FifyI don’t consider most of the criminals here Americans. Most fall under the title “Republicans”
I’ve never been to Tasmania,,,Why thank you. I'm not sure about the kissing bit. The Taliban didn't do 9/11 (which your awhare of). I'm of the belief that Saudi's (with the knowledge of your own Bush Gov) did it. Also not sure that the deaths of so, so many during the long, long war justified it.
I get the occasional hate from Americans. They are the majority on the site and don't like being questioned nor seeing themselves in the mirror. Its why i rarely rise to the bait that gets set a heap, plus aussies are much more thick skinned and most the insults i hear are fairly mild school type stuff. If a culture isn't comfortable using the word "cunt" then its pretty hard to get the best of an aussie in an insult match.
Porky answered most of your other Q but ill add In my State of Tasmania our power is still Gov controlled (its renewable green energy to) and its cheaper than the mainlands power. We also didn't Privatise MAIB insurance like most or all of the other States so we also have the cheapest car registration. Plus in regard to deforestation about 1/3rd of Tasmania's land mass is World heritage listed (dense forest and wild rivers and beaches). We are a pretty green environmental conscious State (the Greens party was first formed here) that has been carbon neutral for 6 of the last 7 years or something. I also like most of the Tax system as I don't pay much income tax (I avg $500 Per year the last few years before Covid) and had investment properties when i did which minimises income ways around that. Dont agree on the ever rising Tax on alcohol as i drink a bit. Being on an island i don't see much of the Authoritarianism that has been mentioned but do understand that Sydney and Melbourne would of seen a huge amount of that over Covid. Like it or not though it did work to stem the spread and would of saved thousands of lives. From ex pats over seas its appears Fox has been saying a lot of sensationalized stuff the last few months about how Aust is all locked at home and cannot travel etc- we have seen that mentioned on this thread earlier. In saying that Gov world wide i think are becoming more Authoritarian and Conservative. Its a horrible trend.
Privatisation = increased costs.
Tasmanian Wilderness
In a region that has been subjected to severe glaciation, these parks and reserves, with their steep gorges, covering an area of over 1 million ha, constitute one of the last expanses of temperate rainforest in the
Green bit world Heritige listed:
View attachment 5019282
We also have a shit load of national Parks
By your standard, in 2016, the US elected a Communist? What about the party that he leads? Communist too?I don’t consider most of the criminals here Americans. Most fall under the title “ Communists”
You get chained and dragged behind pickup trucks in the countryside.That’s hilarious! Every major Democrat city is a violent cesspool. You get shot in Chicago,LA, Oakland , or New York chances are it isn’t a Republican voter pulling the trigger. Lmao!!! Nice try though!
You get chained and dragged behind pickup trucks in the countryside.
Man in horrific Texas dragging death to be executed Wednesday
A man who helped orchestrate one of the most horrific hate crimes in modern American history — the dragging death of James Byrd Jr. in East Texas — is slated to die
How about some good ole boys lettin off a little steam?
Think city dwellers would do this? Your hypocrisy is cookie-cutter fascism.
I am a centrist, not a leftist. Get that right, royalist.This happened in 1998. Typical leftist cherry-picking of rare incidents while ignoring the usual occurrence which is perpetrated by their supporters. Since the weekend is still young should we bet on how many dozens of murders will occur in the liberal utopia of Chicago? How many hate crimes or car break ins in San Francisco? Honestly do you not see the connection between liberal policies and crime increases across the country?
As for the Big Lie in the last sentence, the real problem is hard-right obstruction of every single policy that carries the four-letter word “ liberal”.This happened in 1998. Typical leftist cherry-picking of rare incidents while ignoring the usual occurrence which is perpetrated by their supporters. Since the weekend is still young should we bet on how many dozens of murders will occur in the liberal utopia of Chicago? How many hate crimes or car break ins in San Francisco? Honestly do you not see the connection between liberal policies and crime increases across the country?
I am a centrist, not a leftist. Get that right, royalist.
This is why the GOP needs to be brought to heel. Posts like this from Repugs like you who have become shameless in their attacks on democracy and a plural society, which they dishonestly consider an inferior sort of government.
After all, the unwashed savages might actually TAX them.
Would the fact that DHS ranks white supremacist terrorism as by far the greatest domestic threat of violence make any difference to you?This happened in 1998. Typical leftist cherry-picking of rare incidents while ignoring the usual occurrence which is perpetrated by their supporters. Since the weekend is still young should we bet on how many dozens of murders will occur in the liberal utopia of Chicago? How many hate crimes or car break ins in San Francisco? Honestly do you not see the connection between liberal policies and crime increases across the country?
One in which, to the horror of the Repugs, brown people, poor people, people of any creed or gender or ethnicity are treated under the same de facto laws as the wealthy white heterosexual Protestant male ruling class.What the hell is a “Plural society?” Some bullshit talking point one of these nuts teaching the kids came up with no doubt.
And what attacks on democracy? Requiring an ID to vote? I’m definitely not on the “ Everybody should vote” bullshit. If you are uninformed or don’t know what you are actually voting for them you shouldn’t. I also don’t think w should make it easier for the lazy or unmotivated to vote because they obviously always vote for the left. I don’t know how to address the rest of your ramblings,
Yes, yes,What the hell is a “Plural society?” Some bullshit talking point one of these nuts teaching the kids came up with no doubt.
And what attacks on democracy? Requiring an ID to vote? I’m definitely not on the “ Everybody should vote” bullshit. If you are uninformed or don’t know what you are actually voting for them you shouldn’t. I also don’t think w should make it easier for the lazy or unmotivated to vote because they obviously always vote for the left. I don’t know how to address the rest of your ramblings,
One in which, to the horror of the Repugs, brown people, poor people, people of any creed or gender or ethnicity are treated under the same de facto laws as the wealthy white heterosexual Protestant male ruling class.
Currently the Republicans are exposed every time they bitch about CRT or Mr. Pitatohead.
They’re as racist as these guys.
View attachment 5019585
That’s fine and people ARE treated equally if they act equally and attempt to fit into society as a whole. The problem comes when people demand special treatment, entitlement, or exceptions. This whole “ Everyone/thing is racist” nonsense is really getting old. There are a lot of diversity in the GOP. The GOP just tried to elect a black man for governor of California. The only people focusing on race and dividing us is the left. Most people just want to see each other as fellow Americans and not segregated groups
This is always the calling card of liberals. When cornered on facts they turn to denial, calling people racists, etc. Liberal controlled sesspool cities have no influence from the GOP. They are literally carrying on a class war upon their own constituents with their always failed policies. The elitists treat the down trodden like pets. Keep'em down until election time then throw the dogs a bone and some platitudes. Cali is a prime example. Look at what DeBlasio did to NYC during his tenure. Complete kleptocrosy disasterThat’s fine and people ARE treated equally if they act equally and attempt to fit into society as a whole. The problem comes when people demand special treatment, entitlement, or exceptions. This whole “ Everyone/thing is racist” nonsense is really getting old. There are a lot of diversity in the GOP. The GOP just tried to elect a black man for governor of California. The only people focusing on race and dividing us is the left. Most people just want to see each other as fellow Americans and not segregated groups
Another satisfied Newsmax consumer. What’s your Truth username?This is always the calling card of liberals. When cornered on facts they turn to denial, calling people racists, etc. Liberal controlled sesspool cities have no influence from the GOP. They are literally carrying on a class war upon their own constituents with their always failed policies. The elitists treat the down trodden like pets. Keep'em down until election time then throw the dogs a bone and some platitudes. Cali is a prime example. Look at what DeBlasio did to NYC during his tenure. Complete kleptocrosy disaster
This is always the calling card of liberals. When cornered on facts they turn to denial, calling people racists, etc. Liberal controlled sesspool cities have no influence from the GOP. They are literally carrying on a class war upon their own constituents with their always failed policies. The elitists treat the down trodden like pets. Keep'em down until election time then throw the dogs a bone and some platitudes. Cali is a prime example. Look at what DeBlasio did to NYC during his tenure. Complete kleptocrosy disaster
Supremacist militias are scapegoating Black Lives Matter because to them the phrase is blasphemy.Exactly! The Right wants us all to be productive citizens working together for a better country and nation of one. The Tries to agitate different groups of people into believing they victims and that causes a division. It’s a tactic I have seen directed at different races, communities, and religions. They don’t want us to unite because we are stronger that way. One thing which I loved to see and I know it terrifies the Left is in NY when both BLM and Trump supporters protested together against the mandates. We need to stop dividing our country and pull together
Supremacist militias are scapegoating Black Lives Matter because to them the phrase is blasphemy.
Got a Truth account yet?
As an american Im quite curious how you would go about defining the "Australian Dream". Hows that dream any different than all the other dreams? I mean does a person over there work their lives away and not expect to die comfortably? All I see is a country with a great economy low unemployment and very little dependence on other nations for their resources(which you have a world of). Ofcourse you can owe all this to the fact that you have a big ass country with a small ass population to contend with. Thats probably what drove the whole "american dream" push over here in the old days. Just curious how youd define it in a country ive never been to. Id love to visit one day but outside of a simpsons episode and the crocodile dundee series Ive experienced very little australian cultureSad but true. The aussie dream is dead.
"The Great Australian Dream is different to the American dream.
I actually have no idea what the American Dream is, and none of my American friends can explain it either, no matter how erudite they may be, so I assume it’s something to do with eagles and freedom and bombing poor countries so they too can die for freedom. Or something. Americans know they have a dream, but they’re not quite sure what it is. How’s that for successful propaganda?"