the end is near for the USA

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New Member
this was my front yard yesterday morning. :bigjoint:
not in vegas, though.

Ghetto birds, we have them also. There was a murder 4 houses down accross the street, a wild Mexican cluster=fuck party and a guy got shot in one of the bedrooms. I see someone new has moved in. We have a few vacant houses in our tract, I think it's only time untill some gangers move in and start cooking meth. I keep my AK/SK handy, 8 seconds and it's in my hands, closer yet my 17 round glock 17, about 3 seconds. One never knows. We have our share of Gangers, that's for sure


Well-Known Member
lol meth cookers. I'm glad that has never been an issue in chicago.
I know of only one guy whos ever done it, and I've never seen it in person.
....good thing because I'm sure I would have tried it and feel in love.


New Member
You misunderstand (not surprised). My hot assets are offshore. I am still here as well as my cold assets. I saw the BS socialist coming and made the proper preparations as did many many others. I did go overseas to conduct the switch however. Always nice to take a trip you can write off. I have far too much land to simply dump into a withered govt real estate market. I will stand on the sidelines with all the others in the know and wait to see if this insanity ends or indeed I need to move to greener pastures.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the people of this country are so stupid they will vote them back
the people who are not stupid enough to vote these people back in will have the elections stole from them through groups like acorn;
they commies have the government .without a doubt about it.
the ONLY way you will get it back is through the ammo box not the ballet box.
spoken like a revolutionary


Well-Known Member
Ghetto birds, we have them also. There was a murder 4 houses down accross the street, a wild Mexican cluster=fuck party and a guy got shot in one of the bedrooms. I see someone new has moved in. We have a few vacant houses in our tract, I think it's only time untill some gangers move in and start cooking meth. I keep my AK/SK handy, 8 seconds and it's in my hands, closer yet my 17 round glock 17, about 3 seconds. One never knows. We have our share of Gangers, that's for sure
you didn't see the street full of cop cars and the officer approaching the door? i was gonna take more video but they were looking at me. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I see or hear ghetto birds flying south everyday. Through out the entire day they fly south to the border which is like 4-5 hours away from me.


New Member
you didn't see the street full of cop cars and the officer approaching the door? i was gonna take more video but they were looking at me. :bigjoint:
So, what was the problem, murder, rape, meth lab?? I know, taking video of cops has become a risky business. One must remain hidden, preferably with a telephoto lens. Then sell your video to the highest bidder.


Well-Known Member
So, what was the problem, murder, rape, meth lab?? I know, taking video of cops has become a risky business. One must remain hidden, preferably with a telephoto lens. Then sell your video to the highest bidder.

neighbors say someone climbed into a window of the house next to them. he didn't live there. they stood and watched while they called 911. dude never came out. cops get there and knock, and knock, and knock. i guess they can't enter without permission, even though the neighbor knows dude is still in there. they hung out for an hour knocking and walking around the outside of the house, then just left. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
This is why i have a safe house in Nigeria, and homies in the UK, The USA is GOING to fall not saying it will be obama's fault (hell i voted for the man the old way wasn't working) but every major empire so far i history has fallen making way for a new one america has been trying to stay in it for to long instead of slowly fading into the back like alot of other european countries have done america is going to fall HARD and i will be watching from a T.V screen in a different continent


New Member
This is why i have a safe house in Nigeria, and homies in the UK, The USA is GOING to fall not saying it will be obama's fault (hell i voted for the man the old way wasn't working) but every major empire so far i history has fallen making way for a new one america has been trying to stay in it for to long instead of slowly fading into the back like alot of other european countries have done america is going to fall HARD and i will be watching from a T.V screen in a different continent
What channel will it be on? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This is why i have a safe house in Nigeria, and homies in the UK, The USA is GOING to fall not saying it will be obama's fault (hell i voted for the man the old way wasn't working) but every major empire so far i history has fallen making way for a new one america has been trying to stay in it for to long instead of slowly fading into the back like alot of other european countries have done america is going to fall HARD and i will be watching from a T.V screen in a different continent
No, it wont be a hard fall, at least not for any one but the government.

Way I see it, if the government becomes to over reaching, then there's only three options left.

1. Revolution - Destroy DC (Does some one know where I can get a suitcase Nuke?)

2. Secession -

A. The States say enough is enough and throw the Federal Government out of their states and declare that any federal laws not defined as being legal by the Constitution are not going to be followed inside that state.

B. The states actually Secede.

3. Emmigration - Mass Diaspora. If the Socialists want Socialism so bad, they can have it, minus the producer class that has to pay for their stupidity.


New Member
Revloution has been what I've been after for years, ready to help me drag that guillotine to DC yet?

Only Texas is "allowed" to cede from the union. ( I don't know why that is, if a state says f-u fed, we're done, what is the fed going to do? All the troops are busy across the big pond)

Somethings going to go down, it's just a matter of time, we're treading on that last straw and the camels back is starting to shake.


Well-Known Member
I know texas was it's own country at one point.
But I didn't know they can just cede of they wanted.
lol kool!


Well-Known Member
forget the obama nation. this is gonna be an obamanation as in the monster fuck up. it fucking pisses me off that because i make more than 250k im gonna have to support a bunch of fucking bums on welfare. im not saying peoople dont need welfare.....just most on it now dont. fuck we are screwed.


Well-Known Member
dude, bush did it. :roll: sheesh

why do people blame shit on Obama? makes them all look absolutely fucking clueless. where the fuck have they all been the past 8 years? un-fucking-believable.

haters gotta hate , i guess.



New Member
Bush was the one that handed out the first round of bailout funds that made all these companies think they can keep coming back for more.

We're screwed but it's not Obama's fault, he may not succeed in fixing it, but he's not the one who broke it either. I feel kind of bad for him, if this shit doesn't straighten out, he's going to be scandalized in the future history books.
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