The end of suffering

Thank you for your interest. Let's take the so-called Noah's flood for example: all ancient cultures tell of a worldwide catastrophic flood

Now, remember the school kid game of telephone? the short of it is that this one common worldwide event, in this example the flood mythology, while common to almost all ancient civilizations, varies because of mainly perspective

but that doesn't change the fact that all cultures are speaking of the same event,

However Creator God, through the prophets went on to expound and clarify the event in the so-called judeo Christian Bible

whereas other ancient civilizations may only have their handed down (and in many cases only verbally), ancient myth regarding this same worldwide flood event, hence the discrepancies

.. in a way it's kind of like the revisionist history that we commonly see now, only draw out over millennium
you see that as proof that it happened exactly like it says in the bible...i look at it as proof that it happened, and that moses or w/e took the story and used it for their new religion...and there has never been a world wide flood...ever in the history of the earth...not since the continents arose. a bad regional flood, in areas that are arid most of the time, will produce a lot of memories in the residents of the area...but that does not make it a global event...and there is NO archeological proof of it ever happening, there was a bad flood in the middle east before the birth of christianity, and the christians along with zoroastrians and many other regional religions, incorporated the event into their mythos....HOW does that prove anything?
Ok you proved my point you shouldn’t be coaching anyone on biblical wisdom. Your good at the “did God really say” analogies but the serpent did the same thing, and because eve didn’t know God’s word she was deceived. Like many today being deceived because they read every other thing out there except the bible.
Satan got Eve to doubt God then deceived her with a half truth.(has God indeed said,You shall not eat the fruit of the trees) That of course was the truth he did say that,But he also said of that one tree they were not to eat.That they could eat any other fruit they wanted.Then after he got them to doubt God.He told them if they ate the fruit they could be like God.Every since then man tries to be a God.Thus the birth of the New Age is not new at all but been around a long time.just keeps getting wrapped in new paper and resold.The bible is a collection of 66 books written over a about a 1600 year period,and actually proves some science accurate.Thousands of years ago the holy spirit told Isaiah the earth was a circle 40:22 man rejected that only later to find he knew that waaaaay back then.How could he?It has recorded cities, history has said did not exist only when man went digging to prove they were not there did they find them.To dismiss everything in scripture and call it a myth is only a denial of Gods supremacy and authority over us.God gave us a free will that's what gets us in trouble.But he wanted us to choose to love him and live for him,not because he made us to.Just like my own children I want them to have a relationship with me because they want to and they see I love them.He tells us if we search for him we will find him.See if we deny him we will not.even that is our choice.That makes us responsible for our own decision.but even in the garden,Adam blamed Eve( it was that woman you gave me.)he also blamed God.I have even done that before. and Eve blamed the Serpent.But God came to Adam and Eve,they were responsible for their actions.I'm not telling any one to believe like me.but if any here reading this post want to search.Perhaps get the books written by an Atheist investigative journalist,Lee Strobel.The books are called a case for Christ, a case for creation,a case for faith.He is no longer an Atheist after trying to prove there is no God,But he is now a Christian.Just do not reject everything you do not agree with right away follow the evidence.
there are some remarkable parallels between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Buddha
Very good post Roger. There absolutely should be many similarities between the teachings of Jesus and Siddhartha, they were both teaching the same thing and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that Jesus gathered much of his wisdom from Siddhartha.
Satan got Eve to doubt God then deceived her with a half truth.(has God indeed said,You shall not eat the fruit of the trees) That of course was the truth he did say that,But he also said of that one tree they were not to eat.That they could eat any other fruit they wanted.Then after he got them to doubt God.He told them if they ate the fruit they could be like God.Every since then man tries to be a God.Thus the birth of the New Age is not new at all but been around a long time.just keeps getting wrapped in new paper and resold.The bible is a collection of 66 books written over a about a 1600 year period,and actually proves some science accurate.Thousands of years ago the holy spirit told Isaiah the earth was a circle 40:22 man rejected that only later to find he knew that waaaaay back then.How could he?It has recorded cities, history has said did not exist only when man went digging to prove they were not there did they find them.To dismiss everything in scripture and call it a myth is only a denial of Gods supremacy and authority over us.God gave us a free will that's what gets us in trouble.But he wanted us to choose to love him and live for him,not because he made us to.Just like my own children I want them to have a relationship with me because they want to and they see I love them.He tells us if we search for him we will find him.See if we deny him we will not.even that is our choice.That makes us responsible for our own decision.but even in the garden,Adam blamed Eve( it was that woman you gave me.)he also blamed God.I have even done that before. and Eve blamed the Serpent.But God came to Adam and Eve,they were responsible for their actions.I'm not telling any one to believe like me.but if any here reading this post want to search.Perhaps get the books written by an Atheist investigative journalist,Lee Strobel.The books are called a case for Christ, a case for creation,a case for faith.He is no longer an Atheist after trying to prove there is no God,But he is now a Christian.Just do not reject everything you do not agree with right away follow the evidence.
And what exactly is the evidence for God? Why would he become a Christian just because he could not disprove Gods existence that doesn't make any sense. You can spend your entire life "searching " the world without, until you look within you will not find God.
i'm a believing skeptic....i think there is a God...but i don't believe in any human religion...not one. many people have gotten close to enlightenment, and i can get behind the adoption of a long as they keep the divinity out of it.
treat each other well, because that's how you want to be treated. be generous, but not so generous you turn the recipient into a bum. be kind, but not naive. don't turn charity into an institution...turn hard work and perseverance into an institution, and charity into a natural reaction to another's adversity
And what exactly is the evidence for God? Why would he become a Christian just because he could not disprove Gods existence that doesn't make any sense. You can spend your entire life "searching " the world without, until you look within you will not find God.
So dark matter is god?
How could he?
this dude named Pythagoras...look him up..born in 570 BC....BC....
To dismiss everything in scripture and call it a myth is only a denial of Gods supremacy and authority over us.
yes, yes it is, and i do....
Just do not reject everything you do not agree with right away follow the evidence.
i'm 53 and have spent a good part of that studying, thinking, discussing God and religion...there's nothing "right away" about my opinions...they're considered, they're weighed, they're informed....i've seen the evidence and interpret it drastically differently than you do...
God did indeed give us free will, to make our own choices in that we wouldn't be puppets to his will, wouldn't be dancing on the strings of fate like marionettes...and when he did that, he withdrew from our daily lives...because intervention in those lives is more of the same, more strings from a puppet master, no matter how benevolent they may be...
he believed in us enough to give us a chance...and we're doing everything we can to fuck it up
Satan got Eve to doubt God then deceived her with a half truth.(has God indeed said,You shall not eat the fruit of the trees) That of course was the truth he did say that,But he also said of that one tree they were not to eat.That they could eat any other fruit they wanted.Then after he got them to doubt God.He told them if they ate the fruit they could be like God.Every since then man tries to be a God.Thus the birth of the New Age is not new at all but been around a long time.just keeps getting wrapped in new paper and resold.The bible is a collection of 66 books written over a about a 1600 year period,and actually proves some science accurate.Thousands of years ago the holy spirit told Isaiah the earth was a circle 40:22 man rejected that only later to find he knew that waaaaay back then.How could he?It has recorded cities, history has said did not exist only when man went digging to prove they were not there did they find them.To dismiss everything in scripture and call it a myth is only a denial of Gods supremacy and authority over us.God gave us a free will that's what gets us in trouble.But he wanted us to choose to love him and live for him,not because he made us to.Just like my own children I want them to have a relationship with me because they want to and they see I love them.He tells us if we search for him we will find him.See if we deny him we will not.even that is our choice.That makes us responsible for our own decision.but even in the garden,Adam blamed Eve( it was that woman you gave me.)he also blamed God.I have even done that before. and Eve blamed the Serpent.But God came to Adam and Eve,they were responsible for their actions.I'm not telling any one to believe like me.but if any here reading this post want to search.Perhaps get the books written by an Atheist investigative journalist,Lee Strobel.The books are called a case for Christ, a case for creation,a case for faith.He is no longer an Atheist after trying to prove there is no God,But he is now a Christian.Just do not reject everything you do not agree with right away follow the evidence.
When you get Ill do you see Benny hinn or the Dr.?
this dude named Pythagoras...look him up..born in 570 BC....BC....

yes, yes it is, and i do....

i'm 53 and have spent a good part of that studying, thinking, discussing God and religion...there's nothing "right away" about my opinions...they're considered, they're weighed, they're informed....i've seen the evidence and interpret it drastically differently than you do...
God did indeed give us free will, to make our own choices in that we wouldn't be puppets to his will, wouldn't be dancing on the strings of fate like marionettes...and when he did that, he withdrew from our daily lives...because intervention in those lives is more of the same, more strings from a puppet master, no matter how benevolent they may be...
he believed in us enough to give us a chance...and we're doing everything we can to fuck it up
Hey Randy I also do not like religion.In Jesus day it was the religious who hated him.He was a threat to their organization.they were corrupt.that was not Gods fault,they were thirsty for money and power,just like today.God wants a relationship with us not religion,I could not agree more with you on that point.But I choose to believe he did not leave us rather we chose to leave him.Thus all the evil in our hearts today.That evil can be brought into religion just like it always has been.Only time Jesus got mad was when he over turned the tables in the temple because man had turned it into a den of thieves.Our struggle is to follow God or our nature of rebellion.It is a daily struggle every man must have with free will.I only admit I am wrong and God is right.And I ask him to help me be a better person,I'm not telling any one else to do so.
When you get Ill do you see Benny hinn or the Dr.?
no I do not like Benny Hinn.Without even knowing me,that is a real stretch.That would like me saying you like and follow someone based on one post.Dont attack me personally over my belief.I did not do that to you.But that seems to be the approach of most today.My post was not meant to start a argument of identity like yours.Be Blessed and have a good day
no I do not like Benny Hinn.Without even knowing me,that is a real stretch.That would like me saying you like and follow someone based on one post.Dont attack me personally over my belief.I did not do that to you.But that seems to be the approach of most today.My post was not meant to start a argument of identity like yours.Be Blessed and have a good day
Good day! Their are interesting documentaries done on the study of human beliefs. One is the invisible fairy princess study with kids. The other is with adults doing random shocks and shocks administered non random. Google them both. I know it's hard. But I don't follow anybody. I may agree with some but I've found that after almost 75 years on this earth people believe what makes them feel good. But that's usually not the path to take. Knock yourself out! I got to go out and get some ground broken up with my tractor.
Dark matter is dark matter, God is the Silent witness to this frame of reference in space-time, the here and now(eternity). Strictly my opinion of course.
In the quantum realm? You do know that we are mostly dark matter don't you? Spaced out baby! I have things to do. Changing you isn't one of them.
In the quantum realm? You do know that we are mostly dark matter don't you? Spaced out baby! I have things to do. Changing you isn't one of them.
I thought that dark matter and matter exist equally throughout the universe, but no what I am referring to is not a thing at all, it is not an object it is the subject, like an empty space you could even say that it does not exist yet it is very real.
I thought that dark matter and matter exist equally throughout the universe, but no what I am referring to is not a thing at all, it is not an object it is the subject, like an empty space you could even say that it does not exist yet it is very real.
Damn you don't do science!
I thought that dark matter and matter exist equally throughout the universe, but no what I am referring to is not a thing at all, it is not an object it is the subject, like an empty space you could even say that it does not exist yet it is very real.
Btw there is no such thing as "empty space" even in a vacuum. Particles pop in and out even in a vacuum. Got to go! Your atoms would fly apart if not for dark matter and dark energy. We are learning the quantum realm. I had a very good conversation with an Indian doctor a few weeks ago about it. He finds it hilarious that people think they are special. I try to hang around people smarter than me. That way I can learn. I'm just a dumbass believe me. But I'm learning!