The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member
advice anyone? Ive already cleared those dead leaves out of the soil. I will also let the soil dry very well before next watering.. I think its because of the earth juice "grow" which is some type of shit...


Well-Known Member
J, to the N, to the 8, to the 1, to the 1!!!! Man fucn high to be writing all that<<<:)

Dunno bout the shrooms'. Eat them bitchez! Never had one in my soil so cant help. Might be that 'hood' soil from the Bodega u


Well-Known Member
Nah the soil aint from the bodega its the pots that are.. Anyways.. Im guessing its not to big of a problem


Well-Known Member
Pluck em out. Add it to some Cabernet with our Rosemary. Can u tell i got the munchies?Time to eat!!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha I made a life decision fditty........ ready for it... I just ran outta weed from my last harvest.. so I decided............. I am going to not smoke for the next month when my plants are ready :shock: Ive got finals now so i figure its for the best... :( btw i like ur avatar :)


Well-Known Member
plus i dont have to deal with those scumbag dealers.. my last dealer got locked up a few months back and is still in jail.. He was on cops before in a high speed chase dumping coke outta the windows :lol:


Well-Known Member
Shrooms are basically a fungas that thrive in high humidity and moisture, things to check on???

won't hurt anything and is actually some what common


Well-Known Member
A month? Been there.. It will make the high from your plants AMAZING! like starting fresh all over again. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Shrooms are basically a fungas that thrive in high humidity and moisture, things to check on???

won't hurt anything and is actually some what common
thanks for the info. I really didnt think they would be bad for my plants. Can you check back in like 2 min. Ive got another pic I wanted to show you.. Thanks!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
A month? Been there.. It will make the high from your plants AMAZING! like starting fresh all over again. Good luck!
thanks man, yea ive done it b4 too.. Crazy to say but im all smoked out for the time being i think..


Well-Known Member
Ok so this mold I think has been spreading over this grow and my past grow.. Its in the top corner of my closet. I bleached it after my last grow but it came back. Anything I should be concerned about?



Well-Known Member
Yes I would be concerned with mold on walls and shrooms growing there is something going on for sure humidity or ventelation issues???

I would paint the walls with Kilz (it's a paint)


Well-Known Member
yea for some reason my place is VERY moldy I dunno why... I think it has to do with poor seals on my windows because thats where the majority of it resides..


Well-Known Member
Kilz isnt going to solve anything other than covering it up. You obvioulsy have a moisture problem that could be in the wallboard and brought out with ambient humidity. Make sure you have good air flow, lower the temps and put a dehumidifier in that room.
Mold is not good at all and will surely form inside your colas especially as they get bigger. Mold is a BIG BUMMER to a great grow.


Well-Known Member
Damn, mold? Yup, bleach, Kilz and dehumidifiers. Lowes just had Kilz on sale for $11.99

F u had access to a Ozone generator. You kill that shit quick. Just have to move the plants into the furthest room away..


Well-Known Member
fuck!! I just blew my mh. I guess Iam5toned was right it was an old bulb... Looks like were going 800 watt hps for a while...