The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

The Atlantic wolf fish is a top predator, and with a row of long sharp teeth that can often be seen protruding from its mouth, it can inflict a very painful bite. They can grow up to five feet long, and weigh up to 50 pounds. They mainly feed on smaller fish and crustaceans.

"It killed everything in the trap," Knowles says in the video.
Knowles is a fisherman known for catching lobsters off Maine. Lobsters are caught using traps, which occasionally lure in other species, such as this wolf fish.
"We don't get them very often, they're protected," Knowles says in the video. "We let them go as soon as we get them. I guess we'll give him a snack seeing as he's already killed everything."

I lost half of my last joint on the river bank last night, it might sound trivial but it was raining and breezy not to mention i wanted to be in the river there was sea trout around.
I landed 3 sea trout between 2-3lb lost one other and had a few solid hits that didn't stick, it was great night.
One of the fish was bleeding so I dispatched it.
It's surprising what you bump into during the night.
I love sea trout fishing in particular.
I hit the store up earlier planning on heading out shortly. Too dam hot for am for me lol. Small rant but when the… did VMC surpass Gamakatsu in price. Not saying vmc isn’t decent but 5 pk 3/0 ewg 6.99? Gamas same size quantity was 4.99?
I was out last night for sea trout but caught nothing, there was a few fish jumping early on but they weren't interested in anything i put to them later in the night, like brown trout they seem to switch off when it's gets cold.

I had a great night last week in the same spot so I was optimistic but no cigar.

Getting ready for action.
Then the wait for darkness to fall.
Walking back to the car around 1.30am I bumped into this little character.
A hedge hog.
The spines aren't big but they're sharp af.