The Dons' Organic Garden

Having any cal/mag issues under LED?
No, my soil is well balanced, so never really any issues. My mineral mix consist of crab, crustaceans, oyster and gypsum.
What's your vpd? I believe leds make leaf surface alot cooler, so it directly affects your vpd. Which could be why you're plants are in taking different?
The woods behind my compost lot are filled with rotten treasure. I go back there with a shovel and five gallon buckets. Check out this log that fell across a deer path and has turned into beautiful red dust, straight up potting soil consistency.

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Just took my dog for a walk in woods around my house and came across lots of this. Also when digging under the leaves there are areas with 6-8 inches or more of worm castings built up. Im using a recycled mix indoors that I am going to reamend soon. Would it be a problem to collect and add some of this to my indoor soil mix or do I risk bringing in something unwanted such as bugs?
Just took my dog for a walk in woods around my house and came across lots of this. Also when digging under the leaves there are areas with 6-8 inches or more of worm castings built up. Im using a recycled mix indoors that I am going to reamend soon. Would it be a problem to collect and add some of this to my indoor soil mix or do I risk bringing in something unwanted such as bugs?
I would add it to the compost pile first or to your soil mix before you "cook" it but that is just my opinion.
Just took my dog for a walk in woods around my house and came across lots of this. Also when digging under the leaves there are areas with 6-8 inches or more of worm castings built up. Im using a recycled mix indoors that I am going to reamend soon. Would it be a problem to collect and add some of this to my indoor soil mix or do I risk bringing in something unwanted such as bugs?
Any soil that's outdoors shouldn't come indoors to any monocrop garden. Use it in your garden outdoors or grow more stuff inside along with your weed. Like tons of stuff. But sterilizing it will ruin the point of acquiring it.
Just took my dog for a walk in woods around my house and came across lots of this. Also when digging under the leaves there are areas with 6-8 inches or more of worm castings built up. Im using a recycled mix indoors that I am going to reamend soon. Would it be a problem to collect and add some of this to my indoor soil mix or do I risk bringing in something unwanted such as bugs?

I don't see any reason using it immediately. If your soil is healthy you shouldn't have problems! To be on the safe side you can put it through a worm bin, adds more microbes too.
Oil/edibles are no joke. Our bodies metabolize cannabinoids way differently when eating it. I'm not proud of this in any way, but I've had three different people go to the ER after eating one of my chocolates thinking they were having a stroke. The very clear instructions to only eat half of one are ignored after they don't feel any buzz for a half hour or so, so they eat the rest. SMH. :|
too bad we only actually are able to ingest like 10-15 percent of the thc inside those edibles. so i must of had a really strong batch!!