The end of suffering

Agreed, you've confused me which one you're advocating for.

Can you please enlighten me how New Age is different than a religion?
And no I don't have all the answers for instance I have no idea how the suffering began I just know that it is there now

If you don't have the answers for how the suffering began how in the world are you going to solve it? With words?

How do all these expert growers know how to assess whats wrong with your plants unless they know how you screwed them up? (Not you personally, just for the sake of argument)
Agreed, you've confused me which one you're advocating for.

Can you please enlighten me how New Age is different than a religion?
There is no difference. The new age has its teachers you must read and try to repeat The method they created to achieve enlightenment, Blavatsky, Manley p hall, Albert Pike among many. Problem is, the new age takes biblical wisdom and mixes it with occult ideas and mixes magical practices in to trick you into “feeling something” when you meditate. All the while leading your soul to hell, straight past Jesus of Nazareth, the only way of true salvation. I find it funny you even quote him and scripture with out giving credit to him of who he claimed to be. Oh well it’s an opinion thred an mine was put out there.
Agreed, you've confused me which one you're advocating for.

Can you please enlighten me how New Age is different than a religion?
New Age is not referring to the movement but the new age of Enlightenment where a good enough amount of people have returned to grace. I don't identify as new age when someone asks me if I'm religious.

As for your second question, just bc we dont understand how the universe began or what exactly energy consists of does not mean we can't learn about them now, infact how the universe began is not really important at all.
There is no difference. The new age has its teachers you must read and try to repeat The method they created to achieve enlightenment, Blavatsky, Manley p hall, Albert Pike among many. Problem is, the new age takes biblical wisdom and mixes it with occult ideas and mixes magical practices in to trick you into “feeling something” when you meditate. All the while leading your soul to hell, straight past Jesus of Nazareth, the only way of true salvation. I find it funny you even quote him and scripture with out giving credit to him of who he claimed to be. Oh well it’s an opinion thred an mine was put out there.
Your opinions are welcome I need to practice these arguments. Jesus like Mohammed and Siddhartha were prophets who tried to teach Enlightenment, unfortunately their words were greatly misunderstood which led to all the dogma of religion, strictly my opinion of course. "You have to learn not to cherish opinions , even your own" Tolle
There is no difference. The new age has its teachers you must read and try to repeat The method they created to achieve enlightenment, Blavatsky, Manley p hall, Albert Pike among many. Problem is, the new age takes biblical wisdom and mixes it with occult ideas and mixes magical practices in to trick you into “feeling something” when you meditate. All the while leading your soul to hell, straight past Jesus of Nazareth, the only way of true salvation. I find it funny you even quote him and scripture with out giving credit to him of who he claimed to be. Oh well it’s an opinion thred an mine was put out there.

Your attitude towards meditation tells me you've never actually pursued a practice of meditation or are aware of the proven medical benefits. How are you any different than those who bash the bible but have never actually read it? Check yourself, youre the reason for Christian stereotypes.
The mnd is maya or dukka as the saying goes meaning the mind is suffering. Our thoughts and emotions have developed into a monster in many cases, of course not all people suffer as much as others, I know many people who have no need of my teaching bc they are already Enlightened, naturally so, but there are others who need my help and that is why I posted this thread. "You do not send a physician to those who are healthy "

Your thoughts affect your emotions and that emotional energy(anger, boredom, anxiety, sadness, fear, all forms of suffering) build a up in your body and thus affects your thinking and it becomes a vicious cycle, we are suffering bc there is a storm brewing inside us, before you can transcend suffering you first have to accept it, dont resist surrender, give up the fight.

Many people are constantly bothered by their own minds, they are literally addicted to their painful emotions, they do not actually want their suffering to end, which makes teaching this stuff to people very difficult, in fact it is impossible until they are truly fed up with suffering, again many people are already past it, some are born without heavy emotional pain-bodies.

Very good question if you want further explanation I will be around tonight.
I'm fascinated by the mind-body connection and the role consciousness plays in our human experiences. Just read a book by Dr. Joe Dispenza that spoke to the emotional addictions that get hardwired into our bodies and control our minds, making it hard to change. Keep up the good work, love your thread!
Your attitude towards meditation tells me you've never actually pursued a practice of meditation or are aware of the proven medical benefits. How are you any different than those who bash the bible but have never actually read it? Check yourself, youre the reason for Christian stereotypes.
I've read exodus and all four gospels, as well as the first eight chapters of the Quran, I still haven't delved into far east texts. There is indeed much wisdom in the words of these men and I have learned greatly from them, but much of the bible is not the words of jesus but of unenlightened men trying there best to interpret it, or worse trying their best to control you. Of course this all just my opinion. No I've never really gotten into meditation but I am aware that it helps many people so I certainly wouldn't degress. I do practice inner-body awareness which could be considered a form 9f meditation.
I'm fascinated by the mind-body connection and the role consciousness plays in our human experiences. Just read a book by Dr. Joe Dispenza that spoke to the emotional addictions that get hardwired into our bodies and control our minds, making it hard to change. Keep up the good work, love your thread!
Thank you Bugeye
Your attitude towards meditation tells me you've never actually pursued a practice of meditation or are aware of the proven medical benefits. How are you any different than those who bash the bible but have never actually read it? Check yourself, youre the reason for Christian stereotypes.
Unless I missed it he hasn't said he's a Christian
Your attitude towards meditation tells me you've never actually pursued a practice of meditation or are aware of the proven medical benefits. How are you any different than those who bash the bible but have never actually read it? Check yourself, youre the reason for Christian stereotypes.
I just started daily meditation around Thanksgiving and find it very beneficial to having a calmer thought process that stays with me throughout the day. I certainly feel like my stress level is greatly reduced which I expect to benefit my health longer term. I'm at the point now where I can pretty easily shift my thoughts into alpha or theta state and actually be present with zero internal dialogue for short periods, maybe 10 seconds at a time. So I expect I have much more to learn but does seem to get easier the more you do. Some day I'd like to have the third eye experience but not yet. What has your experience with meditation been like?

I am with New Age in seeing Jesus as a master teacher that was probably highly tuned to communicating with source energy, or whatever you want to call it. I also think his words have been changed by man so I don't take the bible as gospel, pun intended. Anyway, I think there is a lot of truth spread across many different religions, but ultimately you have to go inward to really find spirituality.
I've read exodus and all four gospels, as well as the first eight chapters of the Quran, I still haven't delved into far east texts. There is indeed much wisdom in the words of these men and I have learned greatly from them, but much of the bible is not the words of jesus but of unenlightened men trying there best to interpret it, or worse trying their best to control you. Of course this all just my opinion. No I've never really gotten into meditation but I am aware that it helps many people so I certainly wouldn't degress. I do practice inner-body awareness which could be considered a form 9f meditation.
What is a form 9f meditation? Is that like a focus on each chakra or energy center?
What is a form 9f meditation? Is that like a focus on each chakra or energy center?
No I dont know enough about chakras to speak about them. I do however have great confidence in the flow of chi and can feel this flow within, following your breath in and out of the abdomen is a good way to start, feel the breath from within, then try to focus on your hands, is there life within them, your feet, your legs your arms, now try to feel the body as a whole, you will find that the more you quiet the mind the more energy you can feel within, the longer you can hold this focus the more alive your body feels. You may feel pangs at the meridians of your body, this is good it means your pain-body is burning up, what Jesus refers to as birth pangs, "and your body will be filled with light ". If you practice this every night when your laying in bed eventually you will become aware of the inner body during your regular daily activities, this is what I believe Jesus was saying when he talks about the man who drilled down to the rock and his house was not swept away by the floods, meaning if you can keep some of your attention firmly rooted in the body your thoughts and emotions will be powerless against you.

Another interesting thing is something I learned from Qigong, it's called a body scan, you imagine a flat plat of light moving through your body, you try to feel this scan of light as it goes from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, it is supposed to dissolve negative and impure energy. You can actually feel the release of dopamine in your brain as you scan your head it feels really good.
Your attitude towards meditation tells me you've never actually pursued a practice of meditation or are aware of the proven medical benefits. How are you any different than those who bash the bible but have never actually read it? Check yourself, youre the reason for Christian stereotypes.
Oh sorry doogledore I just realized you weren't addressing me my bad
I've read exodus and all four gospels, as well as the first eight chapters of the Quran, I still haven't delved into far east texts. There is indeed much wisdom in the words of these men and I have learned greatly from them, but much of the bible is not the words of jesus but of unenlightened men trying there best to interpret it, or worse trying their best to control you. Of course this all just my opinion. No I've never really gotten into meditation but I am aware that it helps many people so I certainly wouldn't degress. I do practice inner-body awareness which could be considered a form 9f meditation.
Ok so Jesus and Mohamed are not “the same”.(and in some opinions Mohamed and Islam are a creation of the Jews as a way of controlling the arabs, I know sounds crazy but if you read the book of Esther, it is about a Jewish girl sent to wed the Persian king as a way of the Jews controlling the kingdom from behind the scenes.) Mohamed killed people, had many wives, one of which he took at age 9, wrote hadiths that command to kill all who don’t subject themselves to allah and Islam. He may have been a man striving like many of us to find the creator and meaning of life, live a good life in respect of God creating us, but he was not the prophetical “ son of man” spoken of in ancient texts as Jesus ( I realize that’s not his Hebrew name and a Roman name but that’s another subject) claimed and proved to be. I have read the whole bible many times and still do, read many other ancient writings too, Sumerian , Egyptian, Greek, I have a copy of the book of Enoch, all 3 versions. I have read about all kinds of other faiths too. I don’t attend a mainstream corrupted church because I would be considered a heretic for reading other “books”not in the official Roman/Protestant canons or agreeing with them on how to interpret the bible. I will be the first to tell you the devil runs all the major religions in this world from their various temples churches mosques. Jesus came to smash that system of control by telling us all that the kingdom of God is within, and your ability to communicate with the most high is through prayer. Not in a confession box or church pew through some priest who probably has more sin to confess than the confessor. And he warned about communicating with any other spirit than the Holy Spirit because they always lie. So yoga,and third eye new age, Kabbalah,kundalini, shamanism, is all the same because it invokes many spirits, and IMO that’s playing with fire. The thing about following Christ that’s different from following Mohamed is that I don’t force anyone with a sword to believe my faith. I just tell people about Jesus and it’s up to God and them if the seed grows. The way for us to live is called the wheat and Tares parables from the gospels, check it out it good. Peace.
No I dont know enough about chakras to speak about them. I do however have great confidence in the flow of chi and can feel this flow within, following your breath in and out of the abdomen is a good way to start, feel the breath from within, then try to focus on your hands, is there life within them, your feet, your legs your arms, now try to feel the body as a whole, you will find that the more you quiet the mind the more energy you can feel within, the longer you can hold this focus the more alive your body feels. You may feel pangs at the meridians of your body, this is good it means your pain-body is burning up, what Jesus refers to as birth pangs, "and your body will be filled with light ". If you practice this every night when your laying in bed eventually you will become aware of the inner body during your regular daily activities, this is what I believe Jesus was saying when he talks about the man who drilled down to the rock and his house was not swept away by the floods, meaning if you can keep some of your attention firmly rooted in the body your thoughts and emotions will be powerless against you.

Another interesting thing is something I learned from Qigong, it's called a body scan, you imagine a flat plat of light moving through your body, you try to feel this scan of light as it goes from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, it is supposed to dissolve negative and impure energy. You can actually feel the release of dopamine in your brain as you scan your head it feels really good.
Wow what Jesus says about birth pangs? Really? How bout you re-read what the bible says that Jesus says about birth pangs. Has nothing to do with meditation, it’s a discription of what the earth is going to feel before his second coming, that’s the context my friend. So after reading through your discription of what and how your practicing this I see it’s jewish/catholic mysticism mixed with a little bit of eastern wisdom, quite a hodge podge , but that’s what new age is. This is exactly what Ignatius Loyola (founder of the jesuits/society of Jesus) taught to all the jesuits monks on how to be illuminated. Only part you left out was the calling upon angels and spirits as guides in the transcendental realm. Maybe you haven’t got that far yet.
Ok so Jesus and Mohamed are not “the same”.(and in some opinions Mohamed and Islam are a creation of the Jews as a way of controlling the arabs, I know sounds crazy but if you read the book of Esther, it is about a Jewish girl sent to wed the Persian king as a way of the Jews controlling the kingdom from behind the scenes.) Mohamed killed people, had many wives, one of which he took at age 9, wrote hadiths that command to kill all who don’t subject themselves to allah and Islam. He may have been a man striving like many of us to find the creator and meaning of life, live a good life in respect of God creating us, but he was not the prophetical “ son of man” spoken of in ancient texts as Jesus ( I realize that’s not his Hebrew name and a Roman name but that’s another subject) claimed and proved to be. I have read the whole bible many times and still do, read many other ancient writings too, Sumerian , Egyptian, Greek, I have a copy of the book of Enoch, all 3 versions. I have read about all kinds of other faiths too. I don’t attend a mainstream corrupted church because I would be considered a heretic for reading other “books”not in the official Roman/Protestant canons or agreeing with them on how to interpret the bible. I will be the first to tell you the devil runs all the major religions in this world from their various temples churches mosques. Jesus came to smash that system of control by telling us all that the kingdom of God is within, and your ability to communicate with the most high is through prayer. Not in a confession box or church pew through some priest who probably has more sin to confess than the confessor. And he warned about communicating with any other spirit than the Holy Spirit because they always lie. So yoga,and third eye new age, Kabbalah,kundalini, shamanism, is all the same because it invokes many spirits, and IMO that’s playing with fire. The thing about following Christ that’s different from following Mohamed is that I don’t force anyone with a sword to believe my faith. I just tell people about Jesus and it’s up to God and them if the seed grows. The way for us to live is called the wheat and Tares parables from the gospels, check it out it good. Peace.
Very well said and I agree with everything you're saying except I believe the girl was 12 at least that's what I've read. Yes Muhammad was a warrior, what you have to realize is there's no such thing as good and evil, from the beginning of the Torah says that man and woman were cast out of Paradise when they began to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Muhammad also bought and freed many slaves, how do we know that the girl was not a slave and that the owner wouldn't sell her so the only way he could free her was to marry her, just saying it is a possibility.