the end is near for the USA

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Well-Known Member
This is great. I've been on this site for 2 years and am really just now getting around. I love this place. . . Like minded people.
Yeah, for the most part everyone here hates the government, favors either decriminalization of MJ, or decriminalization of everything. And Ending the Drug War.

Though to say we're all the same, you obviously missed the arguments that were taking place around election time.


New Member
I tried to warn folks here, but most wanted to vote against Bush (who wasn't even running:roll:).

Now we all get to go down together. America does not always make the right choices. America can falter and fail. We are about to find out how big a failure we will become... 23 months and counting till we can start to turn this thing around....if we don't reshuffle Congress then, the damage will be perhaps irreversible.

And this is exactly what happens when you place a person with ZERO experience into a top position.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I tried to warn folks here, but most wanted to vote against Bush (who wasn't even running:roll:).

Now we all get to go down together. America does not always make the right choices. America can falter and fail. We are about to find out how big a failure we will become... 23 months and counting till we can start to turn this thing around....if we don't reshuffle Congress then, the damage will be perhaps irreversible.

And this is exactly what happens when you place a person with ZERO experience into a top position.

out. :blsmoke:
i would rather have a guy who graduated magna in basket weaving than a guy who graduated in the bottom .5% of his annapolis class. It took bush 8 years to fusk this country all up, gonna take longer than a few months to fix. go cry somewhere else.


New Member
I think its just the way we have lived above are means all these years?? and are politicians for the past 40 some years... everything on credit... over spending? I'm trying to keep a real simple life now, just in case.


Well-Known Member
I think its just the way we have lived above are means all these years?? and are politicians for the past 40 some years... everything on credit... over spending? I'm trying to keep a real simple life now, just in case.
don't include me whan you sa 'we'.
i have never had a credit card, never bought anything on finance terms. have not had a bank account since the 20th century. But, yes, i pay my taxes.


Well-Known Member
I tried to warn folks here, but most wanted to vote against Bush (who wasn't even running:roll:).

Now we all get to go down together. America does not always make the right choices. America can falter and fail. We are about to find out how big a failure we will become... 23 months and counting till we can start to turn this thing around....if we don't reshuffle Congress then, the damage will be perhaps irreversible.

And this is exactly what happens when you place a person with ZERO experience into a top position.

out. :blsmoke:

go down where exactly? do you have a scenario? like what will Los Angeles look like in 10 years? seriously. :idea:


New Member
Im not just in america in general, I havnt had a bank account since i got on that bigbrother thing called chex systems. and no credit card in 5 years, dont miss it at all. I get paid cash and just claim about 25% so much less stress dont ya think?


New Member
go down where exactly? do you have a scenario? like what will Los Angeles look like in 10 years? seriously. :idea:
Seriously, the oceanfront homes may have their ground floors covered in water, the population density will look like the Mumbai slums, and taxes will be off the charts. My fear is the overflow will end up here in Vegas where it has for the past 20 years. Vegas has turned out to be LA east without them ocean.


Well-Known Member

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by
legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person
receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody
anything that the government does not first take from
somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that
they do not have to work because the other half is going to
take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea
that it does no good to work because somebody else is going
to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the
end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing

~~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931-2005
True. Why have people not learned this?



Well-Known Member
Seriously, the oceanfront homes may have their ground floors covered in water, the population density will look like the Mumbai slums, and taxes will be off the charts. My fear is the overflow will end up here in Vegas where it has for the past 20 years. Vegas has turned out to be LA east without them ocean.
I was just watching 'gangland' I had no idea about the large number of gangs in vegas. I've walked off the strip before and it was clearly scummy, but I didn't know it was that bad.


New Member
go down where exactly? do you have a scenario? like what will Los Angeles look like in 10 years? seriously. :idea:

Well, it's a grand experiment now isn't it? take everything which gave us the prosperity we have enjoyed and flush it down the toilet. What will the turds look like in 10 years? i haven't a clue. But I do know that you don't fix what is ailing (not broken) by sucking 4 trillion dollars out of the private sector and pushing it through the most inefficient means possible (govt.). that's a no brainer.

Since cali is a prime example of liberal politics left unchecked (they are broke), I think it is a safe bet that we will all be broke in 10 years if this amateurish president gets his way.

Seriously. We don't get do needs to be done correctly the first time. This is not happening.

I am already offshore but I still care.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I was just watching 'gangland' I had no idea about the large number of gangs in vegas. I've walked off the strip before and it was clearly scummy, but I didn't know it was that bad.
this was my front yard yesterday morning. :bigjoint:
not in vegas, though.



New Member
Well, it's a grand experiment now isn't it? take everything which gave us the prosperity we have enjoyed and flush it down the toilet. What will the turds look like in 10 years? i haven't a clue. But I do know that you don't fix what is ailing (not broken) by sucking 4 trillion dollars out of the private sector and pushing it through the most inefficient means possible (govt.). that's a no brainer.

Since cali is a prime example of liberal politics left unchecked (they are broke), I think it is a safe bet that we will all be broke in 10 years if this amateurish president gets his way.

Seriously. We don't get do needs to be done correctly the first time. This is not happening.

I am already offshore but I still care.

out. :blsmoke:
I guess there is no place you can go that would leave you without Internet access, damn the luck. Maybe darkest Africa, Antartica. BTW, please tell me what W did to make this country a better place, he ran your ass off, or more to the point, he created the circumstance we are now in, which I imagine made you exit stage left, sorry, stage right.
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