control, ensured our being relegated a smaller portion of a pie where more want to eat from. And I'm comfortable with most of that. Vote every single time and not just national runs. Like how it feels being eased to the bar ditch? Think how others have felt as we did just that.

I'm no United Nations or leader of a group hug. I'm simply an observant realist growing old and watching the lunacy.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what our country would be like today if we could have bought semi-civilized white slaves instead of having to use wild Negroes from the jungle.