The DNC Reports Lowest Fundraising Since 2003

It's good that you know how every ceo thinks
I'm just not naive. I know that people don't give politicians money for no reason, or for "tax deductions" (that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard). They give them money because they expect a return on their investment.
I'm just not naive. I know that people don't give politicians money for no reason, or for "tax deductions" (that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard). They give them money because they expect a return on their investment.
But is it a guarantee that the politician will support the CEO?
The only thing that's guaranteed is if the politicians votes the "wrong way", they won't be receiving campaign contributions from that donor anymore
... Or other donors, because they'll be seen as unreliable. Instead, all that money will shift to their competitor- which greatly increases the chance said unreliable politician will find themselves out of a job.

But I'm pointing out basic logic to Democratic Party cultists. I'm not exactly expecting to make much headway.
... Or other donors, because they'll be seen as unreliable. Instead, all that money will shift to their competitor- which greatly increases the chance said unreliable politician will find themselves out of a job.
Sure.. if they were a bad leader.
In this case, all 'bad' has to mean is 'unwilling to follow the money'.

Remember that he who spends the most money wins 90% of the time.
Still got 10% out there and we are talking about reelection. If somebody really came out and did something really great for once all they would really have to do is say they are running again and nail a debate