The economy and the liberal media

they thought the main panel was inside the house, actually. so that's probably why the landlord is coming with.

i bet they'll be here and gone within 10 minutes.

The last time I moved a grow for an inspection, the guy barely stepped inside the apartment. It lasted less than a minute.

So why does Home Alone Guy hate you? You fuck his sister? Do you actually know each other?
Maybe the landlord is some inexperienced little fuckwit with nothing better to do that follow some shithead solar panel salesman around on an unnecessary site meeting.

He obviously has pathetic judgement of people to begin with.

seeing as how he only has the place because his parents passed, i would say he is quite inexperienced.

his property management team is his daughter.
lolollol Someone give that beezie a hit and a cheeseburger!
The last time I moved a grow for an inspection, the guy barely stepped inside the apartment. It lasted less than a minute.

So why does Home Alone Guy hate you? You fuck his sister? Do you actually know each other?

yeah, this is the third time i have had an inspection or visit of some sort in the last 4 and a half months.

had one back in february at the old place, had everything ready, and the lady's kid got sick so she had to cancel. she scheduled it again in april but just cancelled since i was moving out a couple weeks later. and now this audit.

every other inspection i've ever had they just came in and left within 3 minutes. never even looked in the garage where i was growing either.

it's just a lot of stress and a little bit of work.

i remember before i started growing, the apartments we lived in had about 8 inspections in 2 months. kept seeing the neighbor above me moving dressers and boxes out each time. never put 2+2 together. then a few years later i ran across him at the grow store. that's when i finally realized.
The last time I moved a grow for an inspection, the guy barely stepped inside the apartment. It lasted less than a minute.

So why does Home Alone Guy hate you? You fuck his sister? Do you actually know each other?

You can talk directly to me, I am here.

He makes fun of people who's wife and children have died in a fire.

He stalks people from site to site in an attempt to get personal information from them.

He creates puppet accounts and befriends people in an attempt to get personal information from them.

He calls anyone who disagrees with him a racist, a pedofile, mocks people for being homosexual, mocks people who do manual labor for a living, I could go on but the list of who he mocks is probably too damn long to list here.

Edited: And if you check the record there probably isnt a DEA bust discussed on this site that UB hasnt defended... So, the whole Karma thing is out the window right there.

If you havent got the picture yet....
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Analysts have forecast the economy could bounce back by as much as 4% in the second quarter.
Seems unlikely, unless something really unusual happens, like a third World War, big whoppin' scientific discovery, or the legalization of pot.
He makes fun of people who's wife and children have died in a fire.

keep crying that i mock your racist buddy, while never making a peep about how red started this whole thing by mocking carne's murdered partner and the lack of equality that made the pain even worse.

You MUST know Obama is hiding something if you feel the need to post lies, cock sucking. thieving gold digger.

Poor Carne, are you still butthurt your sugardaddy didn't give a fuck about you? You keep on living in your fantasy world, the fact remains your sugardaddy left you nothing. At the time of his death, all you were concerned about was what you didn't get. You railed about his family not letting you see him in the hospital, but you didn't claim shit about any hate crime, other than you didn't get to profit from his death. That was your only concern. I can see why he purposely excluded you. Quit trying to play the martyr, gold digger. Claiming I'm a homophobe because I dislike gold digging whores like you demonstrates just what a low-life you are.

Quit trying to claim the high road, gold digger. No wonder the guy didn't like you.

His "boyfriend" gave him everything he wanted him to have...nothing. He made his wishes perfectly clear. He didn't want the gold digger to steal his property. Trying to blame me or society at large for that is simply you being so eager to prove you're a libtard that you're willing to rob the dead to reward a gold digger. It appears you are the one eager to deny the right of a gay man to do what he wishes with his property. Shame on you.

It was your "boyfriend" who denied you. It wasn't your home, it was his. There's a reason you weren't on the deed. He didn't want your money grubbing hands on his property. Domestic partner wasn't your title when he was alive, you were just a sex partner. He could have left you whatever he wanted to, and it looks like that's exactly what he did. He made his feelings about you perfectly clear. Trying to claim otherwise is just you being a gold digger. So get off your high horse, gold digger, and quit your whining, Neither I, his family, nor society determined what you got of his possessions. Your "boyfriend" left you exactly what he wanted you to have of his... nothing.

You don't know the definition of homophobia? That's funny. Dominate gold digger gene sound familiar to you? That's where a gold digging whore tries to convince others that some how he/she is owed all of another's possessions who had already made their wishes known to be otherwise in all their legal documents. Then the lying bitch tries to claim sympathy by claiming months later the deceased was killed in a hate crime. Then when casual observers point out that the gold digger is just that, a gold digger, He/she resorts to his/her good friend and supporter, UncleShitBritches, tactics of trying to smear them. If you're a friend of UncleShitBritches, well, that is more of an indictment of your character than anything I can say about you. The truth is, your "boyfriend" purposely did not put your name on the deed to HIS house, did not list you as a beneficiary on his insurance, nor did he apparently ever even mention your existance to any of his real friends, lawyer, family, or medical caregivers. For a confessed cock sucker to insult those he has never met by calling them "homo" seems rather strange, but it it consistant with the rest of your lack of logic. You know, "my names not on the deed, I never paid a dime on the mortgage, but I demand you give me this house that his family probably loaned him some or all the down payment, co-signed the mortgage, helped with the payments and may be responsible for the rest of the mortgage because, well just because I want it and I spent a weekend there once." Fuck you, thieving bastard.

notice how ANALEXCESSGAY1 never makes mention of the obvious bigotry from red, either.

cry some more for your racist buddy.
keep crying that i mock your racist buddy, while never making a peep about how red started this whole thing by mocking carne's murdered partner and the lack of equality that made the pain even worse.

notice how ANALEXCESSGAY1 never makes mention of the obvious bigotry from red, either.

cry some more for your racist buddy.

You think someone did something bad on the internet and decide to do something worse and are surprised you get shit back... Classic...

Uncle Buck is a class a Scumbag with a whiny excuse justifying it at every turn.
The timing is wrong.

If you are going to sell a house you do not put stuff like solar panels into it because you are not going to recoup the money. Sometimes a kitchen or bath remodel will get you some $$ but usually it is a wasted investment (this is for retail homeowners, not flippers).

A landlord is not going to try to increase the value of a property in the middle of a rental. He might do it at the beginning or end of a rental.

A landlord is almost never going to shell out money to reduce the cost of the renter's utilities.

If I wanted to do an inspection of a property but not tip off the renter I may say that I was doing an solar panel inspection if I needed an electrician to put an eye on things.

audit is over.

landlord never even came. called me up about an hour beforehand to make sure someone would be here to let the solar guy in.

turns out he is outfitting ALL of his rentals in boulder county with solar, but not elsewhere. looks like i nailed that one dead to rights.

he apologized a whole bunch, saying he hates to disturb tenants. spoke about the reductions to the electric bill in general terms, not specific ones. as any ACTUAL landlord knows, the electric bill is a private matter. he has no access to mine.

solar panels will be coming in 6 months or so, and will take only a day to install. so unless he is sneakily inspecting every single one of his boulder county tenants and attempting a super long term sting, looks like you couldn;t have been more wrong on all counts.

there is an inuit word for people like you, ANALEXCESSGAY1: tlalakansvit. it means "stupid idiot boy whose mere presence makes others more stupid and idiotic".

the germans have a similar one: imzulaufenheimen. it means "person who is wrong about everything all the time and is never right about anything, ever, no matter what".

the aztecs used to have a word for people like you: champupatlate. it means "stupid fucking idiot who should go elsewhere and be stupid there".

many languages, one phenomenon: you are fucking retarded, deluded, lying, always wrong, and a fucking rat to boot.

not a premium combo.
audit is over.

landlord never even came. called me up about an hour beforehand to make sure someone would be here to let the solar guy in.

turns out he is outfitting ALL of his rentals in boulder county with solar, but not elsewhere. looks like i nailed that one dead to rights.

he apologized a whole bunch, saying he hates to disturb tenants. spoke about the reductions to the electric bill in general terms, not specific ones. as any ACTUAL landlord knows, the electric bill is a private matter. he has no access to mine.

solar panels will be coming in 6 months or so, and will take only a day to install. so unless he is sneakily inspecting every single one of his boulder county tenants and attempting a super long term sting, looks like you couldn;t have been more wrong on all counts.

there is an inuit word for people like you, ANALEXCESSGAY1: tlalakansvit. it means "stupid idiot boy whose mere presence makes others more stupid and idiotic".

the germans have a similar one: imzulaufenheimen. it means "person who is wrong about everything all the time and is never right about anything, ever, no matter what".

the aztecs used to have a word for people like you: champupatlate. it means "stupid fucking idiot who should go elsewhere and be stupid there".

many languages, one phenomenon: you are fucking retarded, deluded, lying, always wrong, and a fucking rat to boot.

not a premium combo.

So you lied and/or changed at least half your story and that is my problem how??

Nobody believes your bullshit UB except a couple dedicated followers.
So you lied and/or changed at least half your story and that is my problem how??

Nobody believes your bullshit UB except a couple dedicated followers.

where did my story change?

i was telling you yesterday that boulder county was the reason for the solar panels. care to look back?
where did my story change?

i was telling you yesterday that boulder county was the reason for the solar panels. care to look back?

You are not doing anything wrong except you need to hid your shit in a Uhall...

We can go round and round until you get it....

Wait, I am bored already....
You are not doing anything wrong except you need to hid your shit in a Uhall...

We can go round and round until you get it....

Wait, I am bored already....

i am conducting no criminal activity. my plants are sitting in the uhaul right now until its dark. i'm not worried about the massive smell. the cops can come and i won't care/

i am, however, probably gonna get kicked out if the landlord knows i grow. but that is a civil matter. nothing more than a headache.

i know you don't get the difference between the two, that is your cross to bear, rat.
So Buck, did you have to do the rent-a-truck crash dive anyway? I'm guessing you did. That sucks. The first time I did it, I had to tiptoe about ten plants down the stairs past the very hostile neighbors. Very hostile.

Also, how can you continue to argue with these people? A week ago I drove out of Denver at sunrise with the intention of driving about twenty hours non stop. I figured that some conservative a.m. radio might keep my adrenaline up for the drive. Holy shit. I mean, I must have known that Fox Radio existed but I had never really encountered it before then. I did a spit take on my coffee the first time I heard fox describe themselves as "fair and balanced". Before I even made it to Nebraska I had come to the conclusion that the "logic" they use is similar to that used o"Ancient Aliens". Oh, I could go on and on here if I had not reached the conclusion (somewhere around Lincoln, NE) that these people are simply not worth arguing with. There is no way you will ever change their minds. This is not about ideology. This is not about politics. This is about a black man in the white house. There is no other explanation.

They are not a political movement. They are a market niche being exploited by rich, racist men trying to keep their dead ideas alive just a little while longer.

But on the other hand.... Fuck them. Grind them into dust. I can't summon up the enthusiasm right now.

I will say this though... I used to listen to Limbaugh while I was in DC. It was the Clinton admin and he was kind of funny. The Limbaugh I heard last week is a totally different guy. He gave me the feeling of being totally bought-and-paid-for. I think he spent about 30% of his time stroking his audience, 30% defending the undefendable and 40% calling the President a traitor while calling for his impeachment for no valid reason (using the US Constitution as my guide). This isn't politics: it's business. They figured out that the average intelligence of America has dropped to a level that allows this sort of "big lie" - and they seem to be right.
So Buck, did you have to do the rent-a-truck crash dive anyway? I'm guessing you did. That sucks. The first time I did it, I had to tiptoe about ten plants down the stairs past the very hostile neighbors. Very hostile.

Also, how can you continue to argue with these people? A week ago I drove out of Denver at sunrise with the intention of driving about twenty hours non stop. I figured that some conservative a.m. radio might keep my adrenaline up for the drive. Holy shit. I mean, I must have known that Fox Radio existed but I had never really encountered it before then. I did a spit take on my coffee the first time I heard fox describe themselves as "fair and balanced". Before I even made it to Nebraska I had come to the conclusion that the "logic" they use is similar to that used o"Ancient Aliens". Oh, I could go on and on here if I had not reached the conclusion (somewhere around Lincoln, NE) that these people are simply not worth arguing with. There is no way you will ever change their minds. This is not about ideology. This is not about politics. This is about a black man in the white house. There is no other explanation.

They are not a political movement. They are a market niche being exploited by rich, racist men trying to keep their dead ideas alive just a little while longer.

But on the other hand.... Fuck them. Grind them into dust. I can't summon up the enthusiasm right now.

I will say this though... I used to listen to Limbaugh while I was in DC. It was the Clinton admin and he was kind of funny. The Limbaugh I heard last week is a totally different guy. He gave me the feeling of being totally bought-and-paid-for. I think he spent about 30% of his time stroking his audience, 30% defending the undefendable and 40% calling the President a traitor while calling for his impeachment for no valid reason (using the US Constitution as my guide). This isn't politics: it's business. They figured out that the average intelligence of America has dropped to a level that allows this sort of "big lie" - and they seem to be right.

i love listening to right wing talk radio while driving through the countryside.

my favorite was driving through wyoming one time on the night before the oscars. they were talking about "12 years a slave". they said it didn't deserve an oscar because it was too violent, they called it "gore porn" and wished that it would have been toned down.

i wondered aloud if these people even knew that it was based on a true story.

and yeah, i took everything down and threw the plants (and recent harvest) into a uhaul, parked in a walmart parking lot for 6 hours.
On this particular trip, some weasel from Omaha was whining about the windmills in Iowa. He was against them of course - because they chop up bald eagles, most of them aren't running (showing his total ignorance of electricity supply and demand) and they are ugly. So meanwhile, I'm driving on I-80 wondering what this twat would say if I applied the same logic to the highway. It's ugly, real ugly. There's signs of deer kills every thirty yards. It was only about 10% in use. But at least one of them promotes oil consumption, I guess.

My personal favorite was Limbaugh saying that if the President does not immediately green light the Keystone XL pipeline in light of recent ISIS gains in Iraq, it is undeniable proof that Obama is a Muslim and wants to see Islam win. What a bunch of transparent Kochery.

This was the day after what's his face got booted from his congress seat and Republican majority leader job by the "tea party" econ professor in VA, so I should really have a better one......

I feel sorry for them. But if I were that intellectually impaired, I might not be smoking weed.
On this particular trip, some weasel from Omaha was whining about the windmills in Iowa. He was against them of course - because they chop up bald eagles, most of them aren't running (showing his total ignorance of electricity supply and demand) and they are ugly. So meanwhile, I'm driving on I-80 wondering what this twat would say if I applied the same logic to the highway. It's ugly, real ugly. There's signs of deer kills every thirty yards. It was only about 10% in use. But at least one of them promotes oil consumption, I guess.

My personal favorite was Limbaugh saying that if the President does not immediately green light the Keystone XL pipeline in light of recent ISIS gains in Iraq, it is undeniable proof that Obama is a Muslim and wants to see Islam win. What a bunch of transparent Kochery.

This was the day after what's his face got booted from his congress seat and Republican majority leader job by the "tea party" econ professor in VA, so I should really have a better one......

I feel sorry for them. But if I were that intellectually impaired, I might not be smoking weed.

Limbaugh still lives? I thought he died 165 lbs. of bacon ago..........
the Liberals........are anything but. Neocon ideology permeates both "parties."

there is an agenda, and it will be followed whether the Red Team, or Blue, is on the Emperors throne. the POTUS is a pinata, for us to swipe away at, in hopes of more goodies, while our rulers shear us.