The end of growing your own orgranic food??? Or not?


Well-Known Member
Hi people.. I recently became aware of H.R. 875: Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009.
Even though I am not an american citizen this is rather troubling as australia is nothing more than america's bitch anyway, and it wouldnt suprise me to see similar laws introduced over here. Have a read, google it and tell me what you think. The end of organic home gardens?

also google HR 875 :spew:


Well-Known Member
The worst thing I can imagine happening is you will have a hard time finding un-altered seeds. Buy some old un-altered seeds. And if Federal inspecters try to come on your land, get hillbilly on their asses!! Damn yanky get off my property!!

Honestly I can't see them trying to police every freakin' garden. But if you run a buisness, you sell your produce, then yeah you will have to deal with these people. If it passes.

I know a few years ago they tried to pass a bill that said you had to RFID tag ALL your livestock i.e.your chickens, goats, everything. If one of them died you had to inform the government withing 3 days or it was likea $1000 fine for every day you failed to inform them. Its was all bird flu scare tactics. But guess who was effectivly excempt from taging?? Factory farms like tyson only had to tag the building not every chicken.

This is the kind of stuff that sets off conspiracy theorists.


Well-Known Member
yea couple that with the UN's agenda 21 and the UK's projected population decrease to 30 million people and it all starts to come together nicely huh?


Well-Known Member
yea couple that with the UN's agenda 21 and the UK's projected population decrease to 30 million people and it all starts to come together nicely huh?
Tainted consumables, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, foods and beverages. Hard drugs and cigarettes. Millions of aborted babies. They've already started the depopulating process.

What doesn't cause cancer? What doesn't kill brain cells? People ask those questions as a joke all the time. Never thinking about how serious the question actually is.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we are getting fucked over aren't we... and the information is all around us yet we do nothing. Crazy world we live in.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
someone on riu quoted a saying i remember the other day which applies to this subject. throw a frog in boiling water and it will jump out put a frog in cool water and slowly bring it to boil and it will cook and die without knowing it. civil liberties are slowly chipped away and eroded otherwise people would notice and react thats the game people in power play with the rest of the populace. and then there is revolution or a turning of the wheel of change history shows this. it is not so much how but when 1 year or a hundred it will happen again.


Well-Known Member
Wow that's a very good analogy mate. But you are right.. our rights are being chipped away at every day.. Australia i believe is one of the worst.. because we are so laid back and lazy that noone gives a shit what the govt really does. A shame really..

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
its the same everywhere we have our lives and personal obligations that take our time. so we watch and are pistoff but what is one man or women to do. they never take away too much too fast as they know there is a breaking point when food quality of life etc... gets too hard. but in most industrialized nations the powers that be are not stupid either and know there history.