The fall of the house of Clinton

That slippery snake seems to slither out of the tightest spots. It's because the liberal media and her sycophants, professional or otherwise, cover for her.

FWIW, the FBI do not have any legal authority. All they can do is investigate & report their findings. The rest is up to a judge to indict.....whatever.

Actually, it is up to the attorney general to indict. The FBI is going to recommend indictment. The evidence against HillDawg is mountainous. If Loretta refuses to indict, there will be hell to pay.
Actually, it is up to the attorney general to indict. The FBI is going to recommend indictment. The evidence against HillDawg is mountainous. If Loretta refuses to indict, there will be hell to pay.

Batter up!.. I believe this will finish the Clintons. LOL I was looking forward to a TRUMP/CLINTON debate, but not much of a chance of that now. LOL LOL LOL TRUMP!
Big time indictment email stuff released today. She is toast.

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maybe if you didn;t live in such a shithole house in a shithole armpit of the california desert, you wouldn;t be so bitter and jealous about successful people like hillary.

better luck to your sons, george. although, didn;t one fail basic training and the other is an alcoholic?

well, at least your wife is fat as shit.

It's not nice to deride a forum members wife sir. It's a shitty thing to do.
you clearly don't know what the word covet means.

does it piss you off that i am mocking the obesity of your fellow klansman's wife?

No, I've come to expect your rudeness as part of the show. I get worried about you when you aren't being a douche.
No, I've come to expect your rudeness as part of the show. I get worried about you when you aren't being a douche.

rudeness is desert dude's wife being morbidly obese and depending on my taxpayer dollars for her socialized government medicare.

do you have any idea how much money fat, unhealthy welfare leeches like her are costing healthy, active taxpayers like me?
Interesting how when a person actually goes to work and has taxes taken from their pay they aren't so fast to want to give it away. It was so much easier to give away other people's money...
Interesting how when a person actually goes to work and has taxes taken from their pay they aren't so fast to want to give it away. It was so much easier to give away other people's money...
I would happily pay twice as much on Medicare taxes and get on Medicare.
I work a full time job and a part time job 6 days a week.
A reminder. Republican states are the biggest welfare moochers in the country
I would happily pay twice as much on Medicare taxes and get on Medicare.
I work a full time job and a part time job 6 days a week.
A reminder. Republican states are the biggest welfare moochers in the country

Lets end that by eliminating welfare. You hate Republicans so that should make you happy....
Lets end that by eliminating welfare. You hate Republicans so that should make you happy....

That's not the is to make those that vote right and use left resources..understand why they need to vote left..that's the disconnect.

The typical answer is pie in the sky thinking..I plan to be wealthy someday or I plan to win the lotto.

Great! You have a FUTURE plan but not representative of you today.

Vote for YOU..for TODAY.

Those that still can't/won't get it through their heads are simply racist fucks who support GOP party of white religious fanatics.
rudeness is desert dude's wife being morbidly obese and depending on my taxpayer dollars for her socialized government medicare.

do you have any idea how much money fat, unhealthy welfare leeches like her are costing healthy, active taxpayers like me?

It's so cute when you advocate slave on slave discipline...slave.
Interesting how when a person actually goes to work and has taxes taken from their pay they aren't so fast to want to give it away. It was so much easier to give away other people's money...

i am self employed, so i get to pay 15.3% FICA, which is double of what mere employees pay, and i wouldn;t mind paying even more.

i just wish the fat fucks i am supporting, like desert dude and his morbidly obese wife, would have some self respect. not merely for my sake and my taxpayer dollars, but for their own sake. i mean, who wants to go through life all fat and unhealthy like that?

it really must suck even more than being a poverty ridden, subsistence farming, racial segregationist who advocates for pedophilia, like rob roy.
i am self employed, so i get to pay 15.3% FICA, which is double of what mere employees pay, and i wouldn;t mind paying even more.

i just wish the fat fucks i am supporting, like desert dude and his morbidly obese wife, would have some self respect. not merely for my sake and my taxpayer dollars, but for their own sake. i mean, who wants to go through life all fat and unhealthy like that?

it really must suck even more than being a poverty ridden, subsistence farming, racial segregationist who advocates for pedophilia, like rob roy.

You seem to love your chains slave.

You said "you get to pay 15.3%..." Do you view that as a benefit, other people threatening you harm if you don't pick cotton fast enough for them ?