guy incognito
Well-Known Member
Yet even more like this:[/B]
More like this:
Me: Hey everyone, I have the facts, they are 2+2=4.
Everyone: Bullshit, that's old school thinking. We have mountains of evidence saying you're wrong.
Me: How can I be wrong, because the very definition of addition says I'm correct.
Everyone: BS, prove it. There is no absolute addition. Everyone does addition their own way.
Seedling: Hey everyone, I have the facts, they are (2/x)+(2/x)=4.
non retards: You are wrong because you are assuming the x is EXACTLY 1. At a measured value of 2 I agree that x looks extremely close to 1, so close in fact that if you simply assume it is 1 and do your math then your answer of 4 will be close enough for everyday purposes. However once you reach integers of sufficient magnitude the x factor will NOT be 1.
seedling: How can I be wrong when I make up my very own definition of terms that says I'm correct?
non retards: Because you made up your own definition. We tried explaining that your definition is wrong and provided you with the correct equations to do the math. Then we provided you will real world examples and measurements that confirm everything we told you is correct.