The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

Here on the rivers its amazing how many people think they’re doing good by chucking them up out of the water if they hook one. They think they’re doing the salmon a favor.. problem is you’ll see dead suckers up on the bank because allot of people think they’re killing a squawfish.
They actually taste good. We catch and chop em up into chunks. Best catfish bait hands down fresh kill sucker. Drain the blood and then soak the chunks in the blood use right away or vac seal and freeze.
I'll use the whole head on a rig for the whoppers
Or a nice 12" sucker under a float... Almost guaranteed musky
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They actually taste good. We catch and chop em up into chunks. Best catfish bait hands down fresh kill sucker. Drain the blood and then soak the chunks in the blood use right away or vac seal and freeze.
I'll use the whole head on a rig for the whoppers
Or a nice 12" sucker under a float... Almost guaranteed musky
All those uses and I just tossed it back lmfao.
They actually taste good. We catch and chop em up into chunks. Best catfish bait hands down fresh kill sucker. Drain the blood and then soak the chunks in the blood use right away or vac seal and freeze.
I'll use the whole head on a rig for the whoppers
Or a nice 12" sucker under a float... Almost guaranteed musky
Quick question. Do these white suckers usually live in saltwater? That's where he hit my jig.
They don't live around here. Someone planted either them or pike (don't remember which) into a mountain lake and they had to kill off everything in it to prevent them from spreading.

that's why we have laws against transporting live fish from place to place here. Must have been 40 years ago now some dumb-ass probably from AB released pike minnows he was using for live bait into a lake in BC that had a distinct species of trout so they first had to catch a bunch of the trout to take to a hatchery for breeding. Then they poisoned the lake with rotedone to wipe everything out and a year later re-introduced the trout back into the lake. This lake would eventually end up with it's waters making their way to the Fraser River and if the pike spread into there it could devastate the salmon fishery.

Same type of thing with worms when more dumb-asses toss their worms into woods, and usually the tub too, where there are no natural worms. the f'ers breed like crazy and devour all the leaf litter and thin soil that is part of the forest ecosystem. Can wipe out a lot of forest over a period of years.
