The DNC Reports Lowest Fundraising Since 2003

Still got 10% out there and we are talking about reelection. If somebody really came out and did something really great for once all they would really have to do is say they are running again and nail a debate
Bernie Sanders showed it is possible; he raised a tiny fraction of the amount poured into Mrs Clinton's campaign and came a lot closer than anyone would have believed.

I think it scared the DNC so much they pulled all sorts of shenanigans to make sure 'their' candidate won.

The donor class has been comfortably throwing elections for years now; those politicians are bought and paid for, race after campaign after election. If politicians who actually represented the People found their way into office, those investments might go for naught and they certainly won't tolerate that.
Bernie Sanders showed it is possible; he raised a tiny fraction of the amount poured into Mrs Clinton's campaign and came a lot closer than anyone would have believed.

I think it scared the DNC so much they pulled all sorts of shenanigans to make sure 'their' candidate won.
He lost by a huge margin.. and the DNC shenanigans are all opinion. All there was is a couple debate questions, that there's no way in hell she wasn't already prepared for. They were all questions about current issues
The idea that corporations and billionaires contribute obscene amounts of money to political campaigns so they can write it off in their taxes is not a fact. It's an unsubstantiated theory with conflicting evidence
When you play the lottery do you automatically expect to win?
The idea that corporations and billionaires contribute obscene amounts of money to political campaigns so they can write it off in their taxes is not a fact. It's an unsubstantiated theory with conflicting evidence
Fact; donations to political campaigns and SuperPACs are indeed tax deductible.

Fact; candidates spending the most money win races 90% of the time.

Fact; once in office, those very same politicians vote in favor of the donor class over 90% of the time.

Personally, I think it's pretty straightforward; taxpayers are being ripped off to the tune of billions of dollars every election cycle in order to manipulate campaigns and install politicians who won't represent them.

To call it a scam is an understatement.
Holy fuck.. you're ridiculous. With that logic, how can you know if any candidate is taking contributions or not.
Campaign finance is transparent

You said the corrupting influence of money in politics only affects some people, "It depends on the individual", so what's unreasonable about asking how you would know which people are affected by it? What exactly does it "depend" on?
Campaign finance is transparent

You said the corrupting influence of money in politics only affects some people, "It depends on the individual", so what's unreasonable about asking how you would know which people are affected by it? What exactly does it "depend" on?
Campaign finance is transparent

You said the corrupting influence of money in politics only affects some people, "It depends on the individual", so what's unreasonable about asking how you would know which people are affected by it? What exactly does it "depend" on?
Not after Citizens United it isn't. Now the politicians don't have to disclose where their money came from.

No potential for corruption THERE... o_O
Bernie Sanders showed it is possible; he raised a tiny fraction of the amount poured into Mrs Clinton's campaign and came a lot closer than anyone would have believed.

I think it scared the DNC so much they pulled all sorts of shenanigans to make sure 'their' candidate won.

The donor class has been comfortably throwing elections for years now; those politicians are bought and paid for, race after campaign after election. If politicians who actually represented the People found their way into office, those investments might go for naught and they certainly won't tolerate that.

bernie took over $6 million dollars in unaccountable super PAC money. he is corrupt.
You've got to be kidding. Those with character are weed out while they're still running in Podunk elections. The donors only throw money at reliable candidates; reliably willing to vote the way donors want them to.

If they don't, they suddenly find all that money funding the opposition during the next primary.
You're saying your own subjective interpretation of their character is how you would know if they're influenced by money

So since I can't use your subjective interpretation of someone's character to determine if they could be influenced by money, how would I know?
He lost by a huge margin.. and the DNC shenanigans are all opinion. All there was is a couple debate questions, that there's no way in hell she wasn't already prepared for. They were all questions about current issues

actually, donna brazile discussed LOTS of debate questions with hillary, most of which never even came up and all of which she was studied up for anyway.

unless, of course, you're one of those alt-left conspiracy theorists who think that hillary would have been unprepared for a question about lead-contaminated water during a debate in flint michigan and said preparation accounted for 4 million+ votes.
So what do you have to say about the BILLIONS Mrs Clinton took?

sure, fuck facts.

hillary clinton did not take BILLIONS!!!!11!!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!! in super pac money.

she did get lots of help from her main super pac, priorities USA. so she was corrupted by that evil organization which advocates for better health care and education outcomes. she even got some help from her correct the record super pac, which advocated for facts. and we all know how much you hate facts.

but then again, bernie also raked in millions of unaccountable dark money from shady super pacs as well.
sure, fuck facts.

hillary clinton did not take BILLIONS!!!!11!!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!! in super pac money.

she did get lots of help from her main super pac, priorities USA. so she was corrupted by that evil organization which advocates for better health care and education outcomes. she even got some help from her correct the record super pac, which advocated for facts. and we all know how much you hate facts.

but then again, bernie also raked in millions of unaccountable dark money from shady super pacs as well.

Who's 'we all'?

Anything over one billion is billions.

Conservatively, she raised $1.2 billion, divided by $6 million, which equals;


Jesus, you're tone deaf.