• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
Then you need a LOT of sun! Taking into consideration how much assistance you need in this area...
I don't want to live on the computer, but I assure you I can copy and paste answers I have given quickly if you continue to ask questions I have answered. Also further spam will result in being reported.
However if you have something I haven't already covered, I will be more then willing to answer any new questions.
This isn't a place for insults, egos, and spam. I ask that you all act in polite manner and don't sink to the level of insults when you get frustrated that everything you say is literally being broken down before you as false propaganda. By childish magazines like "national geographic" "science" and kids shows like "PBS" that can put anything they want in there magazine/show.
This post suggests that even you are starting to realize how badly you've been trounced in this debate. You nauseatingly source only ONE crackpot over and over and simply repeat the erroneous things you have said many times already. Your debate style is very dishonest and basically consists of ignoring evidence (probably because you genuinely don't understand it) and repeating misinformation. You could at least make the effort of finding other erroneous sources so's not to bore us to death, but you are too lazy to even do that. The more you post, the more you push members away. Even others that may be more support if it weren't for your dishonesty and obvious desperation. I'm telling you, my friend, much smarter men than you have attempted to do the same thing as you, and they have failed miserably each and every time. You have no chance. Why not put down that silly old book of myths, acquire an elementary school science education, and step into the 21st century like the rest of us? Yes, it can be a scary place, but it's infinitely more rewarding than compulsively living your lie...

P.S. PBS is not a show, and most of it's programming is not designed for children. No wonder your mind is where it is...


Well-Known Member
The only actually post to response to would be pen, and I did it before. Pen you asked me questions and demonstrated your complete ignorance of THE HOLY BIBLE and you said you read it. Which is why I said you are lying. And know your lying.
Love you all starting not to care about the spam it's helping boost replies and views so until next time!


Well-Known Member
The only actually post to response to would be pen, and I did it before. Pen you asked me questions and demonstrated your complete ignorance of THE HOLY BIBLE and you said you read it. Which is why I said you are lying. And know your lying.
Love you all starting not to care about the spam it's helping boost replies and views so until next time!
Indeed. If it weren't for 'spam', this thread would have near zero replies...


Well-Known Member
Then you need a LOT of sun! Taking into consideration how much assistance you need in this area...

This post suggests that even you are starting to realize how badly you've been trounced in this debate. You nauseatingly source only ONE crackpot over and over and simply repeat the erroneous things you have said many times already. Your debate style is very dishonest and basically consists of ignoring evidence (probably because you genuinely don't understand it) and repeating misinformation. You could at least make the effort of finding other erroneous sources so's not to bore us to death, but you are too lazy to even do that. The more you post, the more you push members away. Even others that may be more support if it weren't for your dishonesty and obvious desperation. I'm telling you, my friend, much smarter men than you have attempted to do the same thing as you, and they have failed miserably each and every time. You have no chance. Why not put down that silly old book of myths, acquire an elementary school science education, and step into the 21st century like the rest of us? Yes, it can be a scary place, but it's infinitely more rewarding than compulsively living your lie...

P.S. PBS is not a show, and most of it's programming is not designed for children. No wonder your mind is where it is...


Well-Known Member
By the way people are acting you would think I killed there dog or something. You think people would be happy someone took the time from there own life to blatantly show you the ignorance of your religion.


Well-Known Member
I prove the ignorance of your religion so I get insulted?
I took time out of my life to answer all the questions about THE HOLY BIBLE, and to thoroughly destroyed the misconception you have ANY reason to suggest what your religion claims, and that it's completely impossible. Without the minuscule chance of being right.
I assure you, walking in the path of righteousness is unfathomably awesome. Walking in the path of insanity and destruction brings no joy, only curses and eventually without being born again....condemnation of eternity of the lake of fire. (which I wish on no man) And before we all know it we will be dead, and it's not going to be something anyone can just ignore then. You could hypothetically die today.
So to the people who have read this, and are persistent that they are right, based off nothing.... other then you think your actions aren't evil is beyond insanity.
Why you are so persistent for this destruction I will never know.
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Well-Known Member
Thats the thing Ghosty,,you really havent proven anything,even with the absurd amounts of scripture and crackpot circular arguements you post.What religion do you speak of BTW?If you answer Darwinism, youre simply trolling and cant be taken seriously with that answer,so dont be that stupid.
Your right about one thing,when we die we are no longer capable of ignorance or anything else for that matter,you think your getting out of life alive because some imaginary words of salvation saved you?Lol that is silly.Time to step off of the high-horse of your beliefs,it really clouds your better judgment.
I for one dont care to personaly insult you but I call BS where I see it and you have posted plenty of it to call out,repeatedly.


Well-Known Member
Everything you just posted states that the body of humans and creatures have the ability to be acclimated which was the starting point of darwins theory. There is no proof that human beings come from bacteria or any creature ever. I'm sure you got excited at this misleading presentation but read what you posted. Your'e saying that I said animals and human beings flesh are not similar, they are very similar in someways but our soul is nothing like theirs. I'm not asking you to prove survival of the fittest ether, which this mentions, or how animals belonging to the same gene pool can mate with other animals making adaptions to their body. All dogs and cats are mixed breeds, and different nationalities have different traits skin, eyes, face ect. That change based on your partner in your gene pool. Our skin and body also will become more resilient to sun, or weather the longer we endure it. GOD's creation is awesome. Darwins theory is that this proves his theory. I already knew this. I know what your religion believes, this is what you think of as holy scripture. Now where is the proof that
germs=Human beings
germs= made creation matter and light
germs made germs or germs have always been. Matter can't create mater unless it's THE ALMIGHTY OMNIPOTENT GOD
I will begin to ask you questions knowing the answer to prove your religion is wrong if you want me too. But you said you have proof I know what you think but I want your proof. This is like a islam man posting Qu'ran saying "this this is proof!" I would tell him the same thing i'm telling you this isn't proof this is your theory I already knew your blasphemous cult theory. I would then ask for proof again so where is all your proof you speak of? (asking knowing the answer because I am a witness of GOD) Then if you want I can begin to ask you questions ( knowing the answers) to have blatantly show you the irrational and obscure view your'e being tricked into.
- Post 804 answering your post 803
Response to your post not liking this post
And Claiming all creatures are built a certain way to swim, run, fly ect. is clearly proof of GOD not that bacteria are constantly trying to evolve into human beings with the ability also to be monkeys, elephants, giraffe, ect. lol this is a horrible blaspheme theory based on the noticing how animals are all built in a certain way to pertaining to how they live? So instead realizing GOD made everything the way it is for a reason stars, sun, earth temp, earth spin, all the animals and your fingers and toes, body ect. Your religion says "that's impossible you have never seen that happened so believe something else you have never seen that people and animals constantly evolve from bacteria and we don't know anything else but this is right we are positive, and even though there is no bacteria forming into creatures or humans or anything in which would EVER suggest this, we have no evidence at all for this idea, but because all the other options are wrong because we say science doesn't support that a being can create things, because we haven't seen it.? Well science says your'e wrong because batter can't create something from nothing, Only THE CREATOR GOD can.


Well-Known Member
Every marine Biologist knows what the Hen bone is and what it's used for it's not legs. It's a pelvic bone designed by GOD for mating "hen" bone
http://www.trueorigin.org/ng_whales01.asp Doesn't list speculation it's listing facts
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakicetus is very clear that some people THINK that, but that's not based off evidence.
Pakicetus is an extinct genus of amphibious cetacean of the family Pakicetidae which was endemic to the Eocene of Pakistan.[1]The vast majority of paleontologists regard it as the most basal whale.
-If this was fact with real evidence all paleontologist would agree.
Pakicetus was originally described as being a mesonychid, but later research reclassified it as an early cetacean due to characteristic features of the inner ear found only incetaceans; namely, the large auditory bulla is formed from the ectotympanicbone only. It was then believed to be descended from mesonychids, according to Gingerich & Russell 1981. However, the redescription of the primitive, semi-aquatic artiodactyl Indohyus, and the discovery of its cetacean-like inner ear simultaneously put an end to the idea that whales were descended from mesonychids, while demonstrating that Pakicetus, and all other cetaceans, are artiodactyls. Thus, Pakicetus represents a transitional taxon between extinct land mammals and modern cetaceans.[4]
- Gingerich again but then corrects himself when he finds what he calls "new evidence" LOL
-Gingerich also from the 2001 November issue on the walking whales LOL which
It was illustrated on the cover of Science as a semiaquatic, vaguely crocodilelike mammal, diving after fish.[5]

- LOL completely not what it looks like on wikipedia
Somewhat more complete skeletal remains were discovered in 2001, prompting the view that Pakicetus was primarily a land animal about the size of a wolf, and very similar in form to the related mesonychids. Thewissen et al. 2001 wrote that "Pakicetids were terrestrial mammals, no more amphibious than a tapir."[6]
However, Thewissen et al. 2009 argued that "the orbits ... of these cetaceans were located close together on top of the skull, as is common in aquatic animals that live in water but look at emerged objects. Just like Indohyus, limb bones of pakicetids areosteosclerotic, also suggestive of aquatic habitat"[7] (since heavy bones provide ballast). "This peculiarity could indicate thatPakicetus could stand in water, almost totally immersed, without losing visual contact with the air."[8]
The Pakicetus skeleton reveals several details regarding the creature's unique senses, and provides a newfound ancestral link between terrestrial and aquatic animals. As previously mentioned, the Pakicetus' upward-facing eye placement was a significant indication of its habitat. Even more so, however, was its auditory abilities. Like all other cetaceans, Pakicetus had a thickened skull bone known as the auditory bulla, which was specialized for underwater hearing.[9] Cetaceans also all categorically exhibit a large mandibular foramen within the lower jaw, which holds a fat pack and extends towards the ear, both of which are also associated with underwater hearing. "Pakicetus is the only cetacean in which the mandibular foramen is small, as is the case in all terrestrial animals. It thus lacked the fat pad, and sounds reached its eardrum following the external auditory meatus as in terrestrial mammals. Thus the hearing mechanism of Pakicetus is the only known intermediate between that of land mammals and aquatic cetaceans."[10]With both the auditory and visual senses in mind, as well as the typical diet of Pakicetus, one might assume the creature was able to attack both aquatic and terrestrial prey from a low vantage point.
- Your basically reading this and thinking because this creature isn't just like another one, it's got to be in the middle of it evolving phase LOL
None of the features in question are any evidence of an evolutionary relationship. Even evolutionists admit that most of the theoretical relationships built on the basis of anatomical similarities between animals are completely untrustworthy. If the marsupial Tasmanian wolf and the common placental wolf had both been extinct for a long time, then it is no doubt that evolutionists would picture them in the same taxon and define them as very close relatives. However, we know that these two different animals, although strikingly similar in their anatomy, are very far from each other in the supposed evolutionary tree of life. (In fact their similarity indicates common design—not common descent.) Pakicetus, which National Geographicdeclared to be a ‘walking whale,’ was a unique species harboring different features in its body. In fact, Carroll, an authority on vertebrate paleontology, describes the Mesonychid family, of whichPakicetus should be a member, as “exhibiting an odd combination of characters.”[3] Such prominent evolutionists as Gould accept that ‘mosaic creatures’ of this type cannot be considered as transitional forms.
Do you think the duck billed platypus turning into a complete duck?
So your'e saying GOD can't create creation and has always been? but the Universe can create and has always been? That's literally believing in something that you claim is impossible.
"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous. The only reason GOD is before everything is because GOD is a living omnipotent being that you cannot fathom. Before the beginning GOD was."- page 43


Well-Known Member
Ghost, you quote Stephen Jay Gould in your rant but you have no idea who he is or what he does.

This is a small abstract from the description of Dr. Gould;

Gould's most significant contribution to evolutionary biology was the theory of punctuated equilibrium, which he developed with Niles Eldredge in 1972.[2] The theory proposes that most evolution is marked by long periods of evolutionary stability, which is punctuated by rare instances of branching evolution. The theory was contrasted against phyletic gradualism, the popular idea that evolutionary change is marked by a pattern of smooth and continuous change in the fossil record.

Most of Gould's empirical research was based on the land snail genera Poecilozonites and Cerion. He also contributed to evolutionary developmental biology, and has received wide praise for his book Ontogeny and Phylogeny. In evolutionary theory he opposed strict selectionism, sociobiology as applied to humans, and evolutionary psychology. He campaigned against creationism and proposed that science and religion should be considered two distinct fields (or "magisteria") whose authorities do not overlap.[3]
You're such an idiot you don't even know what it is you're posting. You post shit from a known Islamic creationist fraud, who's a joke of a scholar and expect us to take you seriously, then you use the arguments of an evolutionary biologist who is diametrically opposed to creationism in an attempt to prove creationism.

You have got to be the dumbest fuck on RIU.


Well-Known Member
If god is supposedly loving and benevolent why did he create atheists/Muslims/Hindus/Toaists/ etc., knowing they would be tortured for eternity in hell? He would have already known what choices they were going to make, but either a) didn't give a shit that they were going to hell or b) was powerless to stop them from going to hell.

Those are the only two options. Gods inaction is either neglect and apathy or malevolence. So is he lazy and apathetic or evil?


Well-Known Member
"I don't know what i'm posting" because one of the sources is published by a man who is islamic? What about wikipedia and the rest of the world? are they not creditable? Do you claim to have some sort of further insight or evidence that could support these wild impossible allegations? If you think you can someone how prove your theory of why these six skeletons have any signs of evolution please do so and stop your pointless insults to a person who's life you can never have a negative impact on. Besides explaining the obvious facts about the animals traits based upon it's living environment which in no way suggest your religion plausible. Which in fact explains a creator.

And if you copy and paste something from the past, or something that just states the obvious like things from the past such as, living things are made up of similar matter, or Animals have body's that match there function (LOL) then you will cease again to prove my point at how unapproachable you are.


Well-Known Member
If you read the first post I said which is how this thread started it explains how mankind made these religions and how if you read these versions you can see clearly the contradictions and how THE HOLY BIBLE is true and these were just merely taken from and severely altered. Which religion would you like to know contradictions to?


Well-Known Member
You really want to believe the impossible, world and matter came from nothing and people evolve from germs as well as every thing.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
and light and water and man and women and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop and not question how they could do this or where they came from, or why you are physically made the way you are.
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now. Because in reality things just decompose and die and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets.
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.


Well-Known Member
"I don't know what i'm posting" because one of the sources is published by a man who is islamic?
No, he's a known fraud. The fact that he's an Islamic creationist just adds fuel to the fire. Nothing about his article is credible.

What about wikipedia and the rest of the world? are they not creditable?
Wiki has links to credible sources. Wiki itself, should be a starting point. The rest of the world has nothing to do with this. Virtually every scientist in any field that has to do with the study of evolution, agrees in consensus that evolution is real and is happening (we've actually watched genetic mutation happen in real time). I've already posted at least a few DOZEN methods we've gathered evidence. The amount of evidence is in the hundreds of thousands or millions. There are myriad papers, all peer-reviewed, that detail the various methods we have verified the theory of evolution.

Do you claim to have some sort of further insight or evidence that could support these wild impossible allegations?
I've posted dozens of methods we use for verifying evolution. I'm not re-posting them because you're too fucking dumb to click on the links in the previous posts.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence_of_common_descent <--- start reading.

If you think you can someone how prove your theory of why these six skeletons have any signs of evolution please do so and stop your pointless insults to a person who's life you can never have a negative impact on. Besides explaining the obvious facts about the animals traits based upon it's living environment which in no way suggest your religion plausible. Which in fact explains a creator.
Your religion has made it impossible for you to see evidence. Explaining anything further to you would just be a waste of time as you're not able to comprehend what I'm telling you.


And if you copy and paste something from the past, or something that just states the obvious like things from the past such as, living things are made up of similar matter, or Animals have body's that match there function (LOL) then you will cease again to prove my point at how unapproachable you are.
Living things aren't made up of similar matter, it's so similar that it proves common descent. This is not a matter of opinion, it's a fact. You are a fact-denier.

It's also a fact that many animals have vestigial bones and organs, proving that their bodies once served a different function. The poor design of our bodies is also proof that we evolved from another species.

Our chromosomes, our DNA, or bone structure, our vestigial organs and bones, and many, many more things all point towards common ancestry. It paints a full and beautiful picture of how we came to be, and it does it exceptionally accurately.

The problem is, you don't share the same values as we do. It's pointless for us to appeal to science when you don't believe in science. It's pointless for us to appeal to logic when you don't believe in logic.

YOU are the type of person being described in this video;



Well-Known Member
"I don't know what i'm posting" because one of the sources is published by a man who is islamic? What about wikipedia and the rest of the world? are they not creditable? Do you claim to have some sort of further insight or evidence that could support these wild impossible allegations? If you think you can someone how prove your theory of why these six skeletons have any signs of evolution please do so and stop your pointless insults to a person who's life you can never have a negative impact on. Besides explaining the obvious facts about the animals traits based upon it's living environment which in no way suggest your religion plausible. Which in fact explains a creator.

And if you copy and paste something from the past, or something that just states the obvious like things from the past such as, living things are made up of similar matter, or Animals have body's that match there function (LOL) then you will cease again to prove my point at how unapproachable you are.

And if you copy and paste something from the past, or something that just states the obvious like things from the past such as, living things are made up of similar matter, or Animals have body's that match there function (LOL) then you will cease again to prove my point at how unapproachable you are.

^^ Okay so it can only be two things.
1. GOD has given you the hardened heart to let your true emotions be shown, despite all logic and unimaginable eternity being burned, not like a body with adrenaline, with only so much to burn. A soul that is immortal and doesn't melt away with no adrenaline. Which GOD said HE would do, and GOD doesn't lie.
2.You know you are just trolling and are not trying to have a intelligent conversation.


Well-Known Member
You really want to believe the impossible, world and matter came from nothing and people evolve from germs as well as every thing.
Stop telling me what I want to believe. I think matter has always existed in some form or another.

Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
No, that's what YOU think evolution is. By the way, evolution says nothing about how anything got here, it only says that changes happen to a species in the form of mutations over time. The environment then 'rewards' the organisms that have beneficial mutations and 'punishes' those without, or that have negative mutations.

and light and water and man and women and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop and not question how they could do this or where they came from, or why you are physically made the way you are.
They're not germs. I've already told you this a few times, yet you keep saying the same wrong, tired, bullshit. The first bits of life weren't germs, they were much simpler.

Humans have only existed for 0.0005% of the earths existence. What in the fuck do you think was happening on earth the other 99.9995% of the time?

And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now.
"Transforming"... LOL

They are still going through genetic mutations. We've literally watched it happen, how do you think bacteria becomes drug resistant?

Because in reality things just decompose and die and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets.
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.
What the fuck are you babbling about now? You're ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Repent through JESUS CHRIST GOD is a loving merciful and forgiving GOD.
That doesn't mean that HE will not destroy the evil like HE said HE would.