the end is near for the USA

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New Member
french one more time... do you like my balls on youre chin? do you like my salty cock?? poking a lump on the back of your neck??


Active Member
french one more time... do you like my balls on youre chin? do you like my salty cock?? poking a lump on the back of your neck??
No, I don't share your fascination with gay sex perhaps you can find a nice bathouse or club that would better cater to your fantasies.


New Member
I don't care how far to the left your political spectrum is........ you mean to tell me you wouldn't waterboard 2headed? :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
that would not work with me im an ex navy seal delta rambo big ass knife slicing mother fucker

Yeah right. I'll bet you're a 14-15 year old pansy, still on his mothers tit. Jim thorpe the 2nd, what an ass.


Well-Known Member
really tho if like the u.s.a like falls or whatever do you think it will be like horrible or like kind of civil like some other country will just take over us and change our laws and shit?

its gonna be weird if it happens when it happens


New Member
No, the laws are being changed right now that will end the usa as we have known it... a very cold wind is rising from the usa and it will envelop the world. One of the reasons why other countries are getting VERY nervous. they were all gung ho before the they are scared like the rest of us who are paying attention.

out. ;blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
No, the laws are being changed right now that will end the usa as we have known it... a very cold wind is rising from the usa and it will envelop the world. One of the reasons why other countries are getting VERY nervous. they were all gung ho before the they are scared like the rest of us who are paying attention.

out. ;blsmoke:

like the us will be the usa still but it is going to be run waaaaaaaaaay differently?right


New Member
No, the laws are being changed right now that will end the usa as we have known it... a very cold wind is rising from the usa and it will envelop the world. One of the reasons why other countries are getting VERY nervous. they were all gung ho before the they are scared like the rest of us who are paying attention.

out. ;blsmoke:
I call it paranoia. Paranoia is when one is afraid of things that are not real.
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