The dream is dead.

Lmao!!! People are getting tired of the bullshit. You are probably some younger person hyped up on piss and vinegar thinking you are going to change the world. People with any sense know that politics swing on a pendulum. The left has pushed too many bizarre ideas that are as insane as Hitler in the last century. Gone are the pro worker for the people democrats of yesteryear. You have the mentally ill and the communists basically running your party. I mean you people are fucking nuts. You will see people in the upcoming elections tire of the higher prices, the tax and spend policies, the crime and the push from leftist ideas that most don’t agree with but are too afraid to speak out about. Biden is fucking worthless so he’s not really going to energize the base. And in a few years it will swing back to a democrat in charge. All this bullshit happened in the 60’s too but it resolved itself and went back to normal and this will too. So enjoy the mentally ill girls with the weird colored hair and the shit in their faces while it’s here. It will definitely be gone tomorrow and you can sit around telling your kids about how cool you thought you were when you are nothing more than a fart in the wind
Go take a nap grumpy old fella.
Then I’m sure you have nothing to worry about. Wait and see
We got 8 million more votes last time and you guys tried to kill mike pence and install trump as a fascist dictator. killed a bunch of cops, smeared your shit on the walls of congress, looted all the shit you could.

just accept that you get less votes becsuse your ideas are fucking stupid
Let me get this straight:

People are saying the "dream is dead" because they can't resolve the classic problem in home buying? Location, price, quality. Except for the very wealthy, people can specify two of those variables and end up compromising on one of them. If you won't compromise on location and if prices in that area are too high for the house you want then you have to settle on less of a house. Or maybe in order to purchase the home you want at a price you want you have to compromise on location. Something always has to give.

Is this your dying dream? That everybody lives where they want in the house they want at the price they want? In a capitalist society? Dream on.
I should say that Sydney has water on one side and National park on the other three. So its a trapped market.

Australia is very arid and inhospitable for the most part. No Infrastructure and Jobs in those areas and costs of groceries and fuel extremely expensive. Living inland is expensive. I lived for awhile in the Kimberly's. I didn't mind it but yea a grocery shop is way, way more of a hit on the weekly budget and even fresh milk is frozen..

O i agree i sold my PPR in Western Sydney (i couldn't afford inner Sydney or my preference the Northern beaches) and my two Investment properties here in Tasmania to move to a Location that i could have a better lifestyle. But what was a fairly easy thing for me to do (buy property) is becoming extremely hard for the younger generations. A big reason of this is casualisation of the work force, coupled with this is very expensive rental market meaning that its harder to save a deposit today than it was when i was younger.
The Aussie dream was of cause for the 3/4 acre block like our Grand parents had. These days its a unit.. lol.

Its called the great Australian dream not the Dying dream.

Type What is the Great Australian dream into Google. This is soemthing like what you will get:

Is the Australian dream the same as the American Dream?
When people talk about the American Dream they mean the pursuit of happiness, a belief that anyone can make it in the United States. The “Australian Dream” means buying a house. Since at least 1910, Australians have been more likely to own their home than Britons or Americans.

What is the Australian dream today?
Today, it would appear the Great Australian Dream is simply owning a home or investment property in a 'desirable' area. Regardless of whether that property is a free-standing house or an apartment, buying and owning any type of property is now the number one goal for Australians.
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We got 8 million more votes last time and you guys tried to kill mike pence and install trump as a fascist dictator. killed a bunch of cops, smeared your shit on the walls of congress, looted all the shit you could.

just accept that you get less votes becsuse your ideas are fucking stupid

You put a guy like Pence in it’s going to go smooth. You have people harvesting ballots and doing all kinds of shady shit trying to get your guys in. Hopefully new regulations on voting will keep it more honest. The “ Trump Effect” as I call it got a lot of loony libs in office where otherwise they would of picked a better choice. We will see what happens. I personally don’t like crime, taxes, or high prices and liberal policies create all 3.
By the way we dont have to wait and see who got more votes in every national election for the last three drcades. It was dems

We have the electoral going for us because if it wasn’t for that only a few states would be running the country. But I really think you will be surprised next election.
You put a guy like Pence in it’s going to go smooth. You have people harvesting ballots and doing all kinds of shady shit trying to get your guys in. Hopefully new regulations on voting will keep it more honest. The “ Trump Effect” as I call it got a lot of loony libs in office where otherwise they would of picked a better choice. We will see what happens. I personally don’t like crime, taxes, or high prices and liberal policies create all 3.

Citation for the bolded
You put a guy like Pence in it’s going to go smooth. You have people harvesting ballots and doing all kinds of shady shit trying to get your guys in. Hopefully new regulations on voting will keep it more honest. The “ Trump Effect” as I call it got a lot of loony libs in office where otherwise they would of picked a better choice. We will see what happens. I personally don’t like crime, taxes, or high prices and liberal policies create all 3.
You have zero evidence of antmy "shady shit". You lost by 8 million votes then tried to overturn the election.

If you dont like crime then you must hate trump
Wow thats some distinction. i know i cant imagine that being a problem anywhere else the average 3 bedroom house goes for $600k
We are closer to the Mill and climbing fast.

"Australia’s annual price growth rate also made history, with the 21.9 per cent rate becoming the fastest annual rate of growth on record. "

Citation for the bolded

In the state of California Ballot harvesting is legal. The shitbag governor also signed into law where every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail. That was only supposed to be during Covid but he realized lazy people who tend to vote left are more likely to vote if you make it easy as possible for them
We have the electoral going for us because if it wasn’t for that only a few states would be running the country. But I really think you will be surprised next election.
You lost the slave era relic electoral college too and tried to overthrow the election anyway loser

What do you think ill be surprised by in the midterms, loser?
In the state of California Ballot harvesting is legal. The shitbag governor also signed into law where every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail. That was only supposed to be during Covid but he realized lazy people who tend to vote left are more likely to vote if you make it easy as possible for them
You could come up with better ideas so that people will vote for you instead of trying to do a fascism and stop voters from voting, loser
In the state of California Ballot harvesting is legal. The shitbag governor also signed into law where every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail. That was only supposed to be during Covid but he realized lazy people who tend to vote left are more likely to vote if you make it easy as possible for them
That is not a citation. Link to source.
In the state of California Ballot harvesting is legal. The shitbag governor also signed into law where every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail. That was only supposed to be during Covid but he realized lazy people who tend to vote left are more likely to vote if you make it easy as possible for them
Shouldn't it be the Federal government's responsibility to make voting by ALL citizens as easy as possible?