The dream is dead.

The EC is just a 1:1 of congress. As far as I know, we've never actually needed them for their purpose.
In the beginning. . . . . . The small states refused to join the union unless there were protections in place to keep the big boys (New York and Virginia in those days) from deciding everything. So the compromise was for each state to get two vote for their senate seats, as well as the number of house seats. We never would have became The United States of America without it.
So you think that we should tear down all the statues of those who lost? . . . . . . . . I have no dog in the fight about Southern politics but it’s ignorant to try to erase history by destroying historical statues. . . . . .
No, you guys need to keep the statues up at all costs. If you were to remove all the monuments to white supremacy, how would the black folks know their place?
In the beginning. . . . . . The small states refused to join the union unless there were protections in place to keep the big boys (New York and Virginia in those days) from deciding everything. So the compromise was for each state to get two vote for their senate seats, as well as the number of house seats. We never would have became The United States of America without it.

You're talking about congress? Yep, a mix of equity and equality.
And that accomplishes nothing. It takes away from the history that is good or bad. It would be like Mexico tearing down the pyramids in the Southern states because they did human sacrifices and weren’t Catholics. It’s ignorant and some day will be rightfully condemned. Why not add a description at the base saying that long ago it was this way but it wasn’t a good thing and people changed. Why remove history? It does nothing but show how weak and thin skinned this generation is
So true. Those statues were put up at the beginning of Jim Crow, then again when black folks were trying to get the right to vote and go to a decent school. So they are historical, not just how you think they are.

And about thin skin. . . . .

No, you guys need to keep the statues up at all costs. If you were to remove all the monuments to white supremacy, how would the black folks know their place?

Their place?? This is America. Your place is where you make it. The Left are the ones trying invoke racial unrest then pretend to care so much. It’s all to gain votes and very insulting because you treat poc like little kids that can’t survive without you holding their hands.
Not true! I have heard time and time again people that are very pro- gun complain that suicides are included in stats for “ Violent gun deaths.” What’s your point? That’s like pointing out most accident deaths are due to texting or alcohol and blaming the car. I also think it’s ridiculous that people that abused OxyContin blamed the makers. Nobody is responsible for their own actions anymore and everybody is so quick to sue
My point is the gun lobby spend millions to perpetuate the myth of gun ownership somehow makes you safer, when bringing a gun into the home increases the risk of death or injury by firearm. With the main one being blowing your brains out. Not a great selling point.
So true. Those statues were put up at the beginning of Jim Crow, then again when black folks were trying to get the right to vote and go to a decent school. So they are historical, not just how you think they are.

And about thin skin. . . . .


What is your point? I’m saying leave history alone. It’s not thin skinned to try and preserve historical monuments anymore than it is to preserve the environment. The woke generation of today shouldn’t prevent a person 100 years from now seeing artifacts from a past war or historical figure. That doesn’t mean you agree with what that person did or how they lived. It’s just History. This generation is very similar to the rise of the Nazis. I see a lot of similarities, it’s rather frightening. Indoctrination, attacking anyone that doesn’t agree with your agenda, destroy anything that doesn’t support your cause or that you disagree with
You're talking about congress? Yep, a mix of equity and equality.
Congress was basically the electoral college. In the old days they actually decided who to vote for. Now there are laws in place that make the vote represent the actual voting in each state.
My point is the gun lobby spend millions to perpetuate the myth of gun ownership somehow makes you safer, when bringing a gun into the home increases the risk of death or injury by firearm. With the main one being blowing your brains out. Not a great selling point.

Well since I’m not going to take myself out I would like to at least be able to protect my home from intruders. This is like telling me that I’m unsafe owning a car because I might drive drunk and I’m likelier to die in a DUI. LOL. Once again we go back to self responsibly and not needing the government to be my nanny
What is your point? I’m saying leave history alone. It’s not thin skinned to try and preserve historical monuments anymore than it is to preserve the environment. The woke generation of today shouldn’t prevent a person 100 years from now seeing artifacts from a past war or historical figure. That doesn’t mean you agree with what that person did or how they lived. It’s just History. This generation is very similar to the rise of the Nazis. I see a lot of similarities, it’s rather frightening. Indoctrination, attacking anyone that doesn’t agree with your agenda, destroy anything that doesn’t support your cause or that you disagree with
I'm saying those statues were put up by white supremacist at the end of reconstruction to let black folks know that the laws in Washington no longer applied to them. When the union army was pulled out of the south, lots of blacks became strange fruit for trying to continue voting.

I'm saying those statues were put up by white supremacist at the end of reconstruction to let black folks know that the laws in Washington no longer applied to them. When the union army was pulled out of the south, lots of blacks became strange fruit for trying to continue voting.


Again I don’t agree with why but I appreciate history. Even uncomfortable history which we have to accept and move past. I’m the kind of person that hates to see historical buildings torn down or old trees cut. It’s like if soldiers marked into a village and forced everybody into the icy river to kill them. You don’t hate the river 100 years later. You think about what happened and accept how bad it was and appreciate that it’s no longer like that then bow not to let it happen again.
Congress was basically the electoral college. In the old days they actually decided who to vote for. Now there are laws in place that make the vote represent the actual voting in each state.

Those state laws haven't been tested and are likely unconstitutional, because they bypass the main purpose of the EC.
Not true! I have heard time and time again people that are very pro- gun complain that suicides are included in stats for “ Violent gun deaths.” What’s your point? That’s like pointing out most accident deaths are due to texting or alcohol and blaming the car. I also think it’s ridiculous that people that abused OxyContin blamed the makers. Nobody is responsible for their own actions anymore and everybody is so quick to sue
Suicides by gun are
-violent, check
-gun, check
-deaths, check

nice try to alt-fact it though
So you move a fucking freeway which costs millions 60 years after the fact? It makes no sense. That’s what that one guy Pete Buttplug or whatever his name is wants to do.
What the fuck are you talking about that you convinced yourself of this as some fucktarded reasoning as to the really messed up things we have done to our minority community?

Is it just you realize that this is a reality (because it is) that these neighborhoods got destroyed when the Federal government ripped up their neighborhoods and put in noisy, polluting, uncrossable superhighways right through them after hemming them into these areas for decades after they got burnt out of their homes in the turn of the century?

The gay slur is a nice douche touch though.

Their place?? This is America. Your place is where you make it. The Left are the ones trying invoke racial unrest then pretend to care so much. It’s all to gain votes and very insulting because you treat poc like little kids that can’t survive without you holding their hands.
Becasue your right wing hate mongering propaganda overlords told you so?

Get a grip man, they lied to you and have been brainwashing you into a special little snowflake for decades.
These companies stimulate the economy and create jobs. If you add more taxes they just pass it down to consumers. The taxes then get used to fund social programs and so it only helps the very rich and very poor while hurting the middle class. You also risk businesses sending jobs overseas when you make it too costly for them to operate here. ( Now comes all at he people posting pics of MAGA hats with Made In China labels. You guys are too predictable LOL
Trickle down economics doesn't work. Never did. Your believing a policy over economics.

Just think, if the billionaires and Companies paid proper tax (like they are meant to) then that may pay for Universal healthcare for all Americans, be certainly a huge step towards funding it.

Interesting read
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