The forbidden TRUTH

Like this loving post to petflora above?

"LOL sacred people waking up? Do you have something you want to discuss so I can tell you how wrong your atheist theories are?" '

You condemned his beliefs before he even got a chance to post them. You also tell everyone with beliefs differing from your own that they will be not simply killed, but torture indefinitely. You're so immersed in your Cult of Hate that you cannot even recognize your dogma as hateful. My posts' content is for others, but the insults are for you...

I do know his "beliefs" which is not GOD and His Son GOD JESUS CHRIST, those other "religions" preach hate and murder and racism. I am stating that people who hurt and kill and rape and torture will go to hell yes, unless they change there life around. If some murderer is running killing people is it not logical to kill him to stop him from hurting others? or is his evil ways more important then the lives of many?
Yes, beliefs. You seeing it as truth does not make it so. There is not empirical evidence for any of it, just like most other religions. I understand everything you say, it is you who cannot comprehend the more advanced concepts of others...

No we have been over this need I copy and paste? If we can communicate with GOD when we follow the laws of righteousness and seek repentance through GOD's Son GOD Jesus Christ it is undeniable proof. And to know what scripture is real we have to look for contradictions.
My posts aren't really for you, George, as you are a lost cause. They are for other members who may need a break from your hateful bullshit. I wouldn't come to you with questions about anything, your mind is ignorant and feeble...

People decide what they read on the internet, why would someone "need a break" like someone is forcing them not to stop reading what I posted? Being angry and acting like someone is forcing you to reply is ridiculous. That's like saying someone is being forced to read what I posted, and stuck doing it over and over or something? Like without a break? This isn't like a chat room with me repeating the same message or something? What are you talking about?
No we have been over this need I copy and paste? If we can communicate with GOD when we follow the laws of righteousness and seek repentance through GOD's Son GOD Jesus Christ it is undeniable proof. And to know what scripture is real we have to look for contradictions.

You may believe/say you are communicating with god, this does not make it so, and repeating it does not bring your ideas closer to reality. You have absolutely no empirical evidence, that includes the ignorant scripture that you post...
ummm.... You guys know RIU does have rules . Lets keep be polite
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.
People decide what they read on the internet, why would someone "need a break" like someone is forcing them not to stop reading what I posted? Being angry and acting like someone is forcing you to reply is ridiculous. That's like saying someone is being forced to read what I posted, and stuck doing it over and over or something? Like without a break? This isn't like a chat room with me repeating the same message or something? What are you talking about?

I don't recall ever being angry at anything I've ever read on the net, you? The rest of your post are all strawmen, seemingly your favorite logical fallacy. Next to the burden of proof, of course...
You may believe/say you are communicating with god, this does not make it so, and repeating it does not bring your ideas closer to reality. You have absolutely no empirical evidence, that includes the ignorant scripture that you post...
Well I told you how to obtain first hand communication with GOD THE POWER, and HIS SON LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.
If I told you a million dollars was in a box and it was, but because you didn't open it yet it can't be true?
ummm.... You guys know RIU does have rules . Lets keep be polite
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.

I haven't seen any warnings yet, so I think we're okay. The mods will not save you. Carry on...
ummm.... You guys know RIU does have rules . Lets keep be polite
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.

Bit meek.
Well I told you how to obtain first hand communication with GOD THE POWER, and HIS SON LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.
If I told you a million dollars was in a box and it was, but because you didn't open it yet it can't be true?

Do you ever feel shame at your lack of cognitive ability and logic skills?