the facken cops mang!


Well-Known Member
sorry dont know wat ta tell ya. la's a big city an alot of cops an alot of people. the bigger the city the more room for corruption. but idk how old you are they might be tryin to scare you


Well-Known Member
They are exactly trying to scare us. But fear them not, if we didn't do shit wrong they can't do shit to us. I need to know more about rights, and what to do.


Well-Known Member
They are exactly trying to scare us. But fear them not, if we didn't do shit wrong they can't do shit to us. I need to know more about rights, and what to do.
bug the SHIT out of em.

ask em questions. learn their names. say hi. try to make friends.


Well-Known Member
I might consider contacting an attorney to see what they recommend.

I would also start complaining about the noises your neighbors wife makes as she is beaten by her husband, and also the noises the children make during the day- when the neighbors wife isn't around.

You live next to some sick individuals.
Real good idea! I think this should really be taken into consideration!

:peace: - Skinz


Well-Known Member
Get out your cell phone, turn on the camera, start taking pictures and shut your mouth. Cops don't like pictures. If you do open your mouth it should be to say something like, "Just one more picture please officer......(His or he name is on their body somewhere,) my dad doesn't believe me when I tell him you and I are friends and I need to show him."


Well-Known Member
LOL cops talk a lot of shit, they are aloud to say what ever they want to you. First thing i would to is contact the police themselves and ask to speak to whomever is in charge. Tell him you dont like being harassed and if it continues you will be contacting an attorney(i wouldnt think a guilty person would call the cops and complain) then file a complaint with your neighbor for filing a fake police report. After that i would call the local news(i dont know if they do it everywhere but my local news loves to investigate people getting shafted). If all that doesnt work get a video camera and just start recording your neighbors all day while your home, you will either catch them doing something or disturb them so much that they move


Well-Known Member
Very weird. Special Units don't fuck with people. They have to make a quota every month or they are gone. If this is a Gang Unit, you are in some shit. They think they have something on you to mess with you. If this were just the regular po po then it might be harassment, but, I know that special units will not waste their time UNLESS they have something. Watch your back and don't carry anything on you! They can pat you down whenever they want.

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
Get out your cell phone, turn on the camera, start taking pictures and shut your mouth. Cops don't like pictures. If you do open your mouth it should be to say something like, "Just one more picture please officer......(His or he name is on their body somewhere,) my dad doesn't believe me when I tell him you and I are friends and I need to show him."
and ask for badge numbers, they probably are not going to give them to you, but they may feel threatened if they know what's going on is against procedure. You are going to need to try to read their initial reaction to the request.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
fucken gang unit think they have higher ranks so they can harass us, what happen to our political rights?
They are not your "political" rights.... they are your CONSTITUTIONAL rights and your CIVIL rights.

Specifically, the 5th Amendment (Constitutional Right) says you have the right to remain silent

Police brutality is the intentional use of excessive force, usually physical, but also in the form of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation. This is a violation of your Civil Rights.

If the police are harassing you and following you based on nothing more then a neighbor's phone call then I'd say they are violating your Civil Rights. If they are trying to pressure you into speaking and incriminating yourself without actually arresting you then they are trying to get you to voluntarily set aside your 5th Amendment Rights (cheap shot... but they do it).

IMO, nothing speaks more then a video with sound these days. Keep a video cam corder with you .... ESPECIALLY when home on your own property. Mine is a small handy cam and it even has a remote control... which means you can set it down and have it cover your front porch / yard and not have it recording until you hit the remote button. No need to waste tape... just set it up and keep the remote in your pocket.... when the cops roll up... hit the REC button on the remote... the cops won't even know they are being recorded.

Staying silent and only answering your name will likely aggravate them and it would be interesting to see what you capture on tape. If you do get them on tape.... take it to a lawyer and they can help you file a harassment complaint... or perhaps lawsuit depending on how far the harassment goes and what you catch on tape.

Good luck!!!

P.S. I would skip the advice about calling the cops on your neighbors.... that will only give them ammunition to bring you in and question you about the accusations. Your goal is to get the cops off your back... not to give them a valid reason to roll up and ask you questions.

The best way to get back at your neighbors is to take away their power of getting the cops to come out with a phone call. Getting the cops to stop harassing you via a formal complaint against them (backed up with video). The next time your neighbors call them they might just tell them to stop calling with false accusations. Be smart... use your brain... not your anger ;)


Well-Known Member
As someone who drinks with a lot of cops (including SWAT officers) a lot let me give you some pointers.

1. "Urbanware" screams "I am either involved in crime or would like everyone to think I am"
2. When you make contact with the police try not to sound like you were raised on the streets. No "hey dawg, I ain't got no straps in my pad hommie", say "officer, I am really not sure why you guys are here, none of us even own firearms". Instead of "dem biotchez next door yust be hatin cause we got da dopest chronic dawg", "officer, I really think what is going on is that my next door neighbors have some sort of grudge agaisnt us, we have been over there in the past to see if we could resolve the issue but they refuse to even talk to us."

That right there will allow the officer to drop his guard a little since he knows none of your "hommiez iz gunna be poppin a cap up in dat pigz ass".


Well-Known Member
If you got the Gang Unit they must have really laid it on thick. Sunnysideup hit the nail right on the head. These dudes don't fuck with people just for the sake of doing it. They have much more pressing issues to deal with. I would def contact and attorney, and also file a report on your neighbors...don't make up any vindictive BS stories. Go file a legit report against them. This way it takes some heat off you, and it makes the police think twice before they answer another complaint. BTW do you live in a house or Apt?


Well-Known Member
I would think you would have to stop getting high outside and move it indoors so they don't have a reason to come by and check on you. If you aren't outside then you can't be messed with...


Well-Known Member
dang, they are even saying, that they will BUST us UP for some shit. I took that as a threat but as a youngen i seriously don't know what to do. If i remain silent can they still put me in? How about if they want to search me ?

How old are you?


Well-Known Member
Stay out of trouble for a couple of weeks and the cops will find something else to do.

All that stuff about complaining to the commanding officer or threatening legal action would not be helpful.


Well-Known Member
Number one- don't make the situation worse by being confrontational (like cameras or asking for badge numbers) or doing anything potentially illegal (like calling in a false report on your neighbors).

Number two- know your rights, what they can and can't do. Here is a crash course: YouTube - BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters
The last part of it deals with police stopping you on the street and questioning you etc.

And remember, the police are trained in manipulating the system in order to get their work done. Often they see the system of civil rights and rules they have to follow as being in the way of what they are trying to do. The difference between you and them is that they KNOW all the rules and WILL use them against you if you slip up. So don't do anything that will get you in more trouble and just let this shit blow over they don't have the time to harass innocent people all day every day, eventually they will go away.

Oh and the best advice on here- Get in touch with an attorney!! (they are your way of evening the playing field when it comes to manipulating the system!). Also consider filing a complaint for your neighbors' false report. You can probably also file a complaint for harassment as well-but like many people said if you can, talk to an attorney. They will tell you exactly what you can/should do....and what you shouldn't.