The fall of the house of Clinton

She's a republipuke Jim..just so we're on the same page..who's administration is investigating Mrs. Clinton?

C'est la vie said the old folks you know can never tell..:lol:

Well, That would be BarryO's administration that is investigating . Who is in charge of the FBI? It's been out of the republicans hands sense last summer. But you know that already, don't you? TRUMP!
... Clinton in the White House...we stay on track for a $30 trillion debt. ... you chuckleheads bring on your own financial demise.

wasn't the debt going down the last time a clinton was in the white house?


I'll be eating rib eyes, while you put out fires on your children's backs and beg for assistance that won't be coming. I won't be saying "I told you so", but I sure will be thinking it. I'll also be buying dirt cheap assets and stock, probably doubling my net worth...again.

you also claimed that obama would lose by 14 points to romney.

do you ever make a correct prediction, ever, even once?

she is a traitor .....she should be brought up on treason charges then fried in the chair like the Rosenbergs

they had less real proof of those charges(Clinton did everything that got those ppl killed) ......she also tried to hide the fact that she did it by destroying the actual Hard drive instead of handing it over to techs to see if it was accessed by anyone (cliniton server someone hacked it ...just for bragging rights or to mess with the bitch) ......turning over hard copies of the e-mails to slow down investigation and even fucked that up .....we only got what they allowed out what more is hidden

the sad fact is she is going to get away with it ........i am betting before barry leaves office she will get a pardon clearing her of all past crimes from a set date (ending the whole thing before it hits the court lvl sealing the investigation completely)
Do you think she and Bill made copies of the white house keys in the 1990s and are gonna move in whether she gets elected or not?

The White House doors don't have locks anymore. They let just anyone and anything in there now. The past 8 years are evidence.
I believe that eventually an indictment recommendation will be sent to the Justice Department. Whether Justice is actually served is up for debate...

Yeah, I am not certain of an indictment either. That is up to Obama's DOJ, after all, but Hillary is toast in any case. The FBI will be in turmoil if DOJ refuses to indict, and the details of her crime will be leaked. Even the liberal press is recognizing her crime. Even some Democrats are trying to put some distance between themselves and the stench.

Bill is a serial rapist, but likable. HillDawg is a criminal and is not likable.
Yeah, I am not certain of an indictment either. That is up to Obama's DOJ, after all, but Hillary is toast in any case. The FBI will be in turmoil if DOJ refuses to indict, and the details of her crime will be leaked. Even the liberal press is recognizing her crime. Even some Democrats are trying to put some distance between themselves and the stench.

Bill is a serial rapist, but likable. HillDawg is a criminal and is not likable.
Hillary will be indicted.

That slippery snake seems to slither out of the tightest spots. It's because the liberal media and her sycophants, professional or otherwise, cover for her.

FWIW, the FBI do not have any legal authority. All they can do is investigate & report their findings. The rest is up to a judge to indict.....whatever.