The dream is dead.

I await.
So far this has not been put on national trial.
It has been so long.
I await.

The same could be said about democrats that incited people to riot. Maxine Waters encouraged people to riot after the Rodney King verdict as well as more recently. Others in Left have made incendiary comments which have encouraged not protests but riots. Why is this a non-issue with the left? A bunch a people doing stupid shit at the capital is a small comparison to countless businesses looted and burned to the ground as well as police, fire fighters, and citizens killed or injured during the year of rioting.
The same could be said about democrats that incited people to riot. Maxine Waters encouraged people to riot after the Rodney King verdict as well as more recently. Others in Left have made incendiary comments which have encouraged not protests but riots. Why is this a non-issue with the left? A bunch a people doing stupid shit at the capital is a small comparison to countless businesses looted and burned to the ground as well as police, fire fighters, and citizens killed or injured during the year of rioting.
They do not hold a candle to the hard-right scofflaws who sought to implicate nonviolents like BLM. You really need to change your newsfeed.
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I’m not too happy with either party but it is very disturbing to watch people be led down the Marxist path like the victims of Jones Town. It’s been done systematically to indoctrinate particularly the younger generation into forgetting about the evils of past communism and think that it might be something positive. Yes we aren’t perfect but every person that can walk,fly, or float here from the third world is risking their life doing so. People are willing to just vote away this good thing that we have for the chance of some utopia which has done nothing in other countries but imprison it’s entire populous and make life a living hell.
famous marxist joe biden anf his commie pals kyrsten sinema and joe manchin

get a fucking grip you dumbass
and why the heck was there a nationwide uprising over racial injustice? did the cops murder another black man?

the cops should stop doing that otherwise people are gonna get fed up and burn down their fucking cop shops lol
did the antifa blm boogieman ever try to install a fascist dictator or did they just damage some cop shops and insured windows?

Ok one cost billions of dollars in damage and how many people died as a result? The other had one death( protester) and was just embarrassing. How were they going to overthrow the government by simply interrupting proceedings? It doesn’t make sense. It’s not like just occupying space at the Capital is going to over through the country. The left was just mad because it scared the shot out of them. Nothing came of it
Ok one cost billions of dollars in damage and how many people died as a result? The other had one death( protester) and was just embarrassing. How were they going to overthrow the government by simply interrupting proceedings? It doesn’t make sense. It’s not like just occupying space at the Capital is going to over through the country. The left was just mad because it scared the shot out of them. Nothing came of it
oh those poor insurance companies writing checks to panera for a busted window, boo hoo

all the deaths during the nationwide uprising over racist unaccountable cops were directly caused by right wingers. check the court cases bitch

and nice try at "it was only an AtTeMptEd iNsUrReCtIoN" you fascist cuck
Ok one cost billions of dollars in damage and how many people died as a result? The other had one death( protester) and was just embarrassing. How were they going to overthrow the government by simply interrupting proceedings? It doesn’t make sense. It’s not like just occupying space at the Capital is going to over through the country. The left was just mad because it scared the shot out of them. Nothing came of it
To stop protests against police brutality, end police brutality. Simple.

There is no alternative.
To stop protests against police brutality, end police brutality. Simple.

There is no alternative.
We can definitely reform this organization that is caught on tape across multiple cities casually joking and seriously plotting about how to kill protestors. We just need to give thrm more money and military gear.
I’m not too happy with either party but it is very disturbing to watch people be led down the Marxist path like the victims of Jones Town. It’s been done systematically to indoctrinate particularly the younger generation into forgetting about the evils of past communism and think that it might be something positive. Yes we aren’t perfect but every person that can walk,fly, or float here from the third world is risking their life doing so. People are willing to just vote away this good thing that we have for the chance of some utopia which has done nothing in other countries but imprison it’s entire populous and make life a living hell.
This is fairly Communist behaviour!!!

Black Americans have been beaten into believing the dream doesn't exist for them and I think there is a degree of resignation in some black communities. Role models should be the likes of Condoleezza Rice, Maya Angelou, Colin Powell, and that president guy. Instead it's a basketball or football star or a rapper because those are the goals that don't require an education that isn't provided them. We give them 10yo text books while my brother's children get a set of books and laptop for school and a set for at home so they don't hurt their backs. I believe the US is still the country of choice when it comes to immigration and for the bulk of them the American dream still exists. Just believing the dream exists is a good first step.
Did the US drag Australia into any wars or did they go because they were our allies? It's a bit of an insult to those who at least thought they were doing the right thing and died as a result. When the Chinese stopped importing Australian products who picked up the slack? Yep the old USA and hell the last thing we wanted was Australian wine. We arm their military and make sure the East China Sea remains open. If Australia needed us we would be there but if we needed them (what for I don't know) they would have to be dragged. The reason the Australians speak so poorly of us is because we invaded their culture with our restaurants, TV, music, and stores. That's not our fault. You make your own choices and can glean what you will. Send the centrist to the pillory. It's expected.
Interesting post.

Black people here are also disadvantaged from the cradle on.
My dad went willingly to Vietnam (as did at least one of his brothers). Has hated our gov ever since. I think if a solder goes to fight an unjust war or a war started on a lie then its on the GOV and the people for sending them. Its a violation of the peoples to send our fighting folk off for wars that are not just.
America uses our special services (SAS) all the time. It provides a role that we do better than most. Often with a US communications person in the small team to clean up what could be confusing lingo to US Air Support when operating in the normal role -behind enemy lines.
"Soon after Prime Minister John Howard announced Australian forces would join a war if the US invaded, and at least 36 hours before the bombing campaign against Baghdad began, a large SAS group breached an Iraqi trench system and guard posts undetected. "
"At the same time, other SAS units with undertaking surveillance duties, with one unit flown 600 kilometres before the invasion proper began to be "far and away" the closest coalition forces to Baghdad "

I wasn't aware that America "gave" us arms to the military- Seems we pay a great deal for it. What's the Strike fighter up to? You get a lot from us in return, We support every war you guys start both politically on the world stage and with man power. Pine Gap, "Secret" air force bases. Darwin is pretty much a US base.

Australians don't speak poorly of Americans. Australians "take the piss" out of all nations (in particular the whinging Poms), including ourselves. Its part of our humor. Kiwis are the same. We don't tend to take life to seriously. Americans also give themselves a huge target on their backs for jokes and ridicule. Trump winning a Presidential election and then still getting nearly 50% of the vote in his Reelection campaign. Time to get some broad shoulders and or a tea spoon of cement inta ya.
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"Australia used to consider ourselves a very fair and equitable nation, but I think we're losing that gradually. And and I think we've got to move our way back towards it".
"Australia used to consider ourselves a very fair and equitable nation, but I think we're losing that gradually. And and I think we've got to move our way back towards it".

I don’t know what your taxes are like there but they keep screwing us and increasing them. Growing up they were like 6% for sales and now they are around 10%. Instead of trying to figure out how to screw others more we should ask why anyone is paying so much, where it goes, and even have a say in it. Yes I think we need to all chip in for a better society but you have one guy paying property taxes, sales tax, high vehicle registration, income taxes and another person who doesn’t work living off the government but can vote how the other guys money will be spent. Property taxes alone are bullshit. How do you keep taxing people on what they already paid for? I don’t have much but I’m not trying to just screw somebody else over because they have more. I just try to figure out how I can do better myself. Taxation for the most part is theft
I don’t know what your taxes are like there but they keep screwing us and increasing them. Growing up they were like 6% for sales and now they are around 10%. Instead of trying to figure out how to screw others more we should ask why anyone is paying so much, where it goes, and even have a say in it. Yes I think we need to all chip in for a better society but you have one guy paying property taxes, sales tax, high vehicle registration, income taxes and another person who doesn’t work living off the government but can vote how the other guys money will be spent. Property taxes alone are bullshit. How do you keep taxing people on what they already paid for? I don’t have much but I’m not trying to just screw somebody else over because they have more. I just try to figure out how I can do better myself. Taxation for the most part is theft
I'm happy to be taxed. We get a lot for the money like Universal healthcare, pensions etc.
To start with a Tax should be fair. Someone earning a million dollars a year should pay more in tax % wise than someone earning 20k a year. They should be reinvesting in the country they live in and lets be honest they wont even miss it.
I used to pay a shit load of income tax as i was a salesman and the commission earnt which made up the bulk of my income was classed as a second income and i was taxed about 60%. Minimum tax rate applied on my retainer that was min wage. But the kicker that hurt me long term was that my Employer paid Superannuation only applied on my Retainer. Big hole in the system that has hurt my Superannuation balance to this day.

Traffic fines are a good example. is it fair to fine a low income earner $500 for a driving offence and the same amount of money to a millionaire? If fines are not adjusted for income then they are only for the low income.

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