The end of LED is nigh. Incandescent will rise again.

Not my goal as you imply, but yeah I already knew a few years ago thousands of experts in horticulture lighting and photobiologists aren't just pretengineering and wasting their time a millions of dollars in research. You not wanting to be wrong doesn't equate to me wanting to being right though, it sort of comes naturally when you don't make things up and don't make claims you cannot backup. Anyway, you had a good run despite some of your claims, and without namecalling :shock:

Oh I'm not giving up on the FACT that LED is here to stay. Also not giving up on the FACT that Cree cob leds put out more light per watt in a superior spectrum to hps. NOPE it's not speculation.....

What I'm giving up on is you...... You will never look at the facts and science. Just conjecture for you. The market will decide if these are here to stay. From my feedback so far and repeat customers...... I'm thinking so. Love it when seasoned growers come back for more.
Oh I'm not giving up on the FACT that LED is here to stay. Also not giving up on the FACT that Cree cob leds put out more light per watt in a superior spectrum to hps. NOPE it's not speculation.....

What I'm giving up on is you...... You will never look at the facts and science. Just conjecture for you. The market will decide if these are here to stay. From my feedback so far and repeat customers...... I'm thinking so. Love it when seasoned growers come back for more.
I agree with your red herrings, apart from the catchy title nobody claims otherwise. The ball is round and water is wet. Your dramatic claims about me are false and unsubstantiated, and the projecting so typical for led fans in denial. Getting me to go along with your false claims and false refutals is futile so by all means if you feel like giving up trying to be right while ignoring the facts so hard, go ahead.

All cobs are led, not all leds are white cree cobs. The fact remains cobs are not optimized for grow light but bay lighting (ask cree...) and it's silly and ironic to boost white cob spectrum. As if you use it by choice instead of having jumped on a cannabis forum bandwagon...

I hate to burst your bubble but those seasoned growers will end up buying leds from companies that put millions into educated professionals researching grow light and plants, testing their products extensively for results, safety, reliability and longevity not people deriving all sorts of nonsense from the inherent effect of running cobs soft. If cannabis were a legal crop everywhere, you'd be doing something else than assembling cob lights for others.

Not a practical example but the idea is cool:

Power fans with heat from heatsink? The hotter it gets, the faster it blows...
I agree with your red herrings, apart from the catchy title nobody claims otherwise. The ball is round and water is wet. Your dramatic claims about me are false and unsubstantiated, and the projecting so typical for led fans in denial. Getting me to go along with your false claims and false refutals is futile so by all means if you feel like giving up trying to be right while ignoring the facts so hard, go ahead.

All cobs are led, not all leds are white cree cobs. The fact remains cobs are not optimized for grow light but bay lighting (ask cree...) and it's silly and ironic to boost white cob spectrum. As if you use it by choice instead of having jumped on a cannabis forum bandwagon...

I hate to burst your bubble but those seasoned growers will end up buying leds from companies that put millions into educated professionals researching grow light and plants, testing their products extensively for results, safety, reliability and longevity not people deriving all sorts of nonsense from the inherent effect of running cobs soft. If cannabis were a legal crop everywhere, you'd be doing something else than assembling cob lights for others.

Not a practical example but the idea is cool:

Power fans with heat from heatsink? The hotter it gets, the faster it blows...

I don't assemble lights. They are factory built and hopefully built in the USA in a year or less. Also my aim isn't online forums..... We are in several shops across the US. The people pushing my lights are the top hydro shops in the country. Not trying to brag just saying. Don't try and classify my efforts and business as someone who builds lights in his spare time.
I agree with your red herrings, apart from the catchy title nobody claims otherwise. The ball is round and water is wet. Your dramatic claims about me are false and unsubstantiated, and the projecting so typical for led fans in denial. Getting me to go along with your false claims and false refutals is futile so by all means if you feel like giving up trying to be right while ignoring the facts so hard, go ahead.

All cobs are led, not all leds are white cree cobs. The fact remains cobs are not optimized for grow light but bay lighting (ask cree...) and it's silly and ironic to boost white cob spectrum. As if you use it by choice instead of having jumped on a cannabis forum bandwagon...

I hate to burst your bubble but those seasoned growers will end up buying leds from companies that put millions into educated professionals researching grow light and plants, testing their products extensively for results, safety, reliability and longevity not people deriving all sorts of nonsense from the inherent effect of running cobs soft. If cannabis were a legal crop everywhere, you'd be doing something else than assembling cob lights for others.

Not a practical example but the idea is cool:

Power fans with heat from heatsink? The hotter it gets, the faster it blows...
Sativied, correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you have never grown with white cobs. You have just read about them and have very strong opinions about them.
phosphor tech isn't new and is already past the big tech hump for doubling every few years.
You do realize that much of the phosphor tech has already been in use with fluoros and induction for decades ?
Because different phosphor mixes can't change the spectrum, eh?
Really... well I find it "crazy" to consider only par watt efficiency when comparing or replacing hps with led.

"Every 1k light" suggest you run more than a couple of bulbs in which case an exhaust alone often won't do. When heat from hps is a pain in your dick in a moderate climate you're doing something wrong. Not exhausting outside for example. It's roughly 61-78 in the room my grow closet is in. I have a 59 watt exhaust that usually runs much softer than max for one 600w. Plenty of people growing with 1k gavitas in tents (5x5x7 for example), all it takes is a good exhaust.

Not sure what you read when reading this thread but I'm not suggesting you don't switch to led do I. If however you managed to reach optimal temperatures under hps it would be wise to realize the ambient temp needs to be a little higher under led to reach the same plant and leaf temp. In general led has shown to be a good alternative for those having a hard time growing indoor with high-end professional horticulture lighting.

You missed my point, the heat is a negative aspect of my 1k's not a positive. I had a timer fail a few weeks ago the exhaust never kicked on, and woke up to 115° in one room, that's just from 2k watts in that room.. I've got 4k total so that's 4 bulbs a year @75$ per bulb and two 6" can fans to cool hoods.
The fact remains cobs are not optimized for grow light but bay lighting (ask cree...).

What do you think HPS lamps were designed for? Professional Horticulture lamps?

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and show us what you can do with blurple if you think it will grow buds better than 3000k 80cri phosphors. You're going to say "Straw man" or point out some other false fallacy (you're the one making fallacy after fallacy btw), but the reality is that you won't do it because you know you're a hypocrite and a liar.
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You're a hypocrite because while you personally use a yellow tinged white lamp, you insist that others use a lamp with a spectrum "Tuned for photosynthesis". You clearly have a different set of standards for yourself than you do everyone else. If you're going to keep crying about spectrum, change yours. The reason you won't change your spectrum is because you're not convinced it will produce better results than your HPS. This makes you a hypocrite. You can't have it both ways.
You can tell with all the "these were intended for high bay" type arguments that sativied's real problem stems from cognitive dissonance. Also, 90% of the fallacies are delusions, then he turns around and makes fallacy after fallacy, including the ad hominem, straw man, and red herring he complains about constantly.. To start, the fact that he makes the argument that we must be wrong because we're pretengineer "LED fans" is ad hominem in itself, then he constantly turns around and uses "appeal to authority" by pointing out he's dutch and that dutch are experts. If his dutch friend says something, it must be right therefore he's right too.
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You can tell with all the "these were intended for high bay" type arguments that sativied's real problem stems from cognitive dissonance. Also, 90% of the fallacies are delusions, then he turns around and makes fallacy after fallacy, including the ad hominem, straw man, and red herring he complains about constantly.. To start, the fact that he makes the argument that we must be wrong because we're pretengineer "LED fans" is ad hominem in itself, then he constantly turns around and uses "appeal to authority" by pointing out he's dutch and that dutch are experts. If his dutch friend says something, it must be right therefore he's right too.

He's arguments about horticulture specific are funny..... Each crop type has a different spectral requirement/sensitivity. As vertical farming becomes more prevalent you'll see more and more manufacturers going to this phosphor led for a wider Spectrum suiting the needs of complex and simple crops. Just take a look at BML/FLUENCE BIOENGINEERING.
"Power fans with heat from heatsink? The hotter it gets, the faster it blows..."

Except that heat-to-energy is an incredibly inefficient way to do that.

I'm failing to see how one disregards the advances in efficiency of one tech (LED is nigh), and then leans on the future of one of the most inefficient methods to create energy as the basis of that position? Heat-to-energy...
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You can tell with all the "these were intended for high bay" type arguments that sativied's real problem stems from cognitive dissonance. Also, 90% of the fallacies are delusions, then he turns around and makes fallacy after fallacy, including the ad hominem, straw man, and red herring he complains about constantly.. To start, the fact that he makes the argument that we must be wrong because we're pretengineer "LED fans" is ad hominem in itself, then he constantly turns around and uses "appeal to authority" by pointing out he's dutch and that dutch are experts. If his dutch friend says something, it must be right therefore he's right too.
Nope, he's just your run of the mill, garden variety troll.
6 I
No, I do not have any "strong opinions" about white cobs at all. Not like you folks, at all.

And no, you do not gain any specific insights from growing with white cobs that refute any of the facts I reported nor the reputable sources I backed it up with, and you couldn't have presented as a valid argument in text form. Think about what you are actually claiming with your silly question. Did Jesus touch you too and make you 'see the light'...

I know it's exactly what the led fans, shills and pretengineers want to believe, but putting a few white cobs above your plants does not equate to LED or grow knowledge. The suggestion that it does is ludicrous. The suggestion that connecting a few cobs to a driver equates to designing a grow light is ludicrous. The suggestion that it refutes the facts I posted is just idiocracy. The suggestion that it changes the specs and info from this led forum is funny and ironic so thanks for that.

As Stephen and the transparent butthurt reeking trolls showed so nicely in this thread trying to have a discussion with biased led fans is like playing chess with pigeons... Crap all over the board if you have to, but it won't change the fact you all got nothing more than the inherent effect of running Cree cobs soft. Conjecture would be an overstatement for the nonsense claims you all derive from it and call facts based on nothing but bias, feelings and fallacies.

Next time someone brings up something else than your par watt efficiency, why not keep it short and simple and just shout "Blasphemy!"
I usually rent my tunic too.